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I know what I'm doing.. Is what I call being a kid
I've kinda made a decision already, but just think of this as a push to one side or the other (because I'm in a bit ofa confused state w)

Well honestly 90% of ASF is just wasting time. There isn't a substantial amount of interesting or meaningful conversations, and good discussions are virtually non existent. Any time one surfaces, it quickly turns into random chat, which is fine, but not nearly as interesting.
I'd personally suggest just stepping back for a few days, and then seeing if you feel like coming back or not. I tried that once and I actually came back (slightly surprised myself). If the only reason you are here are the "post random crap" threads... yeah then there isn't much reason to stay. Personally I'm not sure if I'll stay much longer myself, but we'll see.
I see I see
I'll see if I can cope with the things I'm facing

as for the reasons..
There's a reason why I don't tell the reasons
Lol I like your layering. Maybe you need to try seeing what it is like with your activity closer to 20% for a while?

@KOS we don't even talk about anime that much though...
fair enough naza, if you want to talk about it though im sure we'll listen and give serious opinion to try and help you, but if you say you have a reason not to tell we will respect that choice.

and im back =D
well only time will tell the answer

anyway, what ya all doing?
Nothing to do with time? Hmm just don't like anime anymore? Or your love for us has faded :P
well for me giving up was the change of my life style... and i put 1st priority my life over ther Internet but YES i do LOVE the Anime and i winll never sto loving them!!! But my body can't take more... After some time in fron of a computer my head is exploding also some times i saw double things and after have relaxed everything is normal my wife told as an nurse that i have to stop speding so much time with the computer 2-3 years now that's why i started the cycling with my bike and do sports...

Well this are the reason that i stop speding so much time here and not only here but at many forum i was talking like our bike-club forum that i have had before...

So if Naz you feel like stopping or you want to slow the time spending here is up to you, and only you know the reason if they are strong reasons then do it ;) Do whatever is best for you man!

Rember i was been some time 100% activity and all that shit... and i was getting mad why i couldn't overloaded the forum and take that badge... Know thinking all this things they realy kind look at me like a big wast of my time and hurting myself...

Anyway... do whatever you like ;)
right some reading and then bed, cya later guys, as for naza, ill see you if i see you
At least you gave a bit of a heads up, so if you suddenly stop coming I'm not left thinking "where did that bum go" which happens all too often here, and on other sites. :P
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