[LPW#72] i won? sorry for the wait!

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Oh O.o Hmm... did you say that before or was it someone else... xD Dun remember =w=
Lol well.. i havent actually gotten through all the pages of the lpws... =w= Mehs... xD So dunno~

/me snipes coins with a rubber band~
hmm nobody have either...

/me blocks the rubber band using plywood
Hmm i'll start playing my games again once christmas is closer cause i won't get any new ones till then.
Lol i will get through them at some point.. =w=

/me fire a piles of matches at coins~
if you have nothing else to do?

/me burns the matches in the midair
and people who put goat beside you?

oil... /me avoid the oil

LPW is slippery now
Hmm... haxx jetpack with inf fuel =w=

Yes those odd people ;p

/me calls a thunderstorm~
/me summons a Faraday's cage or wtv it's called to protect him
:hi: LPW people just passing by...

i have some renders to finish ;)

Later people :)
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