[LPW#35] Get Your Perv On

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Hello Decal, Arturia-ou~ :goodtea:

Quick question Decal: How do I hyperlink the contest in the banner? OwO
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] Highlight the
IMG] code and click on the Link button and the rest is self-explanatory.
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I'm going to redo renano's banner. I was half-asleep when I did hers and I don't think it's good enough :c

And I don't even know which character to use.
Saaa...day haven't been too bad, I thought about Seiba's character before I sleep yesterday, I came up with a rather reasonable champion skill set for her, the numbers might need working on but its a viable champion :3
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] How about a character that flows well with her current signatures? Her profile picture, signature and avatar all relate to shoujo-manga/doujins. Maybe if you can find a cat girl with a similar concept? You'll do fine Decal, worry not.


xD I'd like to see the stats you've given her and the moveset as well. ^w^
Okay then. ^^

Now I'm thinking of ideas with Type-Moon characters in mind~ :goodtea:
That was probably the funniest reactions/responses I have ever seen~

Has a "And not a single f*** was given" feel to it~
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] What?

[MENTION=30111]firedmn[/MENTION] Really? I never have that incident.
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