Mafia Game 2: Angel Beats Version (Revised Full Game)

hmm...only one shadow...will death in no there any sword or something?
hmm...yeah...just a gun really effective against shadow?...i mean the bullet just run

through their body right?
Well if theres enough bullets then they could just sort of destroy enough of the shadow for whatever theyre trying to do... i think theres a main part which is the weakness... i think anyway~
the tunnel is where the programmer iz right? i hope he diez soon i find the shadows annoying~
Hmm i suppose :goodtea: Will probably find him at some point or another unless he does something ;p
Eien reporting.....
The battlefield is clear, I'll stay to deal with the shadow while the rest of the team will keep on searching. I suggest keeping contact between members in case we are forced to be separated again.
Doesn't matter I'll bomb the entire place if I can't destroy it, at least it'll give the rest of the team some time to escape.............
Well tenshi was able to slice shadows too? xD They seem to have some physical substance to them :goodtea:
Phase 60 Night~
The Programmer was attacked and killed~
Shadow was attacked and killed~
Tk was attacked by a shadow~
Chaa reverts from being a shadow~
Shadow reverts back to a npc~

Matsushita blasted the shadow to smithereens as the rest of the SSS ran past~ They ran down the tunnel slaying shadows and eventually reached the room of The Programmer~ Yuri found a room and saw The Programmer sitting surrounded by computers...She destroyed all the computers and the shadows vanished~ Chaa wandered in at some point or another~


~Game Over~
Unless you guys want to continue the SSS vs SC thing ;p

[MENTION=16583]hayate akihisa[/MENTION]
Hmm basically its over :goodtea: It could continue i suppose but ill be messing with the rules a bit~
ohh...i see:goodtea:...messing with rulez sure is a good thing:evillaugh:...BTW...what chara are you sam?

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