[LPW #13] Anime Sharing~ You know it made sense~( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

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@Nemu-chan: I think i heard her say~ Onii-chan!!

Score: 500/100 Amazing stuff!!!

.....how can a pic say sooo much while saying nothing?
What (¬_¬)
Since when is today an oppai day?

@Ian: A picture tells a thousand words!

I think I hear this:

"Onii-chan, daite..."
@ Checkmate: I heard a lot more but due to having underage posters here................ lets just say light beams in Hikenchou suffice.

@Kou: I know you know that we know what should be known but choose to know what must be known!

@Onii-chan: That's your imagination!

@Kou-chan: Are you referring to yourself? :p

Post more pictures here!
Lack of pictures!
I will be never be an imoucon, rorikon ;_;.

Don't have any loli pics!
is back! (I think. xD) been waaaaaaaay busy. *lurk mode*

SOTM#5 is extended for another week! Please submit your entries now! ;)
Kou kun...............



should i go ahead and read ao exo manga or should i wait for anime conclusion before doing it? hmm
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:O I played all of them, so this is no exception but not now.
i see..

hmm hmm, i want more time for shows and $$$.
guess i can try and get a job in the holidays after my exams, but i want my long-awaited break since april last year

i have some ps3 games which i wanna buy too, including disgaea 4 USA LE this sept, which may round up to around $200.
gosh. theres still FFXIII-2 JP in dec most likely this year.

moolah! come to papa!

sleep, nights all
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