[LPW #13] Anime Sharing~ You know it made sense~( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

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I think you can comment without registering for now :O.

Its an upload site, no material to comment except thanks :O

nono, i mean :O is in right now. :O

we are practically ending each line with :O, :O
Kou-chan! :o
Teruteru! :o
What are you guys talking about? :O

yeah :O currently on the senpai route, the only non-BB one. :O
shes a fun chara :O

really no time on my hand, exams are in 2 weeks
Good luck in converting :O

@Nemu chan - just some random chat!

i am not converted, nor converting. :O

the otaku author from the blog i follow states she is his fav in game, because her chara is real fun.
no puns intended, she is always the butt of the jokes, and she speaks cat-language when blushing. :O

@nemuru, nothing much
Oha nau

Thanks for the comments on the banners :3

Yup, new forum skin is scheduled to be our next task. It's just that Checkmate is currently occupied by his parents' visit and I'm taking care of extra stuff since coro is on vacation. We'll see what we can do when our schedule permits.

In regards to registration, both ASL and ASS blogs are open to subscriber registration.

Just some heads up :)
I see, nice to see those are up too :3

Anyway, time for me to meet up with Saber, nighty night guys!
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