Mmm, Blitzcrank is the better tank in my opinion. My friends like to have fun teaming him with Alistar and just knocking people about and pulling them in xD
LoL is so fun if you can get past ELO Hell, but is rather hard getting past that ELO Hell D:
FPS games, there aren't any at the moment that I wanna play. FPS tend to be a bit repetitive over awhile when you just keep shooting at people, duck, more shooting...
I guess LoL still changes depend on team compositions and enemy play can be boring over awhile but at there are discoveries every now and then xD
May I ask something? Where could I post a message asking for help with an error in a game? Apparently, the Otome Games, Artbooks & CDs section is exclusively for uploading games, according to what I read in the rules. :c