[LPW #78] Spam Haven Academy

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When you're fighting the bell gargoyles, first only 1 comes down. And after about 15 seconds the second one comes down. So you have a chance of killing the first one before the second one arrives - or not wound the first one so that it is easier to kill it later on .
There are 5 chapters in outbreak.

I've never encountered such games, considering I'm 95% cautious when I'm playing horror games XD

Yo dark
Really? I didn't know that... I know that the 2nd one comes down when the first one loses 50% of his HP. At least from my own experiences. The only thing that disturbed me was that I always had 1 Gargoyle on my ass while the other one decided to spit fire all over the area. This was also before I upgraded my weapons since I didn't expect +30 something damage on my Spear to actually be +100 in terms of damage against enemies -.-

Sounds like it would be annoying with the chapters :/ Do you play the same character or different ones?
I always focused on the first gargoyle, since he has way less health than the second one (I wounded him)
The bell gargoyles are easy to inflict damage, you can use just a knife to beat them XD
Wait till you reach ornstein and smough

There are about.. 8-10 characters that you can play as
You can switch between characters for each chapter, and each chapter has a specific character that would have extra scenes since it is related to them. Also each character has different abilities/equipments, starting with a powerful gun, have a 1-hit KO weapon that can be used once, extra inventory space, extra health restored for using herbs, etc.
AND each chapter has 3 NPCs that will accompany you, though they mostly just run around and taking things that you originally wanted to take XD
You can also trade with them, and they will turn into a zombie if they die.
Actually most games that I find scary, aren't considered survival horror by most people. =\ I think psychological horror is the more correct term.
Hmm... I found it hard to actually hit the first Gargoyle again after the 2nd Gargoyle appeared. Mainly because the second Gargoyle spit fire all the time so I couldn't even get close to the first Gargoyle when he was left open for an attack -.-
Sure, in which area do I find them in?

So there's alot of customization compared to the other RE games? I suppose that you have to change tactics as well if you decide to play the chapter with "wrong" character? Sounds pretty good to me :3
They steal your stuff, but what happens if they die with your stuff? Can you loot it from their bodies after you kill them or will it be lost forever? D:
You can move from the direction of the fire and start attacking the first one though? XD
It's in anor londo, you first have to defeat quelaag and the iron golem

You can just shoot all the zombies XD
It's not exactly stealing from your inventory - let's say there's a rifle on the ground near a door in your sight, you're running there to take it but suddenly an NPC appeared and takes the rifle
Yes, you can pick up their stuff
I have played Outlast and it was probably more scary than Amnesia series
I guess... I did notice that he started spitting it straight forward then aimed it to the left, then to the right and then forward again before ending the fire spitting :/
I see... we'll see if I can beat them then :goodtea:

They steal it from your mental image of what you're going to get :/ Then they probably shoot you with the rifle as well just to mock you. How scarce is the ammo?
Nah, I'm not butchering them, I just set them free
But I guess they might be butchered and sold

What? Doesn't it just spit in one direction?
Took me about 15 tries to beat them, good luck

Rather scarce, even in easy
To be fair though, there are only few zombies if compared to the original RE games
It spits kinda in a cone with you starting in the middle. So the fire will follow you if you sidestep to the right since the Gergoyle will aim the fire towards the left end of the cone first. I suck at sidestepping to the left so I always went for the right :/ Sometimes I managed to outspeed the fire lol.
15 tries only? That was about what it took me to kill the Gargoyles... I would guess on 30+ tries for that boss then :deadsad:

Kinda like normal then... I guess it's good since it should be less zombies. Have you played Silent Hill?
Continuously roll/run/jump-roll, should be easy to evade it
Honestly I can't remember, since halfway fighting ornstein and smough I became a mindless husk, dying and dying XD

I've played Silent Hill origins on my cousin's PSP, but after playing it for a while I was completely lost as to what to do. From there on, I lost interest in SH w
I would like to hear your opinion on SH though

Sky, we don't have that kind of advanced technology yet, and I don't have the means to start a research on it >_>

VERY. GOOD. IDEA. (Because it can't be the Best Idea Ever)

I doubt I'll be able to anyway XD
Continuously roll/run/jump-roll, should be easy to evade it
Honestly I can't remember, since halfway fighting ornstein and smough I became a mindless husk, dying and dying XD

I've played Silent Hill origins on my cousin's PSP, but after playing it for a while I was completely lost as to what to do. From there on, I lost interest in SH w
I would like to hear your opinion on SH though

I never understand what you can dodge by rolling though. Sometimes when I roll I get hit anyways since the enemies seems to have aimbot accuracy... at least some of them. If you roll to the side when an enemy use a attack you can see them turn around while attacking just to stab you in the face. I felt that pain especially when I tried to dodge a enemys OHKO move he did with his club which my shield barely managed to block without entirely destroying my stamina. My attacks don't aimbot them so they shouldn't be able to aimbot me.

I've only played the first SH but I've heard that SH2 should be the best of them all. I liked SH since it had what I liked. Ammunition is scarce so you can't kill everything in your way, the school was brilliant with the *cough* "moles" *cough* and that your flashlight only allowed you to see in a cone in the direction you was facing. I liked that you had to run around in the town as well to find keys, ammo and other kind of stuff.
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