KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

My personal opinion: I don't think your 2nd combination ( with 4 CA + 2 DD ) has greater fire power than the 1st one. Nagato is very deadly even in day battle if you have AS, she easily do cut-in or DA.
If i recall correctly, you have a reppuu 601. Depending on your planes, getting air superiority is not that hard. For example if you have 3 shiden kai2 + reppuu 601, you can equip the reppuu in Kaga slot 46, 2 other in Kaga slot 20 and 12, the last one in Akagi slot 32. The total fighter power = 73+39+30+50 = 192 ---> getting air superiority. Air superiority also have chance to shot down the number of planes of the aircraft carrier hime which will decrease her damage ---> your ships have more chance to survival in day time shelling.
Your 2nd combination ignore aerial combat. It's great if you have anti air cut-in.

Yes, The opinion of you and King is very right. I think so too.
No offense, but he doesn't have enough resources, so I recommended the method that he might attack in minimum resources. By fire lack, the boss war surely becomes the night battle. However, it's only a flagship to remain at the time of night battle if fire of CA is raised by repair. I have never missed victory and can sink a flagship with probability of more than 80%. It's hard that there is not Anti-Air Cut-in, but may can cover it by Type 3 Shell to some extent.

(But it would be difficult to let it succeed by the equipment and a support fleet written in post #846.)

Ok, Kancolle works at my home. This is good. But I already do not have time to finish E-5. Because I just scratched boss and lost 2 days when could not connect to Kancolle.

This is sad that I will not get Amagi. But I have a bunch of cute kanmusus that I need to level up. And craft equipment, and try LCS. So I will have a lot of fun to prepare fully for the next event :chuuni_notbad:

I regret your misfortune and think that your positive thinking is very good. Which server do you belong to? Yokosuka(server:1) and Sukumo-wan(server:16) seem to have much disorder.

ok, sunk E-5 boss three times and got her to 56HP once. I don't have much time left. pre-boss node is super gay. :/

The goal is near, do the best!

... :iku::suzuya: ...

(already friends: Agano, Akigumo, Asagumo, Hamakaze, Kiyoshimo, Kumano, Makigumo,Shoukaku, Tanikaze, Yamagumo)
(The red texts are the friends who met newly ;))

pre Boss node
G: Maikaze, Aakashi
H: Maikaze, Tokitsukaze, Akashi
Boss node
I: Urakaze, Maikaze, Tokitsukaze, Suzuya, Taigei, Akashi, I-19

oters node
F: Uzuki, Noshiro, Ooyodo
pre Boss node
G: Uzuki, Amatsukaze, Noshiro, Ooyodo
H: Uzuki, Amatsukaze, Noshiro, Ooyodo
Boss node
I: Uzuki, Naganami, Maikaze, Hatsukaze, Amatsukaze, Asashimo, Noshiro, Ooyodo

others node
F: Suzuya
pre Boss node
H: Maikaze, Harusame, Hiryuu, Maruyu, Nagato
I: Hiryuu
Boss node
K: Harusame, Maikaze, Hayashimo, Tokitsukaze, Noshiro, Suzuya, Akitsu-maru, I-19, Nagato

pre Boss node
I: Zuikaku
J: Zuikaku
Boss node
K: Naganami, Hayashimo, Asashimo, Zuikaku, Hiryuu, Unryuu, I-19, Nagato

others node
E: Hatsukaze, Urakaze
F: Urakaze, Asashimo, Maruyu
pre Boss node
G: Hatsukaze, Asashimo, Maruyu
H: Urakaze, Hatsukaze, Asashimo, Maruyu
Boss node
J: Maikaze, Urakaze, Hayashimo, Suzuya, Maruyu, Nagato





Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

E4 and E5 is by far one of the hardest I've seen, obviously its nothing like Iron Bottom Sound when you get Musashi when the Boss bar actually regen, but heck this is one nasty event in all sorts of level. I'm thinking they're testing this out and eventually Tiered event will also have Locked ships, pretty sure either next or the event after will probably have something like this, not quite sure whether I look forward to it xD
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

7 hours until the event end. Farming E-4 like crazy but where... where are... Unryuu, Shoukaku, Yahagi, I-401, I-19, Mutsu....
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I regret your misfortune and think that your positive thinking is very good. Which server do you belong to? Yokosuka(server:1) and Sukumo-wan(server:16) seem to have much disorder.

I'm not sure that there was server issue. Seems like that a problem were on my ISP side.
I'm pretty much a newbie teitoku. So I think I'm pretty lucky that I were able to finish 4 of 5 event maps. Despite the fact that I didn't have equipment and almost all my girls were low level ;)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

My efforts finally bore fruit.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Okay, I need like two more kills. Anyone any tips on E-5 final rotation on easy?


Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Okay, I need like two more kills. Anyone any tips on E-5 final rotation on easy?
The final formation for the easy mode boss should only require 84 Air Power to achieve Air Supremacy. Going with a surface combined fleet with one CV should be more than enough to dish out plenty of damage.
An example formation would be something like:
First fleet: 4 BB/1 CA(V)/1 CV
Second fleet: 2 DD/2 CLT/1 CL/1 CA
Just remember to sparkle if you start pulling your hair out in anger purely because of the preboss node.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

[MENTION=107318]Shizuru[/MENTION]; I already do that. Just that I use 1 CLT and 1 BB in the second fleet. Thanks. Got 2xReppu, Reppu 601 Group and Saiun on Kaga. Hope that is enough for AS.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

This is it. I made it. Once again I'd like to thank all who helped me: President of Universe, AB, moe, King, Shir0, and KuraiTenshi.


E-5 unlocked but won't be attempting this one though...






I'd say I'd consider performance this event borderline moderate, seeing as I was able to get U-511 and Katori and a couple other good ships that I wanted (namely Zuikaku and Akashi), albeit on Easy. Time to start work training more ships and gathering lots more resources in preparation for the next event.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Yep I feel the same way pichu :>
I'm at 0 buckets, gonna make a last effort in hopes of Amatsukaze.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

GJGJ :D Seems like Katori gives EXP bonus in PvP.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

CONGRATS everyone!!!

4 hours until the maintenance.
Give up on farming >.<. There is nothing new. Goodbye Unryuu, Amagi, Tokitsukaze, Isokaze, Asashimo... Let's see each other next time. Akashi, Taigei, Shoukaku.... wait for meeeee!!!!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

No Amatsukaze for me again this event I guess :sigh:

Good night everyone. By the time I wake up the event would have ended :bye:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

This is it. I made it. Once again I'd like to thank all who helped me: President of Universe, AB, moe, King, Shir0, and KuraiTenshi.


E-5 unlocked but won't be attempting this one though...






I'd say I'd consider performance this event borderline moderate, seeing as I was able to get U-511 and Katori and a couple other good ships that I wanted (namely Zuikaku and Akashi), albeit on Easy. Time to start work training more ships and gathering lots more resources in preparation for the next event.

Congratulation, glad you made it there. I'm surprised at how much resource I spent in this event, they said this was "Medium sized" and usually Summer one (usually July/August from what I can see) is like massive. With the new Tiered System, I'm not even sure whether I look forward to the next one. I smell Shinano in coming summer now they've introduced Tiered system.

Yep I feel the same way pichu :>
I'm at 0 buckets, gonna make a last effort in hopes of Amatsukaze.

I had 3 Amatsukaze from E2, 2 more from last event. 1 is spare, 1 is 60 and rest I have ate xD
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I had 3 Amatsukaze from E2, 2 more from last event. 1 is spare, 1 is 60 and rest I have ate xD

:/ None for me.
I have hopes for the next event.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

:/ None for me.
I have hopes for the next event.

Though they said difficulty doesn't affect drop chance other than Isokaze that is know, I feel like that higher difficulty seems to drop rarer ships more regularly, or maybe its just me getting some nice RNG.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage


Another E-5 drop:


And a question. Will this be the last rotation or do I have to clear E-5 twice? I ask because I am running on fumes right now.

Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Though they said difficulty doesn't affect drop chance other than Isokaze that is know, I feel like that higher difficulty seems to drop rarer ships more regularly, or maybe its just me getting some nice RNG.
Yeah seems that way especially when I checked out drop lists on kancolle wiki.

I also got Urakaze (Erokaze really), Zuihou, Suzuya, I-58, Asagumo, Ooyodo, Akashi, Tokitsukaze, Hayashimo and Hiei (which got me my 4th fleet) + the spoils of war after clearing E-1 > E-4. So a huge success no matter how you look at it.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Fuck it. The Support Expedition on Boss node didn't trigger on final rotation and I wasn't able to finish her off. Fuck you, Obama! Fuck you, Gaben! Thanks for all the lemons you give me RNGesus! I hope your cross feels nice. =/


End of rant.. I was THIS close to Prince Eugen. Now I was THIS close to Amagi. I am only lucky, when it doesn't count. Shouldn't have doubted myself and started E-5 earlier.. =/
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Dammit, so many ships I want but didn't get. Hope for better luck next event.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

I got like 12 or 13 ships. But I am still incredibly salty. =/ =/ =/ PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

7 hours until the event end. Farming E-4 like crazy but where... where are... Unryuu, Shoukaku, Yahagi, I-401, I-19, Mutsu....

hmm? If I'm not mistaken, Yahagi was dropped only with a hard mode. There will be surely the opportunity when you meet her again :)

This is it. I made it. Once again I'd like to thank all who helped me: President of Universe, AB, moe, King, Shir0, and KuraiTenshi.


E-5 unlocked but won't be attempting this one though...

I'd say I'd consider performance this event borderline moderate, seeing as I was able to get U-511 and Katori and a couple other good ships that I wanted (namely Zuikaku and Akashi), albeit on Easy. Time to start work training more ships and gathering lots more resources in preparation for the next event.

Congrats! It was good to be in time. :goodtea:

Congratulation, glad you made it there. I'm surprised at how much resource I spent in this event, they said this was "Medium sized" and usually Summer one (usually July/August from what I can see) is like massive. With the new Tiered System, I'm not even sure whether I look forward to the next one. I smell Shinano in coming summer now they've introduced Tiered system.
I had 3 Amatsukaze from E2, 2 more from last event. 1 is spare, 1 is 60 and rest I have ate xD

Yes, I expect it of Shinano, too. It's strange that she didn't join KanMusu so far.

I got like 12 or 13 ships. But I am still incredibly salty. =/ =/ =/ PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt


Yukikaze will cheer you up :) It's surprising that you have not yet got her...


New friends who joined my fleet by this event. Though I cleared all maps, they are few :(
















Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Must punish AB for being more successful than me... :traitor:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

The girls/workers are ready for your orders...

...The machines...

...and their drivers as well...

...But you should fast coming, because also other "pizza-lovers" did blood licked...

...Who fast enough was: get a 3D toy than gift...

We're awaiting your orders in 24h days^_^!

Source: Yaraon.blog
Re: KanColle Headquarter! Winter 2015 Event - Counter-attack! Assault on Truk Anchorage

Hmm, what is this new Hishimochi thing..? :gokiko_wut:

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