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『The Pikachu one is called avatar or ava, Ryuta... The ones below the post is signature or siggy ^_^』
enjoy your dinner,unown!

king,who is the top of AS? corocoro-sama? Aren't you the top?

to a few pages back. whut the f would a 500MB signature even be like? xD
From what I know, currently it is Checku-sama > Iggy-sama <> Corocoro-sama Ryuta. I'm just a moderator, lowest rank in terms of staff if you don't include the ASL/ASS staffs
Hello, and g'evening ASF/LPW-people...:goodtea:~>

G'afternoon at your side, SB/Infa-kun^^!

Notice: You're full "Xeno" SB!
Oh...While I'm off,pantsu appeared!

I'm back to just say Good night,everyone.

Edit:Thank you for teaching,king!
Sup shi

I told you shi what king=seiba
I = kosmos

Also anyways i most probably grab some lunch and watch some resident evil on bluray

Who's pantsu? Sky?
G'night Ryuta-kun...:bye:
Ehhh... What SB? If you because of "Xeno" confused was, was hint ,that on your very nice Xenosaga/Kos-mos-set meant was...:goodtea:~>
I know what you meant shi, i was simply stating like king is the official seiba con here
I am the official kos-mos con here :p

King Seiba can vouch for me :p
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