i have a MacBook Air and my Allienware but the XPS is for everyday use for me and my woman i am thinking buying for the XPS 2 new SSDs the mechanical drives that wears are too problematic... and this one wears a pair of Hitachi 7200rpm
how much unlucky can a human be?
If you search the meaning unluck in the dictionary you probably find my name near the word...
i am thinking to open the cmd to my Allienware and i will make the XPS's drive extrernal and i will do a low level format 10+ hours to fix all the platters of the disk...
@Final normal temp but it's been stucking even can't open the windows repair in safe mode!
No I meant something might be wrong with how they are getting power. Isn't that routed through the mobo in a laptop? I've never messed with laptop parts so maybe they are more like desktops than I think.