[LPW#47] Link Start! Welcome to Sword Art Online! Wait what? エクスカリバー!

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Humans have the ability to learn and create far beyond the capacity of any creature on earth.
Humans are able to think abstractly, have more control over an environment, and dominate over the earth moreso than animals.
Humans have gone into space, through the air, and into water through things they've made. They can survive in all climates in any given environment if they have the right resources.
Humans have science, music, multiple languages, and social relationships far more complex than any animal in history.
People never came from animals, that's completely a lie that has no true evidence to back up that extrapolation. There's more science that can say how we don't come from animals more than any that would say otherwise.
I'm aware of both sides of the argument. The only thing left is to decide on accepting and learning the facts before forming an opinion, not just going with the flow. Not just believing what you're taught in school, or what society/ the government wants you to think.
Though from what I read, Sammy never really said human came from animals, he's simply pointing out the facts that animals have a lot of similarities to animals. And technically, forming your opinion based upon other knowledge can mean going with the flow as you're not really creating other materials for other people to comprehend in, so unless you can provide other knowledge for other people to comprehend in, you're just merely reforming what you know based upon what you learn from other people, that to me doesn't sounds like forming an opinion, sounds more like reforming information. And to go beyond, sometime you must go with the flow first before you can go beyond that stage, its like school, you must go through the foundation knowledge first before you can make any new knowledge that's likely to be based upon that foundation knowledge, but your different interpretation of that knowledge.

And morning guys~ :3
Im not talking about evolution~ I dont particularly care about that theory on evolution anyhow~ Its just the fact that humans are also animals~ We are quite different from others but we are animals~ There are things that other animals do which we cant but that doesnt mean theyre not animals~ Were just another living organism on this planet like all the other animals~ I do think youre reading too deeply into my argument ;p

Morning king~
Animal (noun): a living organism which feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli

Source: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/animal

So you can classify most things that eat and have a sense organs and nervous system as animals, as this is the definition given to animal by Oxford dictionaries. But that's just a word that human created to describe something xD

And hey Sammy :3
Exactly its definition basically covers most moving things on earth... except plants and cars and stuff but yeahhh xD By basic meaning "animal" is really vague and a human is an animal~ It doesnt change anything about the world and its only a view point~ Nothing more~ Were not suddenly going to kill each other or anything cuz humans are animals :goodtea:
Morning mus... musa mus hmm... mus is shorter and ive been calling you that so i guess ill stick with it xD /me tosses doritos at mus :evillaugh:
You know...humans have less control over their bodies than we like to believe. Do you ever wonder why drugs are developed and tested on animals first? We share many off the exact same pathways, sometimes down to the cellular level. Even the lowly protists share same exact universal proteins used in humans.
Hmm i do wonder what humans would be if we werent animals :goodtea: Would need a whole new group to describe us though i suppose just continuing with human is enough~
Well, we'll probably diverse in describing different human, rather than classifying animals? xD
Hmm but we already do have diverse divisions of race and role in society and stuff~ (aka nerd jock etc)
Gyaa anshin'in staring into my soul everytime. King you are a horrible person and deserve to get your seiba waifus revoked
Hey again, Musangbeku.

Kac, thought you don't like Anshin'in-san staring at you ._.

Anyway, time for me to go, see you later tonight guys.
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