[LPW #103] The north remembers.

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Finished No Game No Life earlier.
Said it before and I'll say it again: best of the season :runhappy:

Got hopes for a second season~
I also Unown-kun... Well, I'm now away to bed, g'night guys...:dead:
Last notice of me:
Hitsugi no Chaika S2 starts October. 2014

Season 2 for Chaika? Why do the most popular/best anime hardly get a continuation and the less popular ones do >_>

Didn't watch it so I dunno..
It was one of the few I watched, but I knew what it was about before I started since I read the manga.
if you read less manga, you can watch more anime.

If kamisama is going to bed, then so am I. :sleepmoon:
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