[LPW #5] Smile for Anime Sharing!

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masou shounen airs tonight too~

hmm. too bad the 4th series is a manga. hopefully its animated, but chances are low i guess.

*awaiting for movie2nd too, finally get to see signum again*
Signum got owned by Hayate in the snow lol

well the seiyuus that is XD

anycase, its always nice to see recap movies, especially for good shows
well, i am off too.
school is early tomorrow. *sighs*
nights everyone.
@Cocona, did I say I was going somewhere o_o

And hi and maybe goodbye, king o.o

Oyasumi Terumi~
Started Secret Game Revise trial. First Impression: OOOOHHHH -> Neat! -> Protag is pretty smart -> You just proved you said a lie! /facepalm
Lol... there aint new release xd

Though there should be some new release this week.
lol btw how did you get the discussion ender by ending an discussion o.o?

*scratches head*
I don't know... Isn't that award goes to the one that kill most discussion o.o
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