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The plan is to make that myself, and at least for a while live with my brother, who should also make that pretty fast being a lawyer, and then we can go travelling or do whatever once or twice a year. :)
I already travelled a lot in my life. When my internship is over, my wife and I plan on going to Japan for a week or two.
^ bud. = budy

Man, some people have some twisted mind while others have some very perverted thoughts...
[MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION]; no my brother is the lawyer.

[MENTION=68]AntiClimax[/MENTION]; that sounds nice! My bro and I are planning that next summer as well. I've done a lot of little travelling, but nothing overseas yet. :)

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; go back to sleep

Edit: I have no idea how 'bud' would be perverted.... XD

/me runs off to bed :sleepmoon:
Hmm... finally move out of the appartment and into my new house during the summer. Beside that, im working 6 out of 7 days a week.
Because its 23:57 and I was bored. Usually im reading something but I already read my entire bookshelf. D:
Lol goodnightys pyre~ But if i sleep more then that means ill be staying up later tonight soo... yeah nap is enough i suppose =w=

Hmm.... you were a Dj and a cook? xD Or something else now?
Samy - I was DJ, accountant and a cook. I'm doing less work as a cook and full time accountant while still working as a DJ.

Quote: I'm a mad man with a box without a box. <--- xDD
Oh xD Hmm... three jobs @_@ Guess dj and accountant are somewhat seasonal in terms of work? xD
Nah, accountant was the one that was more seasonal. As a DJ is every friday and saturday and now im working 40 hours a week as an accountant.

@infamous - If its not in your dreams, it will be in your nightmare. ;D

Im watching too much Doctor Who lately...
Hmm... so DJ is constant but has certain seasons that are just more busy? xD Do you sort of do even less accounting then?~
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