[LPW#70] UOOOO! Dame da! Zenzen dame da!

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Agreed on that deal :evillaugh:
punishment is going to be quite painful :evillaugh:
I-I'm willing to take the risk..I mean.. Inori is just too cute <3

Succes! Prepare to get peeked at! :evillaugh:
Maybe during bath..maybe during changing clothes.. who knows..
Inori-chan..we have a deal!
I'm allowed to take a peek if:
1. 7shi doesn't notice
2. You don't notice it

If I get caught by either..I will take the punishment.. (:scared:)
Oh, so... You betray your own best friend so? ...Then have I no other choice as the radars to install...:traitor:
alright, good luck with that uno. as for me, i've moved on from inori. i've moved to bigger fish

/me stalks.........

wait, i'm related to all the other females :crushed:
what.........what have i done :dispirited:

whelp, i guess there's no other choice but to try the inori route again :sigh:
No traps can stop ninja mode unown!

Now I'll be off to hone my skills

/me disappears in a flash..
She has a benefit too! She can hurt me if I get caught :deadsad:
Well, yeah... Because I can me remember in our childhood, that she a big big big fan had, and with them heavily to beat could...:goodtea:~>
/me prepares some punishments to have it ready when the time comes :goodtea:
Nooo I still need to have my fun right :evillaugh:

Well Ill be off~
Nights :bye:
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