[LPW #13] Anime Sharing~ You know it made sense~( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

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feels like i am wasting away my weekends when i should study~
Time to finish the last heroine in rewrite, saving the best for last.

SEMPAI キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ッ!!
my eyes!

lol, the 'palette' draw boards, they are too cannily familiar already. have to notice.
august, circus, navel, clochette
August - Bekkankou - damn obvious, even shown in his illustrations on Dengeki and his individual artbooks...

Circus - not really; perhaps yes the older Nanao Naru's characters are all identical but not the newer ones. I think his line artwork started to become really smooth around 2007. Though, if you want to see his best artwork, minori is your best choice - their CG artists simply trample Circus (try to surpass ef!). Circus however still has Kayura Yuka, (though her style is admittedly similar to Nanao's -_-).

Navel - Suzuhira Hiro - possibly the main reason I got bored with her artwork. She used to be my favourite artist before.

Clochette - Oshiki Hitoshi - after Amatsu Misora ni! and Kamipani, I was like lol what carbon copies with restyled hairstyles and resized boobs.

What's possibly next in the list: Kobuichi and Muririn (YuzuSoft), who are actually my favourites ><
though never much a artist fanboy or whatsoever but...

that august fellow is way too obvious i gotta say, all august games look like carbon copies with different hair/eyes color only.

circus, semi-agree, though i dont play nor watch their shows, (da capo), but not so much a distinct similarity. but still slightly recognisable i guess :(

navel, very similar to that bekkankou i guess, they never try to draw differently

clochette, yes. Me is still stuck on kamikaze explorer, while visiting their sites, i drew comparisons with their previous games in kamipami and suzunone, i was like, 'why does this twintail look so familiar?? o.o'. then it dawned on me :(

add to the list : atelier kaguya team heartbeat. the games never ceases to look smoking hawt (to me at least of course, yeah!) , but you will have noticed some similarity somewhere, though of course i can tell apart the girls with ease.

speaking about circus, just remembered about lacryma and fortissimo. seems like (those who cleared exa//akkord:bsusvier should know) there is a new part to the game/story. they claim its 18+ this round, hopefully they come out with a
part 2 of the story, after new charas were revealed just at the last sentences of the game
. well, gotta anticipate, but i am keeping my september clear so i can go full throttle on walkure when it is out :)
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They are just random add-on story................. step on the landmine for me :)

hmm, lacryma owe us something for putting 'that' at the end. will most likely step on landmine in spite of that
Oha King

< prefers AKBY to AKTH. But eh preferences. :3

And I think I just had a convo with Kou about that last night or two days ago... Well, the third time is the charm, but if they still fail to meet up the expectations they had successfully raised prior to the primary release last year perhaps they should opt to make it an animu instead. More Fortissimo means more fripSide anyway. :3

Also Kou, seriously. First imouto moe, then roris, now traps?

EDIT - me tired. Gonna game for a while then (possibly) sleep. Baibi~
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< only prefers 3 AKBY games (only Prima, Sasara and fandisk) to AKTH (overall mega nukiges with hawt charas) games, though liking AKTH more for their overall releases history

animu... good option, but then again, exposing vn to animu scene (again) may create countless criticism which may kill the game, i kinda like to hide some better shows than recommend them to my friends/school mates who cant really appreciate it. well, who am i to say such things, lol. fortissimo fights were good while it lasted.

sleep! nights
Also Kou, seriously. First imouto moe, then roris, now traps?

Did i miss something? :O

Fortissimo fights are anime-like, not VN like epic.

@Nemu chan - Nope~
.......... I think my ISP broke something again, all websites won't load finish completely LUL
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