[LPW #13] Anime Sharing~ You know it made sense~( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

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Hello guys. Really long time no see. Looks like the members that i used to chat with are still here ^_^
wb kira~

@kou, well, never played that, nor do i have time too.

anycase, rachel is a class above all vampires to me~ her role in BB is so so vital
Hello kira.

I shall be eternally happy to turn into the sun, and into its shining rays :O
Kou said:
I shall be eternally happy to turn into the sun, and into its shining rays :O
^ This

Google Translate should have Hymmnos added.

Switching fanboying mode from Gust to nao~
@Terumi: Part of lyrics of EXEC_VIENA/, a song featured in Ar Tonelico II.

@Kira: I know right!

Random: I think the game side of S;G is becoming another C;H. Hiyoku Renri no Darling as its latest installment on the 360 reminds me of C;H Love Chu! Chu!. Both are on the 360; both are remakes with added cutesy; both have cute theme songs. See how C;H went from Itou Kanako's F.D.D. to nao's Synchro Shiyou yo! and S;G went from Itou's Sky Clad no Kansokusha to Afilia's La-La-Labolution.

Afilia as an unit is not anything but cute (or should I say try to give off a cutesy feeling since sadly not all the members are cute...) while they had nao sing something that's even cuter than any of her older songs under fripSide NAO Project - which I honestly am not fond of.

Related: Neptunia, being a franchise heavily centred on fanservice, was made even more so in the second installment. Theme song? From Ryuusei no Brofist Bifrost which is battle song-like to Kirihirake! Gracie Star which is total cutesy! It's like comparing fripSide and NAO Project in the old days.

Big S;G fans like me just ignore it! The fandisk for S;G add quite bit of material and solidify the original one by solving the questions that pop out frequently in the original game, so it is actually okay though.
ah i see i see

@the rant, neptunia has its heavy criticism. though i aint one to say since i didnt play, coupled with that i aint too smart of the song, singers and creators etc, well i gotta say 5pb aint fit the cute bill though.

i wan my bishoujos~
@Teru- I've played it for the xbox. =p Downloading BB for my psp right now too, but i still dont like it much. I need a fighting game for my psp though, so.... <_<

bbcsii on psp... i wished i could, though i already patched my ps3 version :P

i suck at it
I suck at BB more. No joke. xD Oh and although neither of them is my favorite fighter...
GG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BB
GG was good to but... THE WHEEL OF FATE IS TURNING!
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