[LPW #5] Smile for Anime Sharing!

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Ok then. '-'

Bye/Night Kou. =P

Is it going to get quiet again just because Kou left again? XD
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Also, Cocona, you ever played .Hack G.U. or Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance?
I'm a big RPG fan. However, I didn't play those games yet.
^ T_T Oh well... Still can't choose my new avatar. >.<
Oh yeah forgot to ask. (Don't troll me please xD) Why do you hate FF? '-'
The time you see me troll will be around the solar eclipse.

I dislike FF because I got tried of linear game-play. I love making my own choices (At least to some degree). I use to play it before but after FF-X I stopped. I only played Mystic quest, IV and X anyway. Now I've been playing games like Ar tonelico, Mana khemia, Disgaea, Persona, etc. I need to buy a PS3 for Cross edge, Ar tonelico 3 and Tales of Graces F @_@
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How could you not love FF IV? T_T Best FF ever (IMO). I know it didn't have choices but it had awesome characters and awesome plot twists~~. Guess everyone has a different taste. >_>

Also... why do you want Cross Edge? Just because it mixes up many series? XD I liked it but it's not for everyone. =P I still have yet to complete it and i completely forgot what was my main team. =O But one thing i'm sure is that Morrigan was in it. I always play with her in every game she is in. I <3 Morrigan. ;P

Oh yeah, in case you don't know Disgaea 4 was announced. =D Shame that i'll leave my Disgaea 3 incomplete. =/ I still have to defeat Baal in the extra chapters and i haven't done 1 LoC thing xP. (Never bothered with it in any disgaea game anyway >_>)

Btw, what was your main team on Disgaea 2?
I liked FF IV. I played it when I was a kid on the SNES xD

Just to have it. Cross edge looks nice. And my Ar tonelico characters are in it!

Yeah, bondage ftw! Disgaea four is a must buy for me atm.

In Disgaea 2 all I used was Adel. I got him to level 1050 and killed 3000 leveled enemy's including Laharl xD It's that easy really if you focus on one characters while the rest provide support.
Any game with multiple choices and without a New Game+ option is not worth playing.
@coro: Doesn't most games have the option where some items like logs and battle data are saved at least? I think Ar tonelico did that...
@ Coco - My Almaz and Mao in Disgaea 3 were level 2000, 2200 or something like that. '-'
The court does not even stand a chance against me anymore (only when the legendary guys appear, they are annoying >_> )

@ Coro - I most certainly don't agree with you there coro. =/
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@Blue lol yeah the court. They really should think about it more as once you get around the third digit the get owned in Disgaea 2. Not sure about 3 but it still sounds easy. And they expect us to bribe them? xD
@ Coco - I know right? Bribing demons when you can just kill them easily. xD Don't remember if they are weaker/the same/stronger than in DIsgaea 2 tough. =P

Hmm, thinking of this made me remember that i need to finish playing Xenosaga 3...

Can't stop hearing Kingdom Hearts "Dearly Beloved" music. So awesome~~

Oh yeah, coco, did you max out all social links in P3? And did you defeat Elizabeth? xD (I still haven't done those even tough i love the game xD)
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@Blue oh god Elizabeth... I maxed out half of all the links available then stopped... I got to fight Elizabeth and got OHKOed by her. By the time I learned I was suppose to fight her alone I decided to forget about fighting her again out of lazyness xD
@coco - She seems to be so nice when she's helping you in the Velvet room. xD Then you go fight her and if you don't kill her before i think the 10th turn she just kills you anyway. XD (I think she does 9999 damage with that or something >_>) Still like her tough. xD
How I love Persona 3 FES. '-' Oh yeah , i just can't forget that when i was near the end of the game and was thinking "Man i Love Aigis, she should have a social link too. t-t" then i went to talk to her and i discovered that she did have one!!!!!! But i was near the end and couldn't get her social link level up. I was SO pissed. >.<
No, it doesn't. The cast was perfect. XD You twintail lover... I don't see what's so great about twintail... And besides in P4 you have Rise anyway (kinda). xP All this talk about P3 is making me go in the mood to play it. >_>
It's a matter of taste and fetishes. I can understand if you don't like em. :P
It's not that i don't like them, i can find them cute too. It just seems to me that you are obssessed with that and DFC. >_>

Almost 100%....
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