[LPW #103] The north remembers.

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Bye sleepers.

Manga is nice because you can get through 10x more material in the same amount of time. But anime (if done well) has the whole experience thing going on. :)
I can only get through about a chapter of manga in the time it takes to watch an episode of anime D:

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION]; popped up in a dream riding a large white bird =/ Why are you infiltrating my dreams =/ Are you a [MENTION=87]Frankincense[/MENTION]; spy =/
I can stare at a page for who knows how long if theres details =/ One piece tends to do that to me and considering how its a long manga... :dead: If only they hide more random things to find =w=
I can stare at a page for who knows how long if theres details =/ One piece tends to do that to me and considering how its a long manga... :dead: If only they hide more random things to find =w=

I feel the same way but... definitely not for ones like OP. OP tends to be pretty devoid of interesting details (at least for me, anyways) :P

Ones like One Punch Man I tend to spend more time on because it is drawn so darn well, while ones like Ansatsu kyoushitsu I read pretty fast because it's all in the gags :)
But what of all the pretty background details D: Well its mostly for the two panel pages =w=

Well a page takes like 40 sec if i just go a bit faster so no it doesnt take 1-2 min per chapter =/

Unown was... idk a fuzzy person =w= Dont know how he really looks so his face wasnt showing =w=
Eh sometimes. I don't recall ever being super impressed with OP art. It was ones like Trigun and Black Lagoon that would impress me. Naruto also had some great shots every now and then.
Except Naruto.

Hey even Naruto had some really good art here and there. I remember some really dynamic angles and stuff sometimes. Also I liked the story for quite a bit too... but kind of steadily lost interest after the time skip... and then the boring war ninja war happened and I haven't read any for a long time now... :(
I'm not talking about the art.
The story is so long and uninteresting. Yeah it's fine at the start but it gets repetitive.
Author tried to make it too 'grand' and then the 'grand villainous plot' really fell flat. :/

Common. Leave the moon to Majora. He's got that.
I think the best stories quite often are the short stories. Then everything in the story has to be moving forward with purpose. The long ones all end up with detours and such. There are exceptions, of course, but that normally requires some exceptional story telling.

I'd be curious to see many shows remade with much less air time to see how they might change.
Gintama with a higher concentration of jokes.

Nichijou? :D

This obviously applies a lot less to comedy shows. But shows like SAO could probably have been done really well in 6-10 episodes. Keep everything fast paced and interesting. Serial Experiment Lain also comes to mind.
Hmm now I'm getting all kinds of ideas. Psycho Pass would also probably have been a lot stronger if it was around 15 episodes (it could be really crazy and intense if it was 6-8, which would also be interesting).
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