[LPW #103] The north remembers.

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Hmm wonder if I should load anime onto my laptop, then turn off my PC and watch it in the basement so my room can cool off a bit. :/
I used to read American manga (in the States we called them comic books) a lot. That died down severely, now that they cost about $4 each.

Now I mostly watch anime, and live action full length adventures and comedies (in the States we call them movies.)
Your laptop makes your room hot? O.o

Nope. My main PC (what I'm in now) does though. Multiple monitors doesn't help either.

If I'm on my laptop I might as well retreat all together to comfier chairs downstairs. Also nice and cool in the basement :)
The next 'big' upgrade my computer station needs is a better chair.
wow guys really? you spelled it wrong. it's "prawn" obviously!

You have to spell it wrong to keep people off the trail for finding where you store prawn pictures. You must have had some pretty embarrassing conversations by now, when people find your prawns! :lmao:

Keep them secret. Keep them safe.
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