Mafia Game 2: Angel Beats Version (Revised Full Game)

hoee?...oh yeah..iwasawa was replaced by yui after she disapperead...naruhodo ne..
hmm...well he's behind the shadow incident...well that's according the animes though
Phase 58 Night~
The Programmer went into hiding~
The Programmer was attacked by SSS~
Takamatsu reverts from being a shadow~

The Programmer noticed that he had been spotted and ran. The SSS chased The Programmer it the school building but he disappeared somewhere... The SSS searched the building but only found Takamatsu laying around...

Phase 59 Day~
Holy Cow...... It's been a month since I was last able to be here... (Sorry about that)

Anyways, I'll lead a small team underground to search for clues of the Programmers whereabouts (I can do that, right?)....
welcome back eien......

hmm...looks like sammy's hiding the programmer right now:gotidea:
I'll pack stuff for the expedition....
Let me see....
Pickaxe Check
Shovel Check
Phase 59 Day~
A shadow appeared~

Eventually the SSS found a trap door in the floor of the computer lab. Matsushita suggested that they explore and jumped inside without hesitation. He found an empty tunnel inside and yelled for the other members to come in as well. They were wondering which path they should follow when a shadow appeared in the distance.

Phase 60 Night~

Hmm barely any events this time round ;p

[MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION]

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