Let's Create a VN!!!

[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; snow seems to control everything because she is a story writer. she will decide what's best for the story, since the story was made by her. we'll discuss any idea befor deciding it. so no one-sided idea here. For controlling pace of work etc, i have given that to aexiel as project manager, so i can focus more at Programming and CG. I am still the leader, but leader can't do everything right? leader isn't god.

This is truth...~

...And:hi: ))) Coins-kun...~!
I still cannot fathom how most of you believe that Ushio is a female. /me sighs.

Anyways, I believe that Ushio is doing fine with the story, it's just that it seems like he is putting final touches on it without any of our consent, since this is a group project and all.
Hmm well considering how it says ushio is female on the other forum and we didnt actually ask her? :goodtea:

Well most of the choices and stuff i want to add in the story are actually to lead the reader to certain endings so they will understand the significance of latter events~ I could probably just make it all one story without choices i suppose... but i sort of want the reader to feel that he/she has influence ;p
I could show you who Ushio really is, but I will just let him be.

Sam, for these choices, are you going to make it so that if they choose the wrong choice, it's an automatic game over?
Ill just leave it till ushio wants to reveal...

Itll just branch off to another story if the chose the wrong choices~ Eventually leads to an ending where they have to start again but i will be explaining somewhat how it is possible for them to start again so its not quite just random~
I like the automatic game over idea... it will seriously piss some people off specially those that don't save often. :evillaugh:

aaaaaaaaand that's why I'm waiting for ushio and sam to finish the story before any management can be done. They don't want to use a format, or I guess rearrange the story/scene they wrote into a standard format for the ease of encoding, dialogue insertion, and what not.

@decal, I refer to people at forums with what is displayed in their ava unless they openly declare otherwise, so not really sure ushio's a girl, but the writing style seems to be like that of one, i'm pretty sure samy and thecoins are guys, not sure of you decal and Neko though
Elysium is a guy :goodtea:

Auto game over... well they wouldnt get certain things which i plan to associate with that ending then ;p~ :runhappy:
I am a male. I have stated this before many times. I also have a picture of myself in the 'IRL pictures' thread.
i forgot. haven't been there in a while, i posted it somewhere between you and ushio's discussion
Prepare for the utlimate climax of the story:

Snow is actually an unisex lamma
Then how about this:

If player chooses wrong he has to fight Bruce Lee and Clint Eastwood

Well WTF ending which will blow their mind= a million $$$ for me to make
Ah, so we are making a Nakige. Make sure to emotionally break the reader, since a lot of Nakiges tend to do that.

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