Like a boss!

Awed by nyan cat's epic rainbow... the thieves and ninja turtles just stood there mesmerized and hypnotized like a boss~
But suddenly the Black Beast appear at the hideout and spray sethyr everywhere like a boss....
Saint wouldn't stand for this and persuaded Piccolo and Dav to do a fusion like a boss~
Sorry guys.. but I have to go off line for a while like a boss...
My extra lesson calls.. I'll return ASAP.. Mata ne..
Feeling quite weary himself, Saint went off to take a nap while the newly fusion PiccoDav destroyed everything in sight and ran off for ice-cream like a boss~
PiccoDav didnt seem to run out of energy no matter what they did and the ice cream just made it worse like a boss~
Princess Peach knew the best solution to stop PiccoDav's insurmountable power and energy...

She must knock them out with her frying pan like a boss~
Dragonairista resumed her search and found the next Dragon Ball perched upon a coconut tree...

but someone... or something stopped her like a boss~
The coconut tree was sitting in a depression in the sand without any other trees for hundreds of yards like a boss~
She soon felt someone grab hold of her and tried to attack her perpetrator, but it was only Pinocchio trying to warn her of the massive sandstorms like a boss~
They hurriedly grabbed the dragon ball planning to escape but as they did a giant worm came out of the ground and swallowed them like a boss~
They struggled within the giant worm's mouth while slowly being swallowed and digested, but Pinocchio had Jiminy Cricket with him and told him to lie...

His nose grew and grew and grew... killing the giant worm inside out like a boss~
They were freed from the giant worm and Dragonairista thanked the two while taking the Dragon Ball with her...

There her darling Dav awaits at the spa like a boss~
Dav had woken from the coma and was trying to recover from overuse of energy at the spa like a boss~
unown wonders and wanders about in the spa unbeknownst to him that he's being targeted by Metaknight for the Dragon Ball and for his cookies like a boss~
Metaknight sneaked up to unown and bopped him on the head leaving him unconscious for hideki to save like a boss~

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