[LPW #78] Spam Haven Academy

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Well, Naza... wasn't this a Japanese horror game from the beginning? Now you know where the logic comes from :goodtea: With oldschool I mainly refer to the graphics and the style of it. I guess that I can refer to the evolution of the brain as well since logic wasn't that important at that time
It is, and it has successfully made me paranoid that someone with huge scissors will break into my room w

It is also.... difficult, I guess
You're in a building, there are 3 floors and about 10 rooms available for you to enter. This guy started chasing you and JUST WON'T LEAVE YOU ALONE. Apparently you had to go to this one room, go to this one computer desk in that room, and press action button on it, you'll then suddenly get a pepperspray for you to use on that guy so that he would finally leave. I swear, that pepperspray can be hardly seen until you press the action button on the desk
Well, generally are almost all oldschool games more or less senseless been, but without them were the currently games not so, how we it love...:goodtea:~>
Isn't the game randomized everytime you start a new game as well? The annoying thing is that it's so slow to move your character :/
That I don't know, I mean I just started it 6 hours ago XD
Yeah, sometimes the character will run and sometimes the character will walk, damn thing wants to be killed >_>

As senseless as it is, it's actually fun if you can bear the negatives
I see, good luck with beating it then xD
She's probably suicidal. Isn't it fun when the scissor guy chase you? :3
Thanks XD
Oh my god, the *snip* *snip* sounds are damn eerie, especially with how the guy can move randomly (slow or fast), if he's slow it's just *snip* *snip, but if he's fast... goddamn *snipsnipsnipsnipsnipsnipsnip*
The *snip* *snip* will destroy your mind :lmao: It's fun that they sometimes can move quickly since you never really expect which speed they'll move at xD
Later shi

The fact that I'm bad at getting chased makes things worse, when the guy was near me and he started moving fast, I literally screamed XD
See you later, Nana :bye:

Lmao, I know how it feels. It's the same over here :deadsad: I'm scared about any kind of horror game. But getting chased is seriously the worst that can happen. It destroys your mind entirely D:
I'm able to withstand jumpscares, but yes as you said, chase scenes...
For me, the worse game is Resident evil outbreak.
Goddamn it, tyrants can go through doors >_>
There's this level where you're in a huge mansion, you do things and go back to the main entrance, where suddenly thanatos comes in. It's a normal trait for tyrants to be able to run. Each hallways are long, and the "long"ness of the hallways serves to make me anxious furthere. That tyrant suddenly opening doors and start running towards me >_>

Thanatos btw http://residentevil.wikia.com/Thanatos
I haven't played RE Outbreak but I kinda get the same feeling from RE3 where a guy shows up at sudden locations and start chasing you. He can also open doors and moves quick as hell so I guess that it's the same thing? :deadsad:

This is the guy who chased me at that time :<
Ahh nemesis
Though for me, nemesis is more of "Oh-he's going to get me, he's going to get me.. OOMPH! Ah, damn"

Since nemesis shows up in places which are quite small, the "scary" effect is way lesser XD
Not sure if it will be the same for you though
I kinda hate the small areas though so I guess that's why I really hated him for that :/ I'm seriously scared of the Capra Demon in Dark Souls because of the small room you're in so it doesn't really need to be horror games for that feeling. Even though it doesn't give the same feeling as Nemesis xD

I can maybe play Outbreak sometime just to see how it is. I've heard that it's hard so I don't expect to actually beat it :<
yo guys passing by again and naza i see you got rid of your GIF XD and the only thing that gets to me in a horror game is when they manage to keep tension high, dead space for example...
I hate hunters more than nemesis, if you got hit by their jump attacks, one-hit >_>
I'm rather fine with dark souls, except for ornstein and smough due to their difficulty and the "Oh god, his health is so low! Wait.. is that guy going to.. OH NO, NOT WHEN I'M FINALLY ABOUT TO KILL HIM"

It is a bit hard and is worse if you don't know what to do. In this game, each chapters are not "too" connected, so no cutscenes telling you what you are supposed to do indirectly.
Like the thanatos thing, I don't know where to go and what to do so I kept on running around the mansion for about an hour, gave up and looked up a walkthrough XD

Nice, desu ne
Ahh dead space.. It becomes not scary at all after finishing it once (I remember every exact location where an enemy will pop up XD)
Don't think I've seen any hunters in RE3 :reallyconfused: Maybe they was in RE1 or RE2 though since I haven't played those 2 games either :/ OHKO moves suck...
I haven't reached that far though but it sounds something like the Gargoyles that you have to do a 1v2 fight. Or do you face them one at a time? Meh, Dark Souls isn't nice so I hardly expect that...

How many chapters is it? I can't remember if RE3 had chapters but I was pretty lost there as well so Outbreak will be even worse...
The feeling of being entirely lost and being chased is the worst combination you can find xD
Anything that is not jumpscare, since jumpscare is cheap and unimaginative.

I enjoy something that is less violent but has a constant effect to my mind. Not sure how to describe it with words, but something more refined and sophisticated that subtly instill fear to the core of my subconscious before I even know it. Like, when I'm already in too deep as I finally realize it. =\
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