Testing how the mention system works... Looks like you don't need to put ";" at the end, and you can freely edit how you call someone in mention as long as that nickname isn't someone's name...
Of course ;p Thats a nightly thing as long as i sleep late~
And do i dare point out the fact that humans are also under the category of "animals?" Animal is a human made word so theres nothing godly about it or anything ;p We arent exactly the same as other animals but we are also animals~ They just act on pure instinct and really basic stuff while we do not (always) do so~
If you mean animals as a living beings, then yeah, humans are animals. But humans and animals are just too different. While animals are controlled solely by their instincts which controls what insignificant thinking capabilities they have as well, humans are controlled by both instincts and their consciousness (thinking, mind, etc) and one of them can sometimes have the control over the other.
Hmm i think you should say "other animals" or youre just contradicting yourself by saying humans are animals and then saying they are different from animals ;p And there are other animals which also have consciousness~ Humans arent the only ones~
Whatever. I meant that humans can control themselves with their thoughts... While animals control even their thoughts with instincts.. I never call humans animals. They share some of animal's functions, but they aren't animals.
Hmm but you havent told meh anything different about humans compared to other animals yet ;p Conscious thought is not something that only humans have~ Certain animals like dolphins and the great apes all have consciousness of the self and others~
As I said. They do HAVE it, but it is still controlled by instincts. Their thinking pattern is not as complex as human's and they can't go against instincts. And humans can.
Who says they cant go against their instincts? Sure i agree humans are a special type of animal but what other animal isnt? Every animal has its own unique parts even if theyre grouped under names such as dog or cat~ Some of their thinking patterns is plenty complex and even with our "superior" thoughts we still dont understand them~
Hmm... i think you would have quite a lot of trouble if you went into a psych class~