[LPW#35] Get Your Perv On

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you have never had a lighters blow before? its kinda common for me..just never thought one falling about my pocket onto the legs of my computer chair would be enof to pop it >_>
Not sure what lighters you use, but they sound dangerous. :goodtea:
Arturia - The King Of Knights

Passive - Invisible Air, the Barrier of the Wind King
Arturia permanently protected by the a special shield, taking reduced (2%/4%/6%/8%/10%) physical damage depending on her level (1/4/7/10/16) and her weapon changes according to her skill that is activated.

Q - Caliburn, the Golden Sword of Righteous King - 16/14/12/10/8 seconds CD
Passive - Arturia permanently gain (10/20/30/40/50) attack damage
Active - Arturia dashes forward and cleave the enemy in front of her, dealing (50/70/90/110/130) + (1.0 bonus AD) as physical damage. CD is halved if enemy is killed.

W - Excalibur, the Triumphant Sword of Promised Victory - 20/18/16/14/12 seconds CD
Passive - Arturia permanently gain (4%/8%/12%/16%/20%) cooldown reduction
Active - Arturia gain additional (3%/6%/9%/12%/15%) lifesteal and (30%/40%/50%/60%/70%) attack speed for 8 seconds.

E - Avalon, the Ever Distant Utopia - 20 seconds CD at all ranks (not affected by CDR)
Passive - Arturia restore (0.3%/0.6%/0.9%/1.2%/1.5%) of her health every second
Active - Arturia gains a magic shield that reduces all incoming damage by (10%/15%/20%/25%/30%) for 5 seconds

R [Ultimate] - The Lonesome King of Knights - 100/80/60 seconds CD
Passive - Arturia permanently gain (5%/10%/15%) extra movement speed and she also ignore unit collisions.
Active - Depending on which skills is activated, Arturia have different ultimate as follow:
Caliburn: Arturia dashes towards its target, dealing (100/150/200) + (1.5 bonus AD) as true damage.
Excalibur: Arturia channels for 1.5 seconds and fires a broad and long beam of magical energies, dealing (300/400/500) + (0.20 mana pool) magical damage to all enemy it strikes (5500 range)
Avalon: Arturia temporarily is protected by Fairies magic and gain a shield that makes Arturia immune to damage for (3/4/5) seconds, (50%/65%/75%) damage dealt to Arturia during that time is reflected back to its user.

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closed already.. dont have to leave after all >_>



[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] Oh. I never knew greetings and farewells were funny o -o

[MENTION=30111]firedmn[/MENTION] Nope, never. Are your pockets loose?
What do you think Gwee? It took me some time to balance the champion to try and not make it OP, but the numbers might not be right still.
No comment. :goodtea:

Okay, With those abilities, she'll always be picked in unranked matches. She'll be banned from ranked matches too~. Too many permanent abilities.
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[MENTION=30111]firedmn[/MENTION] Well, that's funny. I only wear tight pants/skinny jeans.
I had a durable anti-AD glass canon in mind, people is likely to go and build her pure AD, which means she'll do damage, but still survives in team fight, but is still kill-able if people focus her (notice she doesn't have much magic resist).

If people build her tank, she'll lose out on her damage significantly (as most scales of bonus AD) but still able to dish out damage to attract attention, one thing you didn't notice is that she doesn't have any CC ability, and generally her ulti have a reasonably long CD even though it actually does damage.
No, I'm just creating a skillset for Seiba, since I really wish she become a champion xD
No no, I've noticed she has no CC. Her Ulti hits more than one character but the range is what makes it so deadly. Doesn't look like she requires any CC with those move pool. Sounds like a good character to use in any lane. Okay...I've changed my mind. She's OP as hell.
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@ King onii-chan Perhaps Japanese game developers can gain the rights to several anime characters and make a League of Legends clone, but with anime environments and characters.

@ Fire Damn I do not like loose fabric hitting my legs every time I walk, so there's a reason why I wear them.
No, she'll be a good duo lane and solo lane, but I don't think she's great against long range mid such as Lux, Morg, Brand, Ziggs...etc. I don't know how she'll play out as a jungler, with her set it might turn out quite good, but I never had that in mind when I design her skill set.

Her ulti doesn't provide any CC either, as CC are classified as Stun/Snare/Slow/Knock-up...etc

@Decal, That would be amazing, anime very of LoL, mashing all awesome anime characters together, I'll insta buy Seiba and Ferris Eris XD

Medaka will like to be banned as well xD
I'll be taking my leave now. See you guys much later~

Good day~

never said anything was wrong with wereing them i just hate them haha
Adieu, Gwee.

@ King onii-chan If it was as entertaining as League of Legends, then it may be the most played video game on PC.

@ Fire Damn I did not make any assumptions that you said that there is a problem with wearing them.
meh just wanted to make sure decal people take what i say to far at times
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