KanColle Headquarter!

I wondered who that girl on the hill was. Sure it's Taihou?
Kaga is straight up more damage, but compared to a bit more hitting Taihou can get and still be able to launch plane during moderate damage, I personally would choose Taihou over Kaga (both are great ships though). I still want to see Shinano, the Super Aircraft Carrier

If the carriers in game actually worked something more like in real life, maybe. Unfortunately hardest areas atm are typically just 3reppuu 1attacking plane setups far as carriers go because your damage source are BB w/ artillery spotting. When push comes to shove, the first slot to get cut for utility is the attacking plane for saiun/damecon/fleet command. Until the system gets revamped so that you actually don't need to stack as much aa, as long as there are nothing that has a larger slot size than Kaga, nothing is about to outperform Kaga.

Also far as damage goes Taihou outperforms for shelling (as does nikousen kai2 and RJ/hyahha k2), I'd need to double check for air preempt but I think gokousen numbers round out better there. If we ignore the efficient slot size usage for AA, Kaga is actually a pretty poor carrier.

EDIT: Oops RJ/Hyahha kai2 were only 40 atk, so I guess Kaga doesn't lose to cvls at least.

I wondered who that girl on the hill was. Sure it's Taihou?
Short cut, hurricane bow and flat. Pretty certain that it was Taihou. I'll double check later for voice and staff listing.
I wondered who that girl on the hill was. Sure it's Taihou?

The slender figure, the collar, the short hair. A lot of evidence seems to point towards Taihou. I tried to turn up my brightness/Gamma, it seems to be the outfit of Taihou as well. The only thing I can't see is her headgear, which is also another uniqueness of Taihou.

If the carriers in game actually worked something more like in real life, maybe. Unfortunately hardest areas atm are typically just 3reppuu 1attacking plane setups far as carriers go because your damage source are BB w/ artillery spotting. When push comes to shove, the first slot to get cut for utility is the attacking plane for saiun/damecon/fleet command. Until the system gets revamped so that you actually don't need to stack as much aa, as long as there are nothing that has a larger slot size than Kaga, nothing is about to outperform Kaga.

To be fair CV at the moment is way too underwhelming like you've mentioned, you just don't ever rely on them to do damage what so ever, since they're unreliable, seems to always miss especially during later/higher levels of event. They're only really there for AA, but due to the new AA cut-in mechanics introduced recently, they can technically be outperformed by a DD (namely Akizuki)with Anti-Air set up (and the new Maya Kai Ni, which is insane, with the AA stats actually higher than Musashi I think?). Though I wonder whether they'll introduce any new mechanics in the upcoming event?
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To be fair CV at the moment is way too underwhelming like you've mentioned, you just don't ever rely on them to do damage what so ever, since they're unreliable, seems to always miss especially during later/higher levels of event. They're only really there for AA, but due to the new AA cut-in mechanics introduced recently, they can technically be outperformed by a DD (namely Akizuki)with Anti-Air set up (and the new Maya Kai Ni, which is insane, with the AA stats actually higher than Musashi I think?). Though I wonder whether they'll introduce any new mechanics in the upcoming event?
False. AA superiority numbers are only calculated with planes and waterplanes. AA equipments and cutins have no bearing on the superiority calculation. Even if you wipe out all their planes with the cutins while having inferior AA values, artillery spotting will not trigger (or will trigger less depending on the level of air superiority obtained).
False. AA superiority numbers are only calculated with planes and waterplanes. AA equipments and cutins have no bearing on the superiority calculation. Even if you wipe out all their planes with the cutins while having inferior AA values, artillery spotting will not trigger (or will trigger less depending on the level of air superiority obtained).

My bad for being confusing. Yes you're right in terms of getting air superiority to the Artillery spotting, however I notice even when Air Superiority was obtained, most of the time they do not shoot down the planes, AA cut-in on the other hand is 10x more efficient to do that for some random odd reason, they're able to quite happily just shoot those planes down like no tomorrow, which is important I think? (I remember reading somewhere that someone told me that shooting the planes down during the Air Phase will render the enemy CV a lot weaker when it comes to shelling phase). So I find it how much bullshit how I can put 3 Green 2x 601 and Reppu, get Air Superiority and yet can't shoot down enemy planes, maybe RNG just hates me.
My bad for being confusing. Yes you're right in terms of getting air superiority to the Artillery spotting, however I notice even when Air Superiority was obtained, most of the time they do not shoot down the planes, AA cut-in on the other hand is 10x more efficient to do that for some random odd reason, they're able to quite happily just shoot those planes down like no tomorrow, which is important I think? (I remember reading somewhere that someone told me that shooting the planes down during the Air Phase will render the enemy CV a lot weaker when it comes to shelling phase). So I find it how much bullshit how I can put 3 Green 2x 601 and Reppu, get Air Superiority and yet can't shoot down enemy planes, maybe RNG just hates me.

Partially true, shooting down planes 'can' weaken enemy carriers if you can remove a whole slot's worth of planes. But if even one plane remains from the slot, it will be used for shelling phase damage calculation purposes. Air superiority phase plane killing rate is a RNG determined rate that shoots down by % going upward to 90%. That combined with the random selection nature of ship-based AA means that it is very hard to feel the air superiority difference by itself, particularly for shelling phase. So cutins are highly effective because it is a way to help put the bias for interception on the ship that you stack the most AA on, along with the bits of bonus from cutin.

But that isn't really the point either way, as things stand, it doesn't matter if you can shoot the planes down if you don't have the air superiority to back up the rest of your combat phase. Even if you can silence their carriers (unlikely) with AA cutins, for the most part your things are still going to blow up if something like a Re or enemy Kaga hits you. If you don't have air superiority, you can throw in enemy artillery spotting on top of that. This is why a lot of the annoying monthlies are the ones that limits carrier usage with composition requirements.

For what it is worth, I've been running AA cutin in 5-5 3bb3sub route for the last 4 months or so, can't really say that there is an improvement beyond a jinx level.
I've got a question, what do I do when the Kanmusu have the sad faces beside them?

The sad face shows that she is tired. It's better that you let her take a rest for approximately 15 minutes. If you do it, the sad face disappears.
Her fatigue will be gone after you repaired her if she has received damage.
Partially true, shooting down planes 'can' weaken enemy carriers if you can remove a whole slot's worth of planes. But if even one plane remains from the slot, it will be used for shelling phase damage calculation purposes. Air superiority phase plane killing rate is a RNG determined rate that shoots down by % going upward to 90%. That combined with the random selection nature of ship-based AA means that it is very hard to feel the air superiority difference by itself, particularly for shelling phase. So cutins are highly effective because it is a way to help put the bias for interception on the ship that you stack the most AA on, along with the bits of bonus from cutin.

But that isn't really the point either way, as things stand, it doesn't matter if you can shoot the planes down if you don't have the air superiority to back up the rest of your combat phase. Even if you can silence their carriers (unlikely) with AA cutins, for the most part your things are still going to blow up if something like a Re or enemy Kaga hits you. If you don't have air superiority, you can throw in enemy artillery spotting on top of that. This is why a lot of the annoying monthlies are the ones that limits carrier usage with composition requirements.

For what it is worth, I've been running AA cutin in 5-5 3bb3sub route for the last 4 months or so, can't really say that there is an improvement beyond a jinx level.

To me, there are close to no way to effectively deal with enemy Aircraft Carrier/Demon, at least the best thing about enemy CV is that once you Moderately damaged them, they technically is just a target without doing anything to your fleet. Getting Air Superiority is definitely a way to stop their enemy hard hitting ships like Ru/Re BB just randomly wanpun you whenever they feel like, but to me, at the moment this game is mainly just get as many ships as you can without moderately damaged to boss node, pray day battle doesn't do too bad and just have a KTKM to cut in during night battle for like 5xx damage. Honestly BB is great during day battle, but when it comes to night battle, CA/CL and DD seems to be best. I think CV is just in a really awkward position right now, because they're the last to engage (most of the time) during shelling phase, so the chance of them being moderately damage is quite high during shelling phase, though then against I suppose they did their job to get air superiority I guess, however I wish CV can do just more than that. Historically that's technically what won against Pacific war, they just out ranged the BB so much that Yamato couldn't do anything against all the CV bombardment. Its a shame, I would like to see even if it is just a historical re-enactment, if the full IJN (all ships built up until the end) against USS (all ships built including ones lost during Pearl Harbor) just doing a massive stand off, I wonder which side will win?

I want to take dips on IJN because 2 Yamato class, with the Kidou Butai as cover (I believe they were one of the biggest CV fleet existed then?) I think they stand a much much better chance, however I don't know sufficient about USS ships, I believe they've some amazing ships like Iowa, Yorktown, Essex...etc
This is what 60 something tries for Kinugasa got me.
Maybe I should just save up instead of throwing away resources on frakking LSC. =/
To me, there are close to no way to effectively deal with enemy Aircraft Carrier/Demon, at least the best thing about enemy CV is that once you Moderately damaged them, they technically is just a target without doing anything to your fleet. Getting Air Superiority is definitely a way to stop their enemy hard hitting ships like Ru/Re BB just randomly wanpun you whenever they feel like, but to me, at the moment this game is mainly just get as many ships as you can without moderately damaged to boss node, pray day battle doesn't do too bad and just have a KTKM to cut in during night battle for like 5xx damage. Honestly BB is great during day battle, but when it comes to night battle, CA/CL and DD seems to be best. I think CV is just in a really awkward position right now, because they're the last to engage (most of the time) during shelling phase, so the chance of them being moderately damage is quite high during shelling phase, though then against I suppose they did their job to get air superiority I guess, however I wish CV can do just more than that. Historically that's technically what won against Pacific war, they just out ranged the BB so much that Yamato couldn't do anything against all the CV bombardment. Its a shame, I would like to see even if it is just a historical re-enactment, if the full IJN (all ships built up until the end) against USS (all ships built including ones lost during Pearl Harbor) just doing a massive stand off, I wonder which side will win?

I want to take dips on IJN because 2 Yamato class, with the Kidou Butai as cover (I believe they were one of the biggest CV fleet existed then?) I think they stand a much much better chance, however I don't know sufficient about USS ships, I believe they've some amazing ships like Iowa, Yorktown, Essex...etc
Far as reenactment goes, most suggest that in the hypothetical scenario that Japan just rushed the US with everything that they had, barring serious tactical errors, they had a pretty good shot. The know-hows that enabled the changes to naval combat were being accumulated early on and pretty much applied for the first time during the beginnings of the war. The transformation of combat took place later as the US production capacity kicked in. If the IJN simply forced the US' hands early on and got the decisive engagements that they were going for, they probably would've had the upper hand. Let's not forget that MI was only a US success after a complete strategic fuckup from the IJN along with serious tactical blunders...into bad luck. MI was really cutting it close for the US.

Too bad the IJN doctrine was stupid and the scenario of zerging past the Pacific isn't realistic because it throws away protection of mainland Japan and the methods for them to keep getting vital resources from the Southeast front. All the what ifs couldn't have mattered in front of the political considerations that worked out for the worst, and that's ignoring how terribly ran IJN was as an organization. Honestly if we only consider the likelihood for the IJN to do stupid things, even the best case scenario for them could have turned out a US victory.

As for how the game works atm...well, if you look at fleet and equipment comps for the last few event's final stage it should be fairly obvious. They are reaching the limits of the current combat system and would need to do something more drastic if they want to avoid the current balance methods of adding more Dysons. It only underlines how important it is to get air superiority though, and until the current system gets changed significantly, Kaga will remain the #1 carrier for those reasons. Your BBs can't wipe out enough things fast enough in day for CA/northern god to clean up at night without artillery spotting. If they have spotting and you don't, you won't be able to live until night to do damage anyway. Everything hinges on air superiority, and that hinges on that single slot size.

This is coming from someone who ringed Taihou on day1, my waifu will forever be #2 at best ;;

Maybe I should just save up instead of throwing away resources on frakking LSC. =/

Assume end of April event and plan from there?
Far as reenactment goes, most suggest that in the hypothetical scenario that Japan just rushed the US with everything that they had, barring serious tactical errors, they had a pretty good shot. The know-hows that enabled the changes to naval combat were being accumulated early on and pretty much applied for the first time during the beginnings of the war. The transformation of combat took place later as the US production capacity kicked in. If the IJN simply forced the US' hands early on and got the decisive engagements that they were going for, they probably would've had the upper hand. Let's not forget that MI was only a US success after a complete strategic fuckup from the IJN along with serious tactical blunders...into bad luck. MI was really cutting it close for the US.

Too bad the IJN doctrine was stupid and the scenario of zerging past the Pacific isn't realistic because it throws away protection of mainland Japan and the methods for them to keep getting vital resources from the Southeast front. All the what ifs couldn't have mattered in front of the political considerations that worked out for the worst, and that's ignoring how terribly ran IJN was as an organization. Honestly if we only consider the likelihood for the IJN to do stupid things, even the best case scenario for them could have turned out a US victory.

xD I think actually Isoroku wanted to build more CV as he thought that CV is the next era of naval battle, however the higher ups said "No BB is the way to go" hence the Super BB Yamato and her sister Musashi was born. Man if it is not for that decision I wouldn't have been able to love the biggest BB ever built in history, its a shame that they never really got put to use other than her sister Musashi which actually stood up a fight, from what I can read she was a monster and it was so hard for them to take her down. But just from pure naval force (ignoring the factor of poor leadership) I honestly think IJN would have won against USS in a one off face off. Just imagine how scary it would be with 2 Yamatos shelling the shit out of your fleet with Kidou Butai providing cover. Man that would be one heck of a battle.
xD I think actually Isoroku wanted to build more CV as he thought that CV is the next era of naval battle, however the higher ups said "No BB is the way to go" hence the Super BB Yamato and her sister Musashi was born. Man if it is not for that decision I wouldn't have been able to love the biggest BB ever built in history, its a shame that they never really got put to use other than her sister Musashi which actually stood up a fight, from what I can read she was a monster and it was so hard for them to take her down. But just from pure naval force (ignoring the factor of poor leadership) I honestly think IJN would have won against USS in a one off face off. Just imagine how scary it would be with 2 Yamatos shelling the shit out of your fleet with Kidou Butai providing cover. Man that would be one heck of a battle.

To the best of my knowledge the whole Isoroku advocated for more CV thing was pretty exaggerated and some part of post war propaganda for face saving and pushing the blame away from visible war heroes. Even if it was true though, there are a lot of fundamental problems with the IJN and Japan at that time that made a prolonged war scenario highly unfavorable to them that spanned a pretty wide range.

If there was just a single combat to determine everything in 1941 or early 1942, though, IJN probably would have won out? It was reputed to be the best trained naval force at that point in time and the problems that would eventually plague them haven't quite surfaced yet. The US doctrine and personnel improvements didn't occur until farther into the war and most of the technological advances that made a large difference were also deployed later on.

Also I edited in a bit more about game mechanics above so take a look at the post again for it.
As for how the game works atm...well, if you look at fleet and equipment comps for the last few event's final stage it should be fairly obvious. They are reaching the limits of the current combat system and would need to do something more drastic if they want to avoid the current balance methods of adding more Dysons. It only underlines how important it is to get air superiority though, and until the current system gets changed significantly, Kaga will remain the #1 carrier for those reasons. Your BBs can't wipe out enough things fast enough in day for CA/northern god to clean up at night without artillery spotting. If they have spotting and you don't, you won't be able to live until night to do damage anyway. Everything hinges on air superiority, and that hinges on that single slot size.

This is coming from someone who ringed Taihou on day1, my waifu will forever be #2 at best ;;

Sigh, I still want to see the CV being changed round, its just stupid for them to only be used for air superiority. Historically it is what the later war was pretty much about, therefore I don't see why they should not have more involvement during Shelling phase. Though I must admit, what's Dyson? I've never encountered this term before. If new mechanics are introduced, I wonder what mechanics they'll be? I would also like to see a bit more active role for Submarine, that would be nice!

To the best of my knowledge the whole Isoroku advocated for more CV thing was pretty exaggerated and some part of post war propaganda for face saving and pushing the blame away from visible war heroes. Even if it was true though, there are a lot of fundamental problems with the IJN and Japan at that time that made a prolonged war scenario highly unfavorable to them that spanned a pretty wide range.

If there was just a single combat to determine everything in 1941 or early 1942, though, IJN probably would have won out? It was reputed to be the best trained naval force at that point in time and the problems that would eventually plague them haven't quite surfaced yet. The US doctrine and personnel improvements didn't occur until farther into the war and most of the technological advances that made a large difference were also deployed later on.

Indeed, the IJN is actually really well trained, considering apparently Tone have the highest LoS in game for CA was because of how historically she was the ship that spotted the incoming ships from the USS during Midway? Also I heard the IJN are extremely great at night battle because a lot of the crew are trained well to operate using their eye during night?

P.S. its getting late over at my side, I'll discuss such topic with you when I'm free tomorrow ;P
Dysons for the dyson vacuum cleaners, that's what the Japanese have taken to nickname the 4~500hp BB himes that start popping up in doubles (and triples) at final event stage. Don't think the term has made it over to English community yet.

Subs would also require a combat system overhaul for them to get incorporated more into actual fleets, that is, beyond the dead 1hp sub fleet 2 combined fleet flagship method we abuse them with atm.

Sleep well on your end
I can't clear World 1-Level 4....Lost 4 Inazuma and Two Naka-Chan with a lot of attempts....*Sigh*
I'm just gonna wait and see how depressing (or not) the anime will end and then decide whether or not to continue watching from where I left off.

I can't clear World 1-Level 4....Lost 4 Inazuma and Two Naka-Chan with a lot of attempts....*Sigh*

You should retreat once any of your ships suffer heavy damage (red; 大破) if you don't want to lose them in battle
Dysons for the dyson vacuum cleaners, that's what the Japanese have taken to nickname the 4~500hp BB himes that start popping up in doubles (and triples) at final event stage. Don't think the term has made it over to English community yet.

Subs would also require a combat system overhaul for them to get incorporated more into actual fleets, that is, beyond the dead 1hp sub fleet 2 combined fleet flagship method we abuse them with atm.

Sleep well on your end

I've actually noticed that myself even though I'm still technically a fairly green admiral when it comes to participating with events. They're just adding more and more BB hime in the hope to troll you at the end, they really need to introduce another mechanics to prevent this from happening, yet I feel that if they nerf BB, they might just straight up get replaced by CA, so I can see balancing can be an issue. I so agree that Subs will need a new mechanics being introduced, at the moment they're just here to soak damage and force you to retreat if they're hit (generally end up either red/orange if they're hit), so I think a new mechanics to how they work would be a good change to bring them more to the scene.

I can't clear World 1-Level 4....Lost 4 Inazuma and Two Naka-Chan with a lot of attempts....*Sigh*

My best suggestions is clear 1-3 until you find 1 or 2 CA, 1 or 2 more CL and then try 1-4 and you'll find its really easy then. Also like Pichu have said, don't proceed to a node when one of your ships are red, yes it doesn't matter to you know, but it is not great to having to repeatedly level a ship over and over again.
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I can't clear World 1-Level 4....Lost 4 Inazuma and Two Naka-Chan with a lot of attempts....*Sigh*

The advance in the heavyly damaged(大破) state may let KanMusu sink. They don't sink if it's minor damage(小破) or moderate damage(中破).

1-4 is the first barrier in KanColle. You must challenge it by the strongest fleet which oneself has.

Do you have CV(Aircraft Carrier) or CVL(Light Aircraft Carrier)?
Class classification

Do you make various airplanes with development?
(Fighter, Dive Bomber, Torpedo Bomber)
Equipment List

Do you perform various quests?
Quests List

You get carrier Akagi if you achieve Quest A-11 and B-10. At first let's prepare Akagi and airplanes. It's a course to 1-4 clear.

- A11: 第2艦隊で空母機動部隊を編成せよ! Have an aircraft carrier/light aircraft carrier and 3 destroyers in your SECOND fleet.
- B10: 敵空母を撃沈せよ! Sink an enemy aircraft carrier.


Well, What character is your avatar? She is very cute :P
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/me presents some PVs...

K.C. OST ~ Crossfade

K.C. ~ Character song
A way to level a group of destroyers "quickly"? Or should I just level one destroyer at a time on 4-3?

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