[LPW#38] If you found out you've chosen a bad LPW title, what would you do?

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another example: playing at a music recital for others' free enjoyment x_x
It helps me grow as a person, and lets them enjoy the things we play.
[MENTION=29827]ogikumo[/MENTION] You won't know, unless you try. I wouldn't necessarily call it 'Hell' or something along those lines, but it does take up quite a bit of time. It's like, meeting new friends. At first, you're hesitant and barely want to do anything. Then after a few months, you begin to know them so well that it's a basic routine.
i would prob do it just for the experience?

do u feel dif about urself when u get to that point? like a sense of change
Hmm thanks would probably be rare considering how little people actually have an account to thank others with...
hellooo~ anyone happy today? because I'm about to have a wonderful saturday

gosh there's no one on today x_x

oh well.. I have hwk :f
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turtles turtles turtles turtles turtles turtles turtles TURTLESSSS!!! X_X
(lpw is slow as a baby turtle~ ) :goodtea:
yessss the last one was like the guy was basically asking to marry the girl XD I mean.. they go to the guild leader like he's her father, then the lead says to fight for her XD It just reminds me of clannad :p

[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] come join lpw~ it's starting to get lonely
Lol yeah it doesnt really say much since it seems like a somewhat more obvious point in a plot~

Ill watch it after its finished~ Too much hw atm :x
WHO DARES TO CALL- Ohh, it's Ushio. =]

Hi hi~ :goodtea:

I'll try stay up, but I have a slight headache at the moment. Quite the many episode 10s are out. Time for me to go download Kokoro Connect~ :3


Ushio leaving already? But I just came arrived. D:
naaa I come back every once and a while~

I'm thinking about whether or not to make a certain thread :f I might wait for some time before I do...
Hmm, did you always have those two awards Sam? First time I've ever seen you get the 'Frequent poster' award. :goodtea:

No worries Ushio. I only jest. I won't keep you from leaving. ^^

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Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Shine's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.
Sirvipe235 wrote on ramori's profile.
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ294292.html Do you think you could upload this game? It's been a few years but was never leaked.