[LPW#62] Here We Go Again

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umm.. apparently sometimes i don't even notice that ppl are talking to me and therefore ignore them.. sadly.. =/

when i actually notice, i try to be nice, though^^'

That happens to me sometimes when I am lost in thoughts, but I try to be aware enough to catch on in a few seconds at least. :)

If you want more people to talk to, simply talk to more people. The worst that could (well, should :P) happen is you have an awkward conversation... which really isn't that bad.
Hmm see you genki~

Lol retaliation xD Oh wells :goodtea:

Well... i distinctly remember my sis coming up to me and asking "how can i become popular?" and mehs how the heck am i supposed to know? =w= Stop trying to be something which you view as popular?
It's only because I listen to music and forget about everything else.

And I don't have enough confidence to actively talk to others >.<'
While I wouldn't call myself popular, it was getting to the point last year where I felt like too many people at university knew me. I could hardly go anywhere without getting into some random conversation, and some people are harder to escape from than others if you don't want to be an ass... ^^;;;

[MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION]; have you simply tried simply trying? I used to be pretty shy, and then I decided that being shy was not a good use of my time, so I tried being not shy. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Anytime you see someone alone a lot in class/work/etc., they might not be that different from you anyways - hoping that someone might come talk to them.
[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; mmh.. I know that I can do it, if I really try to, but either:
- there is nobody alone, since groups have already formed
- there is nobody around that I think I want anything to do with < major problem
- or I couldn't possibly just walk up to that asian girl, sitting alone on the bench and just start talking to her (cause for some reason I see a lot of those >.<)
Asian girl sounds like win all around!!!

But you could also aim for a smaller group or something. I've even brought people into my small group when I noticed they were alone but we had similar interests. The similar interest thing is pretty important though (though none of my friends were into anime/manga/science, we just liked the same kind of humour, so we got along well).
yeah, me and my current friends have similar humor. maybe mine is a bit more rotten^^'

i don't try, because i know there will be nobody with the same interests as me lol

my breakfast..... Morningggg
『Hmmmmm... Those people who are alone might be like me...? Nah, I doubt it... Well, you can always just go and try to talk if you find what to talk about. I don't see a reason why not? Well, yeah, someone might think of you as a creep if you suddenly go out to them and start talking but what do you lose? They would think you are a creep. So what? Does that change something? Does that change a fact that you are actually isn't a creep but just some lonely guy looking for attention?』

『Yo Selvaria and Flight...』
Lol hmm... in class... i just sit around listening to whatevers happening =w= Talking with people is... difficult...
I think very few people are sitting around with lots of manifested aggression that are too caught up in playing a perceived character, and thus self-isolate themselves. Some people DO want to be left alone though. I've had my fair share of people trying to talk to me when I seem to be the person left out, before I try to explain in a nice way that I was not left out, but willfully reclusive. :)

I guess I'm now the kind of person that can walk up to just about anyone in class and try to find what kind of things they like/dislike, or if they have any good ideas on the course/future plans etc. I don't always do this, of course, but sometimes it comes in handy.
『Just take all your paper money, stack them, take them, come up to a person you want to talk with, slap them in their face with your money and say "Talk to me and these are yours.". If it goes very right they will consider this a joke and conversation will kinda start. If not the conversation will start with "Are you serious?" and stuff and if you keep it going you will eventually start having fun and they will either forget about or give up on money. If it goes very wrong, you will earn reputation as of complete creep and might even get into a fight ^_^』
You forgot the part where you also lose a lot of money eventually. :P

That would be pretty fun to do though. XD
I guess I am happy as I am. Will talk to ppl, if I feel like it~ :goodtea:
I prefer a high five or money, but I guess the thought is all that counts? :goodtea:
Not even the thoughts. Just words on the screen. We could all be one person, simply toying with you! :evillaugh:
As I wouldn't know about it, it wouldn't make much of a difference~

I think I should go to sleep now. Everyone else is already asleep as well >.<
Fair point. Goodnight to you, then. I need to be in bed in about a quarter of an hour myself.
『I'm not sleeping... I'm watching that film Genki posted...』

『Good night and mad dreams Shiki...』
@madd I clicked in the middle of it and it looked too weird for me XD

goodnight asf :sleepmoon:
『The images they show are weird but what they say is mostly true...』

『Good night and mad dreams Pyre...』
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