KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I say, what do the flying boats do? Because if they're quite useless then I see no point in attempting E-5 on Hard.

Give LoS, but it's unknown if there are some hidden abilities or whatever.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I say, what do the flying boats do? Because if they're quite useless then I see no point in attempting E-5 on Hard.

No clue yet on any special effects, not even sure if they are calculated the same way for recon as other seaplanes. But if they are then it is quite a huge boost to ELOS, provided that you run her.

Waltzed through E5 without anything particularly noteworthy other than how Nagato likes to get hit by Ru. Having more problems clearing monthly quests than event still. Going to just poke at E6 later with Roma farm setups from the start and see how that goes...after I make more progress with monthlies.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

E-5 cleared :chuuni_yay:, that Wave Motion Cannon. :chuuni_takethis:

Farming E-6 now, Roma-chan~~~~ here I come~~~~~~
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I have been lazy these days, so I only started E-3 this weekend. E-1 to E-4 were pretty easy. Didn't need to retreat once and didn't really spend any resources. Did E-1 and E-3 on hard for awards and E-2 and E-4 on medium, because I am lazy. My composition so far:

E-1: Sendai Kai Ni lvl 67, Shigure Kai Ni lvl 76, Yuudachi Kai Ni lvl 67, Verniy lvl 76, Ayanami Kai Ni lvl 71, Fubuki Kai lvl 59
E-2: 1st: Haruna Kai Ni lvl 89, Kongou Kai Ni lvl 80, Kaga Kai lvl 71, Akagi Kai lvl 63, Souryuu Kai Ni lvl 78, Junyou Kai Ni lvl 91
2nd: Sendai Kai Ni lvl 67, Kiso Kai Ni lvl 66, Kitakami Kai Ni lvl 64, Shigure Kai Ni lvl 76, Yuudachi Kai Ni lvl 67, Kirishima Kai Ni lvl 75
E-3: Kirishima Kai Ni lvl 75, Myoukou Kai Ni lvl 74, Haguro Kai Ni lvl 68, Kinugasa Kai Ni lvl 55, Hiyou Kai lvl 74, Ayanami Kai Ni lvl 72
E-4: 1st: Haruna Kai Ni lvl 89, Kongou Kai Ni lvl 80, Akagi Kai lvl 64, Junyou Kai Ni lvl 91, Zuikaku Kai lvl 46, Hiryuu Kai lvl 43
2nd: Sendai Kai Ni lvl 67, Maya Kai lvl 70, Shigure Kai Ni lvl 76, Kiso Kai Ni lvl 66, Yuudachi Kai Ni lvl 68, Verniy lvl 77

Only drop I kept were Shoukaku and Hayashimo.. sooo.. I think of doing E-5 and E-6 on hard now, because I want to go for the Isokaze drop on E-5 and I want the FuMO on E-6. For E-5 I want to try either 2BB, 1CAV, 1CLT, 2CV or 2BB, 1CAV, 2CV, 1SS, depending on how the SS route fares (I haven't leveled Suzuya, Kumano and Mogami and don't have Mikuma). Any further advice for me? And I would like to know more about night battle nodes. Especially how sinking works on those nodes, since I am not 100% sure.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I have been lazy these days, so I only started E-3 this weekend. E-1 to E-4 were pretty easy. Didn't need to retreat once and didn't really spend any resources. Did E-1 and E-3 on hard for awards and E-2 and E-4 on medium, because I am lazy. My composition so far:

E-1: Sendai Kai Ni lvl 67, Shigure Kai Ni lvl 76, Yuudachi Kai Ni lvl 67, Verniy lvl 76, Ayanami Kai Ni lvl 71, Fubuki Kai lvl 59
E-2: 1st: Haruna Kai Ni lvl 89, Kongou Kai Ni lvl 80, Kaga Kai lvl 71, Akagi Kai lvl 63, Souryuu Kai Ni lvl 78, Junyou Kai Ni lvl 91
2nd: Sendai Kai Ni lvl 67, Kiso Kai Ni lvl 66, Kitakami Kai Ni lvl 64, Shigure Kai Ni lvl 76, Yuudachi Kai Ni lvl 67, Kirishima Kai Ni lvl 75
E-3: Kirishima Kai Ni lvl 75, Myoukou Kai Ni lvl 74, Haguro Kai Ni lvl 68, Kinugasa Kai Ni lvl 55, Hiyou Kai lvl 74, Ayanami Kai Ni lvl 72
E-4: 1st: Haruna Kai Ni lvl 89, Kongou Kai Ni lvl 80, Akagi Kai lvl 64, Junyou Kai Ni lvl 91, Zuikaku Kai lvl 46, Hiryuu Kai lvl 43
2nd: Sendai Kai Ni lvl 67, Maya Kai lvl 70, Shigure Kai Ni lvl 76, Kiso Kai Ni lvl 66, Yuudachi Kai Ni lvl 68, Verniy lvl 77

Only drop I kept was Shoukaku.. sooo.. I think of doing E-5 and E-6 on hard now, because I want to go for the Isokaze drop on E-5 and I want the FuMO on E-6. For E-5 I want to try either 2BB, 1CAV, 1CLT, 2CV or 2BB, 1CAV, 2CV, 1SS, depending on how the SS route fares (I haven't leveled Suzuya, Kumano and Mogami and don't have Mikuma). Any further advice for me? And I would like to know more about night battle nodes. Especially how sinking works on those nodes, since I am not 100% sure.

I think the best choice is 3BB, 1CA(V), 1CV (If you had enough air power) and 1SS. Or you can choose two ships from a choice of [Choukai and Ryuujou and Yura] and it will allow for [A or B]→D→G→H→I→N (avoid air battle, it easier).
Equip you SS with 1 damecon (or 2) because SS will take all CL, DD, boss and escort fortress damage.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I think the best choice is 3BB, 1CA(V), 1CV (If you had enough air power) and 1SS. Or you can choose two ships from a choice of [Choukai and Ryuujou and Yura] and it will allow for [A or B]→D→G→H→I→N (avoid air battle, it easier).
Equip you SS with 1 damecon (or 2) because SS will take all CL, DD, boss and escort fortress damage.

My Ryuujou is at lvl 50, but my Choukai and Yura are too low (lower than lvl 20). I used most of my strong BBs already. I wanted to use Mutsu (lvl 73) and Nagato (lvl 60) for this. I can still use Fusou (lvl 71) and Hiei (lvl 44), but I don't know how this will fare on hard. My I-8 and U-511 are at lvl 50 and 51. I have 2 601 reppus and enough normal ones, so I could try it, if I really wanted to.


Same Node
Day Battle Critical -> Night Battle = OK
Night Battle Critical -> Day Battle = NOT OK

Can someone confirm the second part? So if I go to a night battle node, it starts with night battle. And if one of my ships gets heavily damaged, it can sink in the upcoming day battle? Does it automatically go from night to day battle? I haven't encountered night battle nodes in the game, yet.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Can someone confirm the second part? So if I go to a night battle node, it starts with night battle. And if one of my ships gets heavily damaged, it can sink in the upcoming day battle? Does it automatically go from night to day battle? I haven't encountered night battle nodes in the game, yet.
Night to day in the same node hasn't been a mechanic since 2013 autumn, nor is it in this event so you don't need to worry about it. I don't recall the details back then, but the same node protection for damecon should've applied for night to day.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@Shir0 Use 2 BB, 1CA(V) (equip them with sanshiki to kill boss), 2CV and 1 SS.
About CV, my bad because I avoided air battle node, 1 CV isn't enough air power for superior air (or do you want to equip her with all reppus ? :D, if you do that, you can use 3BB, 1CA(V), 1CV and 1SS).
Same Node
Day Battle Critical -> Night Battle = OK
Night Battle Critical -> Day Battle = NOT OK
It's simple, if you go to next node with a heavy damage ship, she will sink. But equip damecon will revival the sinking ship and she won't sink in that node.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@Shir0 Use 2 BB, 1CA(V) (equip them with sanshiki to kill boss), 2CV and 1 SS.
About CV, my bad because I avoided air battle node, 1 CV isn't enough air power for superior air (or do you want to equip her with all reppus ? :D, if you do that, you can use 3BB, 1CA(V), 1CV and 1SS).

Having my CVs do a little bit extra damage is nice, so I don't want to equip all reppu. (>.<)' Guess I will go with 2BB, 1CAV, 2CV, 1SS for my first try.

Night to day in the same node hasn't been a mechanic since 2013 autumn, nor is it in this event so you don't need to worry about it. I don't recall the details back then, but the same node protection for damecon should've applied for night to day.

Ah, ok. I read the english wiki and misinterpreted one line. they were simply talking about night battle on I node. i thought they were talking about a night battle node, since I don't get why one would go into night battle in any other node than the boss node. EDIT: it is a night battle only node.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

@Shir0 Good luck with your hunting.:nekopara_goodluck:, btw in my opinion, using 3BB 1 CV is better than 2BB 2CV because BB can do better damage to E-5 boss than CV.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Thanks. 2BB, 2CV, 1CAV, 1SS works ok. I just have to avoid the first maelstrom. (>.<) I will try 3BB, 1CAV, 1CV, 1SS now.

EDIT: I don't know why I have this bad luck, but I can't even reach the boss node with that setup. I will go back to 2BB, 2CV, 1CAV, 1SS. :(
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

The proper setup for Akitsushima is her Flying Boat and Zuiun + Zuiun (Kai)? If only she launch her planes during shelling phase as well.
Her opening is quite okay, she can sometimes take out one DD at 3-2A.

E-5(medium) finished.
retreat: none
new drops: none :(

I think about what kind of formation I should attack E-6 by.
Probably I'll make it easy (^^;;

My fleet
BB: Mutsu 56, Kongou 62, Hiei 63, Haruna 65, Kirishima 62, Littorio 1
BBV: Fusou 61, Yamashiro 60, Ise 52, Hyuuga 52
CV: Akagi 52, Kaga 50, Souryuu 78, Zuikaku 50, Shoukaku 50, Amagi 50, Katsuragi 1
CVL: Ryuujou 75, Hiyou 55, Junyou 55, Chitose 53, Chiyoda 54, Zuihou 60, Shouhou 50, Houshou 45
CA: Haguro 67, Ashigara 65, Nachi 63, Myoukou 60, Maya 68, Furutaka 65, Kinugasa 55, (others under 50)

I assume you have max mod everyone there. I'll build your fleet like so:

Fleet 1 : Nagato, Mutsu, Kirishima, Kongou, Ryuujou, Chitose/Chiyoda
Fleet 2 : Hiei, CLT, DD, DD, CLT, CL

Formation : Line Ahead / bottom, Double Line/Echelon, Line Ahead, Line Ahead.
Try to get at least AS on pre boss node. After that, it's a matter of RNG.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Day Battle Critical -> Night Battle = OK
Night Battle Critical -> Day Battle = NOT OK
Can someone confirm the second part? So if I go to a night battle node, it starts with night battle. And if one of my ships gets heavily damaged, it can sink in the upcoming day battle? Does it automatically go from night to day battle? I haven't encountered night battle nodes in the game, yet.

Those two examples are both happening in the same battle Node, as ecael said, it hasn't been there since Fall 2013(Ironbottom Sound) where the boss node starts at Night Battle and if you fulfill certain conditions they can continue into Day Battle just like how you get the option to continue into night battle. Ships sank back then when people continued to Day Battle when some ships were in critical condition despite that they only got to critical at the night battle of the boss node.

Edit: That's how I remembered E-4 at least. but if you're talking about two different nodes, then that's whole different story and that the critical damage incurred by one ship in Node 1 will make them vulnerable to sink in Node 2.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

I assume you have max mod everyone there. I'll build your fleet like so:

Fleet 1 : Nagato, Mutsu, Kirishima, Kongou, Ryuujou, Chitose/Chiyoda
Fleet 2 : Hiei, CLT, DD, DD, CLT, CL

Thanks for your advice. but... I have not Nagato...
(It's my problem not to be able to meet Nagato and Hiryuu.)
I feel lack of fire in the Surface Task Force. I felt it in E-5 which cleared with Ise and Hyuuga.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Thanks for your advice. but... I have not Nagato...
(It's my problem not to be able to meet Nagato and Hiryuu.)
I feel lack of fire in the Surface Task Force. I felt it in E-5 which cleared with Ise and Hyuuga.

Ack..sorry bout that. I thought I saw Nagato in your list, I guess I need more rest. ;)

Fleet 1 : Haruna, Mutsu, Kirishima, Kongou, Ryuujou, Chitose/Chiyoda
Fleet 2 : Hiei, CLT, DD, DD, CLT, CL

You'll need as much FP and ACC you got to take out those pesky escorts. You can try AP shells for your BB but I doubt they'll do much against the escorts.
Let your escort fleet take care of the boss.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Come on guys, I don't ask too much, just to you know, quote decently, I won't even say properly...is it too much to ask sometimes >_>

I've updated this in the Main first post, everyone please take a small amount of time to read.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Edit: That's how I remembered E-4 at least. but if you're talking about two different nodes, then that's whole different story and that the critical damage incurred by one ship in Node 1 will make them vulnerable to sink in Node 2.

no, no. I am talking about same node. I thought those night battle nodes are back in this event, but they aren't.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

E-6(easy) 1st sortie

1st fleet
Ryuujou 75(Kai Ni) - Reppuu*2, Saiun, Fleet Command Facility
Mutsu 56 - Prototype 51cm, 41cm, Type 0 Recon Seaplane, Type 91 AP Shell
Kongou 62, Hiei 63, Haruna 65
- 41cm, Prototype 35.6cm, Type 0 Recon Seaplane, Type 91 AP Shell
Chitose 53(Kai Ni) - Reppuu*2, Type 62 Zero Fighter-bomber*2

CVL Fighter Power: 206
(Air Superiority in easy mode: 200)

2nd fleet
Shimakaze 58 - 10cm Twin High-angle*2, Star Shell
Kirishima 62 - 41cm, 35.6cm(+8), Type 0 Recon Seaplane, Searchlight
Ooi 65, Kitakami 65
- 15.5cm(Main)*2, Type A Ko-hyoteki
Jintsuu 60(Kai Ni) - 15.5cm(Main)*2, Type 98 Night Scout
Yukikaze 62 - 10cm Twin High-angle, 61cm Quint O2 Torpedo, Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director

Boss support expedition
Yuudachi 61(Kai Ni) - 12.7cm Twin Type-B*2, Type 22 Surface RADAR
Ayanami 70(Kai Ni) - 12.7cm Twin Type-B, 12.7cm Twin High-Angle Mount (Late Model), Type 22 Surface RADAR
Hiyou 55 - Suisei(601), Ju 87C Kai, Suisei 12A, Type 2 Recon Aircraft
Junyou 55 - Type 99 Dive Bomber(Egusa), Ju 87C Kai, Suisei 12A, Type 2 Recon Aircraft
Haguro 67(Kai Ni) - 20.3cm(No.2)*3, Type 32 Surface RADAR
Ashigara 65(Kai Ni) - 20.3cm(No.2)*3, Type 33 Surface RADAR

route: F-G-I-M-O (Boss S-Victory)
Mutsu: moderate damage at node M
Yukikaze: moderate damage at node O
others: no damage

It was unexpectedly easy. There seems to be a big difference between medium and easy mode.

drops: Ashigara, Kuma :sigh:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

My goodness I just got horribly raeped for E-5 Medium. All shlps went red and 0 dmg dealt to the boss.

I suppose... I'll try Easy. :/ Hopefully I can clear E-6 by the end of the event. I want Akitsushima.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

It wasn't so easy...

E-6(easy) 2nd sortie
route: F-G-I-M-O (Boss S-Victory)
node I
Shimakaze: heavy damage (advanced/2nd fleet flagship)
node M
Kongou: heavy damage (escorted away with Yukikaze)
node O
Hiei, Kirishima: heavy damage
Mutsu: moderate damage
Chitose: minor damage

[EDIT] The third challenge was last minute S-victory by night battle against boss, too. (Kongou was heavily damaged at node M again, and was escorted)
If it's not easy mode, the clear seems to be difficult.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

2 more Kai and MY SECOND KAI NI!!!
Oh and E-2 completed finally...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

lol, I don't normally do 3-5 because I don't want to see her >_>
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Those two examples are both happening in the same battle Node, as ecael said, it hasn't been there since Fall 2013(Ironbottom Sound) where the boss node starts at Night Battle and if you fulfill certain conditions they can continue into Day Battle just like how you get the option to continue into night battle. Ships sank back then when people continued to Day Battle when some ships were in critical condition despite that they only got to critical at the night battle of the boss node.

Edit: That's how I remembered E-4 at least. but if you're talking about two different nodes, then that's whole different story and that the critical damage incurred by one ship in Node 1 will make them vulnerable to sink in Node 2.
Pretty sure they didn't sink from night to day transition, if they did the bitching about Henderson would've been even worse.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 発令!第十一号作戦

Today is a good day for E-6 hard~~~


I met lots of trolling things like AC hime sent me back, night battle sent me back, no clean kills on boss......and I met a cat before boss :nekopara_tehee:
But I think I can finish E-6 today, because today is a good day~~~~

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