[LPW#35] Get Your Perv On

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Samkaka, I am almost done with your banner. If you do not want it, I understand since I am a nuisance.
Hmm i dont particularly mind~ I think i have space to add another image... xD
People tend to dislike me. Maybe it's my honesty that they cannot stand, but it doesn't particularly bother me.
hahaha....i guess that's because they don't know you well decal...:P
havent done anything to make me dislike you so, your perfectly fine in my book
Umu. Even if they did know me well, they would still dislike me. I am only liked by a few people here on the forum.
I can usually shove my schedule full of something or another ;p The waiting in line at theme parks also means time to go draw something in my sketchbook~
Hmm yes i would much prefer sitting around watching anime ;p Entertainment either way but freeish comparatively~
i was meaning that in a sarcastic way more then anything just saying
Now, to render this image and make Gwee's banner then I'll make mine.

/me flips a table.
Hmm would there be one just for the general participants and others that want to advertise?
Yes, those who are not judges get generic banners.

I sent them to renano and she's going to display them on the front page when she has the time.
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