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Ahh so that more work than just a mod :/

Hmm... too busy atm to even try >< Need to get school over with before i even think of anything else...
No, CLO basically is another way of calling a "Global Discussion Moderator". They do what Mods do + have to be actively engaging in discussions to keep things going in discussion sections.
But would they on all sections presents be? - I mean; From Intro-section until Graveyard-section active be?:goodtea:~>
Yeah King, you've finally after almost 3 years the Mod-position fighted, where the pointless would now give up...:goodtea:~>
No, the reason why I'm a Mod was because Social Sec never got the love it needed and I wanted to repay the community. With CLO, I don't need to do such thing anymore, so I'll retire. I'll help whoever become the CLO, but I won't be in active duty anymore.
Well, then are you again for a unknown time away from stage King...:goodtea:~>
Hmm... i thought he was changed to normal when i last looked... :/

They really dont need a poll :goodtea:
Hmm nvm just looked again =w= I thought there was a change in someone... =w=

just forcing someone into the position by changing their badge would be legendary

nah, i don't judge peoples laziness, cause i'm the same way :wasclose:
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