[LPW#70] UOOOO! Dame da! Zenzen dame da!

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Today is probably going to be a nutsy photoshop filled day for meh~ :runhappy:

Anyhow hellos lpw~

:hi: Sammy Okaeri

My too my friend my head is aches also after so many hours in front of my pc my eyes are starting to get a little blury...
dropping by post, will probably be reviving my signatures soon so ill be spending more time on the net, looking forward to it =D
Hellos dark~

Hmm... stared at pc for too long? But anyhow... photoshop and windows 8 dont like each other >< Keeps trying to kill my eyes with black screen flashies...
Black screen flashies? That sounds bad :/

I've never used PS on win8 but I'm guessing it should be the same as win7?
Windows 8 is Windows 7 with an updated interface. Other than that I've come across no difference (well other than it boots faster too). All my programs that worked on win7 work the exact same on win8.
Hmm maybe I should try it out sometime. I know that win7 and win8 are both bad for tablet support, but if PS has runtime errors (or well, has them more often than normal) or something that is unfortunate.
Weird. I'm kind of interested in it, but not interested enough to look it up XD

Kind of just sounds like a hardware issue (since adobe makes not programs, but monsters!), but maybe they tweaked something from 7 to 8?

Hopefully a fix is released soon... or maybe when win8 Blue comes out in a few weeks it will be fixed (probably not).

Hey there infa
i just make some hot milk with honey and some chocolate cookies and i will relax reading some books over my sofa :runhappy:
Well if it might be fixed by downgrading to win7 maybe you should try that? Or running it on a Virtual Machine or something (basically a program that runs another OS within your OS. I just had to start using one recently for Linux :P).

Edit: [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; I was finally tempted enough to look it up. If you haven't tried it yet, go to PS preferences and set GPU drawing mode to "basic" and then restart PS. Apparently it is a known issue (so it might get fixed eventually). The support article was for CS 6, if you have another version this may not work.
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