Oh wow, that is really awesome! What show is this? I should send it to my brother :D
Unfortunately, the small one is still 851kb, so about 4.5 times the image limit for avatars

I wasn't able to get this one to work either:
There is a small hint contained within it, a dvd collection ^^ It's from Bleach, the final season in episode 349. It one of those short clips at the end, I don't know what their called. But they are what seems 100% of the time to be made in a humorous way.
I could potentially make it smaller, with just a repeating burnt pot at the end...
Your gif:
hah some of those old 80's animes can be so weird, in a rly weird way

Just the dull facial expression, totally expressionless, and the zooming in... is so.... The old color palette only helps make things even weirder.
It's like sometimes the most funniest moments are the ones that in a objective way are the least funniest of all.
Come to think of it some of my most laughable moments have probably been at times when there is nothing supposed to be funny, but I still manage to see a funny side, and then it's just twice as funny.. (for me anyway)
I'm already imagening me at a cinema....dead silence, every bodies paying attention, its a serious moment, "Frank...I have cancer, ..I'm going to die :(" then all of a sudden some guy in the hall bursts with laughter lol...That scenario has never happened though, yet.
(I wouldn't rly laugh because something is sad, it's all relative to the movie as a whole ofc, maybe the movie is just such a cliche and thats why I would laugh, not because I'm an asshole, really.)