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/me sends second to the moon

he can't bite anybody there XD

on the more serious note, the lpw titles have started to lose their originality in the recent threads.
well its true the titles just get weirder and weirder, every thread is based on something and not anything original.

not that is a bad thing :)
Yeah that is really cool. And I just saw another thing on a performance enhancing glove prototype (designed for slowly disabling elderly people). Won't be too long before we start having exo skeletons! That will be really cool and horrifying. :D
today was nice but i feel kind tired... in the morning i go to class then come back home spend some time here and styding and a little rendering :lol: :XD: and now i am hungry and feel lazy...
Hmm I didn't get what I wanted to done today. Oh well. Guess it is my fault.
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