[LPW#35] Get Your Perv On

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Hi evil sammy. ^^

Nothing, just feel like I'm having less and less free time lately.

EDIT: Hi evil Decal.

You seem to be a genius at trolling. Please teach me how to troll someone.
You might not be aware of it but I feel trolled even as we speak, which is why I think you're a genius troll. ^^
I think so. I know he takes pleasure in trolling me. =|

Just watched basketball last night Decal.
We both know you're trolling me sammy, even though you're unconscious of it!

/me plans to stop the trolling sammy
Morning LPW-tachi~

*ehehe* I see Decal flipped a table when he started on my banner for the contest. Thanks, much appreciated. ^w^


Hello Frank. Nothing much at the moment. just watching Atheletics. :goodtea:
Speaking of later, I'll be going to a party. Halal brother!

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