[LPW#38] If you found out you've chosen a bad LPW title, what would you do?

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I'm thinking about making an opportunity for ppl to ask something~ though I would make the requirements a little strict XD
Hmm requirements xD What is it about?

Yeah ive been having two~ Frequent poster is actually the qualifications for being spam king thus the can of spam~
@Ushio Well if you think it's worth creating then go ahead. But I'd suggest looking around the forums to see if there are any similar threads since I know some admins are pretty strict with space on the forum and will merge or close a thread thet find similar. =]

@ Decal, Could it be... a video? :O

@ Well I was aware that you were the most frequent poster ever, just that I didn't realise this until now, or I'm just tired. :goodtea:
(btw, there's no thread out there like the one i have in mind :f)

There's a few ways I'm thinking about how to do this~
1. I'll just wait a while and make a thread with a long explanation~
2. I'll make a thread for an opportunity for people to ask me anything, or something specific that I'll suggest. (requirements here)
3. I'll just tell ppl who are more important to me, and leave the rest alone until they ask or a certain day has passed.

some downsided things:
for 1: random people would read the thread, which bothers me. (so I'd just have it locked and ask ppl to pm me)
for 2: I may get unserious questions from people, or they may ask about something which I wasn't hoping they'd ask.
for 3: I have no idea who may accidentally say something, since it's very easy to.

What I'm really hoping for is that people will already have the right idea of who I am. Because If I tell ppl too soon, they'll start treating me much differently because of the confirmation. x_x
@ Ushio The purpose of your soon-to-be-made thread confuses me. Is it a thread to get to know you better?

@ Gwee Think of it as a bundle. Different 'presents' inside. Right now, the main focus is the song.
I was planning on telling ppl my true gender, since I have different ppl calling me one or the other. I just think it's a little silly to act like it's a big deal when ppl ask. However, I have benefited from people thinking of me as one or the other. Once they accept me as a person, I know they won't suddenly start treating me differently than usual. Some think I'm a guy, some think I'm a girl. There's only a handful of people that actually know.
Hmm im fine with just putting he/she in everything~ xD Doesnt really hurt much although i suppose others could argue differently~
@ Ushio Don't you think it'll ruin the mystique a bit? It may ruin how people think of you, of course.
Oho~ That's great Decal. =] I never really get presents any more. I just buy my own things :P

Gender is a trivial matter to me, but I prefer knowing just so that I'm able to address someone properly. Besides, not knowing your gender shouldn't really matter since it doesn't change the person that you are. In the end, you are you and we all like you for who you are. :goodtea:

Hmm...It is as Decal says~

I wish it was simple as you say gwee :f though I know for a fact that some people would start treating me differently because of gender stereotypes.. If I said I'm a girl, they'd be more careful with how they talk to me. If I said I'm a guy, they'd care less about what they say around me >.<

It just makes me sad to think that there isn't a good place in between... I feel like some kinda put me in a lower place socially for those that think I'm a girl. And others who think I'm a guy aren't sensitive or think before they talk :f
I've not said once who I am, but people just assumed things based on the way I talk.

@deca being mysterious was just for the fun of messing with people :P

Some other things to consider: I get along with other girls much more than I do most guys. Mainly because I have none of the same interests that most guys do. Really, it scares me when ppl talk about perverted things x_x
I've also heard that several girls in asl were scared away because of how the guys talked to them.. that alone makes me worried more. I did send a pm recently, hoping that they'd understand. I won't know anything til later for sure, but i want those words to settle in before I say for sure.

so the main thing I'm worried about atm:

If I say girl: treated as an emotional person, but also considered more minor than guys.

If I say boy: bombarded with attempts or carelessness of perversion, and possibly more insensitive words x_x.

either way, I don't want to lie to anyone :f
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Hmm i relate with females more despite being a male :/ Just an odd one here~ I do think this is somewhat neutral?

Dun really get why someone would say youre more minor for being female...

Perversion... mehs they are sort of just like that...
Quite the typical stereotype I guess. Though I must agree that I pick my words carefully depending on who I talk to. The most I'll ever make online is a 'That's what she said' joke, which pretty much works for anything and it depends on who I'm with. My words are very carefree with the friends I hang around with and we all accept one another so I guess that's why it's possible for me to say something like that.

Some other things to consider: I get along with other girls much more than I do most guys. Mainly because I have none of the same interests that most guys do.

Sounds like Sam. :goodtea:

I'm not exactly sure about girls being scared away and so, but there may have been a similar case with a person we know, but the reasons were not due to perversion.

I still think you'll be fine with the ones online at the moment.
Lol sounds like meh? xD

Hmm perversion... im not on irc much but it may have been... if youre thinking of who i think you are~

Well the forums are quite warm and relatively non perverted... or at least i dont see much... i suppose there probably is some in the pure and innocent room...
Bluetooth Sam, maybe?

I'm not sure how to go about perversion but we do have an ero trio on the forums, but they're all good people (Selvaria, Unown and one other).

Hmm well theres plenty that would post somewhat ecchi stuff though ushio seems to view quite a lot more than me as ecchi xD I suppose my definition is just different since i never really bothered to find out what really ecchi was so all i have a general idea~ Like how ushio thought that shiina wearing a skirt was ecchi but i never really thought of that myself xD Most of them have had something which could probably be called ecchi though some more than others...
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I've just had several bad experiences on irc so far to the point of crying :f Even on the forum through my pm box x_x

I'm going to eat and focus on homework x_x goodnight..
Ehh? Ok... love... still dont know what it really means xD But well i guess i love you too?
That is unfortunate to hear. Hope you have a good night Ushio. Study well. ^^

Bluetooh is a terminology that my friend uses when two people are on the same wavelength meaning they are thinking the same thing or something of similarity. :goodtea:
Hmm similar... i suppose~ Its just a random guess until theres actual proof though xD I find that my guesses can be somewhat off... not that i ever really find solid proof for half of them...
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