[LPW#54] Thou art I...and I am Thou..from the sea of thy soul i come fourth

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G'night Hinode. :bye:

Happy imouto's day to you.

Hmm, it's taking longer to come up with an answer than I thought. :goodtea:
Aye~ long time no see Kacta imouto. I'm very bored coming up with my answer to infamous since I easily forget what I'm about to say and try to think of something to replace what I forget. :goodtea:

I heard when people are awake at night and have nothing to do, when there is easily many things to do in actuality, they choose to masturbate/fap instead. What say you? :goodtea:

You can disregardless this question. I'm sorry I even asked, just because I'm bored.
『Wow... You really answered me with a loads of text... Now I need to prepare an answers for all of that... Oh well, I'm kind of bored now, so wait just a bit there, Imouto. (AhGwee)』
greetings comrade imoutos

@gweeimouto only perverts do that, i am pure and innocent. and the facebook/twiiter for the riajuufags, spamming for the spamming fags, etcetc neverending cycle
EDIT: pure & innocent = sugar coated pervert 1.5
『Well... First of all, lets start with that "Love" thingy everyone likes to mention. The love you explained is basically what it is in real life - just a single word. That feeling which they call love is basically just organism preparing itself for reproduction... Then there is this love that is fiction, what some people think it is/want it to be, this love we see in animes, mangas, vns, etc. Needles to say, I can see the difference between reality and fiction... On to the next one...』
『Well, basically, all that relationships, sex, other stuff is just a process of humans finding a partner that they would make the best offspring with. Lets say its all about compatibility. Some individual human may recognize a very compatible individual of opposite gender just from one look (creating what they call "love from the first sight"), sometimes that first impression might have been false and with time human realizes the true compatibility lowering body's preparations and other stuff, sometimes it also takes quite a bit of time and maturing for organism to see compatibility with other individual. When the possible target is obtained, body begins to prepare thus making lots of stuff that might get their target to notice them, sometimes even adapting to raise the compatibility enough for the other individual to start noticing. (This is also why they sometimes say that girls in love look more beautiful I guess...) Also, even if female A is compatible for male B, it doesn't mean that it is also like that the other way... The system is quite difficult and there are lots of factors, so I won't be able to fully explain it... Anyway, back to the main point...』
『Because of all I said ^ and what you already told, yes, siblings aren't the best partners to make a best offspring most of the times, but! There are still cases when they really are the best partners... So basically it all depends on an individual... But you know... What irritates me, isn't all this... What irritates me, is your "moral" thingy... Whats right or wrong to do? Who the hell decided on that? Why the hell should you obey someone's word who thought its wrong thus made it a morale? Why should you be tied by opinion of someone else? If you don't want to do it, don't do it. If you don't like it, you are free to say so. But if you really want to do it, stop saying shit like it is against the morals and do it... If you like it, stop caring about other people's opinion and just say so... Why can't anyone notice this when its so simple?』
Hmm sibling love is looked down upon because the chances of mutations in offspring are raised?
『So, why should you get looked down upon just because of chances like that?』

『Anyway, if you care about things like that, you'll never be able to get your imouto's route...』
I dont want an imouto route... already living with her makes it all the less appealing ;p
『I never said, you want it, right?』 『I just stated that you will never get it like that...』
『Now... Imouto no minna-san, shall we go and kill our nii-san?』 :traitor:

I'm completely fine with what you said since you are entitled to your own opinion. As such, I will not brush aside your opinion, but I have my own views~. :P

The answer(s) I give are based on logical reasoning and are not held back by any emotional reasoning. The heart makes dumb decisions, fact. I'll start off by saying that as you grow to know a person, you become more and more fond of them, to the point where you want to meet them everyday, which in turns leads to 'love', supposedly. If you were to stop seeing them or stop hearing from them, what do you think is going to happen? Pretty simple really. You would either choose move on(to another person) or you would want to see that person even more. The first option can be seen as the more logical choice to make. The second choice, while not exactly illogical, it's not the choice one would normally make. The reasons why you might not want to move on and instead want to see the person again are because: you are just plain stubborn, keeping to a promise, and/or have gone past the point of liking them and it has become an obsession but you do not realise this because your heart tells you that you 'love them'. There's a saying, 'One can not know loneliness if he was alone to begin with'. <- Not sure why I said this, except that I wanted to make a relation to what I've just said but can not remember.

When you said 'i actually completely agree with that besides when you said attraction is based purely on physical appearance. it's true that it's the initial attraction, but you can't stay attracted to someone purely based on looks, I agreed with this to some extent. The reason why you can't just be attracted to someone based on looks is because it can only last so long. As people start ageing, looks slowly start to die out for some people. Think of it like this, hobbies can exist in any way or form. Love is nothing more than a hobby. You choose to love someone at first because you are physically attracted to them. If you're still enjoying said hobby, you will still maintain this relationship, else you'll move on until you're satisfied. In the event that you are still with the person, high chance that you would want to settle down with the person, make love, and maybe have a child too. Over time, you will end up coming into many disagreements with each other. Your views on your partner may never be the same as it was before. You will have a very healthy love life early on in your marriage but over time, this will slowly die out. At this point, staying with your partner isn't something out of love but is dependant on how much one can tolerate the other. As long as both partners are committed, they will stay with each other. As I've said, this is not out of love but how much they can tolerate. Love is merely a façade to cover up how much one would be committed to looking after another.

A person will most likely stay with another in a relationship because they have nothing else to do. They will probably try to rekindle their love life/spark for each other. Once again, out of boredom.

There's a story (this is a true story by the way) where a man and woman were in love with each other. The woman had cerebral palsy. Even so, he married her regardless of her disability out of what was called 'love'. They stayed together for a few years but her body's physical condition kept deteriorating and the speed of deterioration increased in the later years. Although he continued to stay by her, he wondered if his course of action was really an act of love her instead of an act of sympathy. In the end he was unable to stay committed to the relationship and left her since there was nothing he could do.

The topic of girls(by girls I don't mean what type we like but this is often the focal point of the topic), marriage, love are something of discussion between me and my friends from time to time and the conversations can get really deep to the point we talk for hours. I feel like I may have missed out some vital information since this is a topic I like to talk about face to face (or it could just be that I'm forgetful). Once again, this goes against what my heart thinks, but my heart is stupid.

By the way, what would be your reason for staying with another person? :goodtea:
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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

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Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
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Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: