KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=99902]Menemy[/MENTION] I'll remind people once again, PLEASE QUOTE CORRECTLY...Why are you quoting 3 people to answer one person's comment? Avoid that in the future.

Might give E4 a start in a bit -3- Need to go fish that post on ecael's formation xD
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=99902]Menemy[/MENTION] I'll remind people once again, PLEASE QUOTE CORRECTLY...Why are you quoting 3 people to answer one person's comment? Avoid that in the future.

Might give E4 a start in a bit -3- Need to go fish that post on ecael's formation xD

My bad but some times i'm just kinda lazy and forget about it, won't happen again
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; What difficulty did you clear E-4 on and how bad was it?

Medium, and it was really easy (you absolutely need the sanshikis though, I equipped 2). You can do it pichu!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Medium, and it was really easy (you absolutely need the sanshikis though, I equipped 2). You can do it pichu!

I wonder, should I try with Hard first. my resources are still over 30k and buckets over 1k so I have a bit of leeway I suppose? The 381mm is quite attractive...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I wonder, should I try with Hard first. my resources are still over 30k and buckets over 1k so I have a bit of leeway I suppose? The 381mm is quite attractive...

Might as well, the final form has only a little higher stats and a few more planes. As long as you have those sanshikis.

Edit: I wanna farm E-4 but I forgot what color E-4 tags are :/
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Hm...E4 is another Kidou Butai Combined Fleet? -3- Need to look at E5 composition before I use up my good ships xD


Edit: I wanna farm E-4 but I forgot what color E-4 tags are :/

Just did E4, can confirm it is green tag.

Please someone tell me E6 farming is going to be Surface Tasked Force, otherwise I'm not sure whether I'm going for LSC or farming after completing E6, since my Bauxite is closing into 40k
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Hm...E4 is another Kidou Butai Combined Fleet? -3- Need to look at E5 composition before I use up my good ships xD


Just did E4, can confirm it is green tag.

Please someone tell me E6 farming is going to be Surface Tasked Force, otherwise I'm not sure whether I'm going for LSC or farming after completing E6, since my Bauxite is closing into 40k

Also, it's recommended to take the surface task force on E-6 (on the wikia). It worked well for me, just watch out for that Aircraft Carrier Princess.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Do you have plans to farm Roma? On Easy, she's only confirmed to drop on Boss node right now. Other nodes are only reported on Hard.

This route is extremely economical and will result in next to no repairs and the consumption is also very low, if you are short on resources and not interested in any drops on the boss I would advise using this to farm for Roma. The Anchorage Water Oni has no fighter power however there is a formation with a Nu-Class Flagship therefor you will need some fighter power of your own. 69 fighter power will be enough for AS+ on hard mode, bring a Saiun in the smallest slot and everything else can be an attack plane. I would consider bringing one ship with an AA CI setup still since the Anchorage Water Oni has a lot of attack planes, either Maya Kai Ni in the first fleet or Akizuki Kai or a different DD in the second one.

Battle formation on both nodes and retreat after clearing K, I am going into night battle at H to get an S Rank but right now Roma drop is only confirmed on K but you are not giving up anything for this so its not an issue. My consumption was roughly 200 fuel, 300 Ammo, 50 Bauxite and I didn't need to repair in the first 10 runs. I did use my Italia who has quite high consumption but if you only use 2 CA/V in the first fleet you will use even less. Also I want to point out that this is extremely easy and the experience is quite decent, therefor I would advise using ships you want to level as much as you can so you have an additional benefit.

First Fleet:

CA/V: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Recon Seaplane, Radar or BB: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Recon Plane, AP Shell or Radar
CA/V: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Recon Seaplane, Radar or BB: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Recon Plane, AP Shell or Radar or Maya Kai Ni: Main Weapon, 12.7cmFD, Air Radar, 25mm Concentrated
SS: 2x Boilers

Second Fleet:

CL: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Recon Plane
DD: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Radar
DD: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Radar if Maya Kai Ni in first fleet or DD: 10cmFD, HA, Air Radar
CA: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Recon Seaplane, Sanshiki
CLT: Main Weapon, Main Weapon, Type A Midget Submarine
SS: 2x Torpedos
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

What about Medium? any chance of Roma dropping from Node K?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Do you have plans to farm Roma? On Easy, she's only confirmed to drop on Boss node right now. Other nodes are only reported on Hard.

Easy? What is that? I always complete the whole event on Hard, just like last time xD So unless they let me do easy afterward I don't think I can farm Roma on easy, I'll do it on Hard if it sails well. If not I guess I'll go for my Yamato LSC attempt I guess :/

Off Topic:

[MENTION=108744]Icchan[/MENTION] By the power of the King I summon you, now answer this: Have you poked at the new DMM game Shinken yet?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦


I also got Kumano but was too excited to take a screenshot :3
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Leveling is too boring >.<. I go E3 now. :D
My fleet:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Easy? What is that? I always complete the whole event on Hard, just like last time xD So unless they let me do easy afterward I don't think I can farm Roma on easy, I'll do it on Hard if it sails well. If not I guess I'll go for my Yamato LSC attempt I guess :/
Haha.. A king doesn't play on Easy.
I thought you'll be farming for Roma on Easy first, then complete on Hard. I guess that isn't possible yet.
Still, the setup by nwrtz seems to be very good for farming Roma. Still nothing regarding Roma dropping on other nodes for Medium and Easy.

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION]; Your fleet will make E-3 cry.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

4 run and only 1 retreat :). I guess i don't have to level up Myoko and Mogami more. Maybe i'll process to E4 after and start... level up Choukai tomorrow >.<.

@FireShark Oh you have good idea. Farming Roma on easy and clear hard later. ^^

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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Haha.. A king doesn't play on Easy.
I thought you'll be farming for Roma on Easy first, then complete on Hard. I guess that isn't possible yet.
Still, the setup by nwrtz seems to be very good for farming Roma. Still nothing regarding Roma dropping on other nodes for Medium and Easy.

;) you got it! And what set up is nwrtz using. As to farming Roma on Easy, I might accidentally finish off the boss before I remember to change back to hard, so too risky :P

I'm guessing you already started but using a CLT for E3 is kinda a waste

I'm confused, E4/E5 only use a max of 1 CLT each, especially when KTKM is really bad because E4-E5 are both installation type which means torpedo can't hit them, so CLT is only really used for clearing trash and alike, not like we're using them for CI for 3xx damage at night battle. E6 have no lock what so ever so using a CLT on E3 is no problem at all provided you have all 3 CLT, even if you don't I'm pretty sure you can survive E4-E5 without CLT.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I'm confused, E4/E5 only use a max of 1 CLT each, especially when KTKM is really bad because E4-E5 are both installation type which means torpedo can't hit them, so CLT is only really used for clearing trash and alike, not like we're using them for CI for 3xx damage at night battle. E6 have no lock what so ever so using a CLT on E3 is no problem at all provided you have all 3 CLT, even if you don't I'm pretty sure you can survive E4-E5 without CLT.

CLTs (specially KTKM-sama) can still do a lot of damage, for E5 CLTs are quite useful if you don't want to subcheese and most people don't have the 3CLTs (I have Kiso and KTKM because Ooi pisses me off)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

;) you got it! And what set up is nwrtz using. As to farming Roma on Easy, I might accidentally finish off the boss before I remember to change back to hard, so too risky :P
It is recommended to farm in Hard as you don't even need to encounter Air Princess and reach the boss node for Roma.
Route F>H>K>retreat. Repeat until you get Roma at node K. The Anchorage Water Demon at node H is nothing when you bring an SS.
Since you plan on going for Hard, might as well clear E-6 first. Who knows you might get lucky like me. :P

Here's the setup again.

Carrier Task Fleet
First Fleet:
Second Fleet:

Just by looking at this composition, you can already tell it won't cost much resources per run.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I'm guessing you already started but using a CLT for E3 is kinda a waste

I don't think so. I equip sonar + depth charge on KTKM and kill few SS for weekly quest :D.

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; Oh damn, lucky you! All three that you got are ships I want :/
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

It is recommended to farm in Hard as you don't even need to encounter Air Princess and reach the boss node for Roma.
Route F>H>K>retreat. Repeat until you get Roma at node K. The Anchorage Water Demon at node H is nothing when you bring an SS.
Since you plan on going for Hard, might as well clear E-6 first. Who knows you might get lucky like me. :P

Here's the setup again.

Carrier Task Fleet
First Fleet:
Second Fleet:

Just by looking at this composition, you can already tell it won't cost much resources per run.

^ Carrier Task Force, that would eat my Bauxite :/ I'm not sure whether my Bauxite will be happy :/ Have you got Roma already? If so Congratulation! :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

^ Carrier Task Force, that would eat my Bauxite :/ I'm not sure whether my Bauxite will be happy :/ Have you got Roma already? If so Congratulation! :P
Notes by nwrtz using that farming fleet.
My consumption was roughly 200 fuel, 300 Ammo, 50 Bauxite and I didn't need to repair in the first 10 runs.
69 fighter power will be enough for AS+ on hard mode, bring a Saiun in the smallest slot and everything else can be an attack plane.
Yeah, thanks! Roma is my second S rank drop.
Sakawa as my first S drop. Pretty lucky I'd say as I don't need to bother with 6-2 anymore.

I'm slowly chipping the Boss HP gauge. Only 2 S ranks so far.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Now that I think about it, farming might be a little difficult since I'm clearing maps on Hard difficulty. Oh well, I guess it's a little too late now.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; Oh damn, lucky you! All three that you got are ships I want :/

Just try farming after you clear the maps. Boss resets to non final form after you clear the map.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Notes by nwrtz using that farming fleet.
My consumption was roughly 200 fuel, 300 Ammo, 50 Bauxite and I didn't need to repair in the first 10 runs.
69 fighter power will be enough for AS+ on hard mode, bring a Saiun in the smallest slot and everything else can be an attack plane.
Yeah, thanks! Roma is my second S rank drop.
Sakawa as my first S drop. Pretty lucky I'd say as I don't need to bother with 6-2 anymore.

I'm slowly chipping the Boss HP gauge. Only 2 S ranks so far.

ah right, that's good to hear as long as it doesn't kill my Bauxite. Just completed E4, overall it was OK other than 1 or 2 retreat due to pre-boss Wanpun, but overall it was not too bad. Onward to E5 after my fleet rests for a bit.

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