[LPW#47] Link Start! Welcome to Sword Art Online! Wait what? エクスカリバー!

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Exactly its definition basically covers most moving things on earth... except plants and cars and stuff but yeahhh xD By basic meaning "animal" is really vague and a human is an animal~ It doesnt change anything about the world and its only a view point~ Nothing more~ Were not suddenly going to kill each other or anything cuz humans are animals :goodtea:
Hi minna...
Ehmmm... How to begin... I accidentally fell asleep reading all that... And leaving that aside.
The term animals itself means a living organism. So yes, almost anything that lives on this planet is an animal. But in general conversation, animals can either mean all living beings OR all animals except humans. But you know what, but that is in English. A word 動物 (doubutsu) exists it consist of two characters, one for moving and one for thing, so basically it's a moving thing, in japanese this is the word for an animal. And yet, japanese NEVER use it when speaking about humans. They use 人間(ningen) for that. But you know what? I just couldn't care less whether humans are really animals as well or not. I see the difference between them, that difference makes me hate humans, that difference makes me think of you as a beings lower than animals, that thing makes me want to kill you all. And that, I someday will. Do you honestly think nature will do nothing to you after all you've done to it?
That doesnt change the fact that humans fall under the category of animal?
Hmm so what is nature? Are humans not part of that thing called nature? or do we all have to move back into the woods and caves~ Is everything that a human touched suddenly unnatural? I toss a rock and suddenly it is not in a position it would naturally be~ Yay for the sudden destruction of natural order :goodtea:
I don't see the point in continuing speaking on the subject, the only thing it will do is make me even more mad... But let us say. No matter what any of you humans ever say and think, humans are not part of nature.
Not really. Without belief you simply make less stupid mistakes... And able to look at the world not as you want to see it but as it is...
Hmm... reminds meh of the teacher telling us to draw what we see and not what we think we see :goodtea: Not that it made a difference to me~ Your way of thinking is also similar to the pessimistic attitude where more depressed people tend to see the world as it is since they dont sugar coat everything~
Hmm... reminds meh of the teacher telling us to draw what we see and not what we think we see
Wtf is that? Well, you know, this conversation was kind of pointless from the very start. Nothing changed at all... Optimism or pessimism? Don't make me mad... oops, already mad... Well, whatever. What is optimism? Stupid wishful thinking, turning your eyes away from reality, making yourself think all is good while closing your eyes and not looking. Pessimism is complete opposite. Well, I may be close to realist but I just know you wouldn't call me that. That's why let's reply with the result that that QUIZ #55 gave me:
I don't know what you are!!!!!
Hello, person, what are you?

Oh, hi there Saint.
Hmm optimism can actually help with quite a bit~ Its use is different than pessimism which reveals reality~ Wishful thinking can make changes in the person and it can become quite the powerful force~
It may be, but in truth, that is just them wanting the truth to be something better. And it's not like that. Pessimism does the opposite of optimism, it's just them wanting a reality to be worse... Let's make a simple example: A scary monster attacks. Optimist would think that it's just a scary dream, hope that everything turns out good, think that he will definitely survive. Pessimist would think that they are all doomed and no matter what they do they will die. And a realist would calmly assess the situation, and accept the fact that if he doesn't do something he will die while trying to do anything to survive...
Hmm basically the neutral ground? Pessimism doesnt necessarily want it to be worse but merely thinks that it cannot be better anyway~ Wouldnt it be better to maybe be optimistic and think that its possible to slay the monster here?~ Various ways of thinking but i suppose that optimism could also be delusional but oh well~ He would be the bait while i run off :goodtea: Isnt not particularly great to be too extreme in either pessimism or optimism anyway~

Random topic? xD
Watched Maoyuu Maou Yuusha 1st episode just now... How do you say it... Too plain?? The art is nice though...
As usually.. i see....

Pessimism and Optimism? Bot of them can kill you at certain times....
Just as that one joke says: The optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel. The pessimist sees darkness at the end of the tunnel. And only the realist sees two idiots standing on the train's rails in the tunnel...
Hmm well everyone falls on that scale somewhere~ Realist being a more neutral negative which doesnt reach the degree of pessimism~
On the corner of what? :reallyconfused:
Well, whatever. I'm gonna go play SH for an hour or 2. PC already worked for a long time so I need to give it some rest..
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