Star Trek VS Star Wars

Star Trek VS Star Wars, which is better?

  • Star Trek

    Votes: 50 45.0%
  • Star Wars

    Votes: 61 55.0%

  • Total voters
Meesa thinksa yoosa gonna simmulated. Would the incredible stupidity of Jar Jar be enough to overcome the collective? What if they assimilate the George Lucas that thought anything in any of the prequels was a good idea? My money is the Jedi battle becoming moot, as they will choose suicide via kamikaze attack on Species 8472.

Let's face it, The entire purpose of SW 1, 2, and 3 was to lead up to the great battle between Anakin and Obi Wan. That and to pad Lucas' wallet. ;)

They totally wasted Darth Maul. Fortunately, the TV animated series, SW Rebels, had him somehow survive, and he is playing a major part there. Maul is trying to seduce Ezra to the Dark Side as his new apprentice, to further his plans for revenge.

SW Rebels has proved to be a very good show!
Let's face it, The entire purpose of SW 1, 2, and 3 was to lead up to the great battle between Anakin and Obi Wan. That and to pad Lucas' wallet. ;)

They totally wasted Darth Maul. Fortunately, the TV animated series, SW Rebels, had him somehow survive, and he is playing a major part there. Maul is trying to seduce Ezra to the Dark Side as his new apprentice, to further his plans for revenge.

SW Rebels has proved to be a very good show!

I am very happy what they did with SW Rebels. Really good story telling through what something mainstream should be of Star Wars. I really love the fact that they are re-introducing some EU aspects/character/stories into the main structures of the show. One BIG addition of something that was EU ex canon was Grand Admiral Thrawn. So Thrawn is now back into canon as well as bringing back Maul from The Clone Wars which looks like it may lead into one of the great mini series comic story lines in the EU about Maul.

Also for giving us the long deserved showdown of Vader and Ahsoka. I lost my shit on that LOL. There was even talks about bring more characters from EU/Old Replublic such as Revan with confirmation from executive producer Dave Filoni who is in charge all of creative animation of the show. Revan and couple others we're brought in so far as complete characters within their animation tests but it never got the green light to be in show. So maybe we will see more of great things as that hopefully.

I definitely want to see how the story progresses for the crew of the Ghost, specifically a few more than the others. And yes, of course Maul and definitely Thrawn.
oh yeah, just to clarify. My "vote" was on the battle between the borg and the warriors of SW, not saying Trek nor Wars is better than the other.
Let's face it, The entire purpose of SW 1, 2, and 3 was to lead up to the great battle between Anakin and Obi Wan. That and to pad Lucas' wallet. ;)

They totally wasted Darth Maul. Fortunately, the TV animated series, SW Rebels, had him somehow survive, and he is playing a major part there. Maul is trying to seduce Ezra to the Dark Side as his new apprentice, to further his plans for revenge.

SW Rebels has proved to be a very good show!

You see, I was with you until you said "great battle." I certainly remember a long, excruciating segment of some asshole jerking himself off with a green screen, a computer, poorly choreographed "action" and pathetic "dialog," but this great battle see I did not.

"I have the high ground!" As if that somehow neutralizes telekinesis. Here's an idea, how about I pretend to give up, drop my light saber and have it cleave you in two when you buy it. Or I could be a dumbass and make it super easy for you to chop my limbs off while I can't fight. You know, either way.

Your point about Darth Maul demonstrates my point. I shouldn't have to watch a different show to know, well, ANYTHING about him. He was the #2 guy! I should like him, or hate him, or fear him, or SOMETHING. Unless you watch other TV shows and read comic books and novels he's just as dumbass in stupid looking facepaint. Why should I care at all? I don't have an answer, and therein lies the problem.
You see, I was with you until you said "great battle." I certainly remember a long, excruciating segment of some asshole jerking himself off with a green screen, a computer, poorly choreographed "action" and pathetic "dialog," but this great battle see I did not.

"I have the high ground!" As if that somehow neutralizes telekinesis. Here's an idea, how about I pretend to give up, drop my light saber and have it cleave you in two when you buy it. Or I could be a dumbass and make it super easy for you to chop my limbs off while I can't fight. You know, either way.

Your point about Darth Maul demonstrates my point. I shouldn't have to watch a different show to know, well, ANYTHING about him. He was the #2 guy! I should like him, or hate him, or fear him, or SOMETHING. Unless you watch other TV shows and read comic books and novels he's just as dumbass in stupid looking facepaint. Why should I care at all? I don't have an answer, and therein lies the problem.

Ahhh, good, you got the point of the phrase, "great battle." Three movies, and that was the grand finale. One more scenario, after Obi Wan claims the high ground, Anakin drops that high ground on his head, like in their battle with Duku.

As for Maul, he should have been developed a lot more than he was, he had great character potential. Instead, we got Jar Jar.. :(

As for TV, SW Clone Wars and SW Rebels are considered SW canon, just like the movies. While Clone Wars was just so-so, Rebels is a highly polished story, well worth watching by SW fans.

IMO, it's a better watch then Force Awakens, aka Audience Naps. :evillaugh:
"..a better watch than Force Awakens..." That's like saying not as long as the 5 minutes Namek to blow up. It's such a tremendous backhanded compliment it almost leads me to believe you meant say Clone Wars and Rebels are quite terrible. lol

I'm under the impression there are 2 animated series called Clone Wars? I saw the short one and thought it wasted my time. Haven't seen the 100+ episode one. Someone who told me it was awesome has been proven to hold incorrect opinions in the past. Like his claim that Magical Kyoko from To LOVE-ru isn't hot. That's factually inaccurate. On many levels.

I've heard good things about Rebels. I'll probably marathon it once the season is over.

Also wondering when Disney is going to give in and make this canon.

And totally unrelated to anything, those misepan in your avatar are pathetic. Rei and Ami need something sexier to wear. Rei will never steal Mamoru with boring underwear like that.
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Avatar? I'm guessing you mean Siggy. The avatar is Cure Mint and Cure March, from Pretty Cure/PreCure. The Siggy is from the live action series, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. It goes off canon very quickly, but is fun to watch. Since the girls are all 15-16, they don't get too racy. ;)

Back to the original debate, just be happy Disney didn't do SW and Frozen at the same time.

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Yes, I meant signature. I'm approaching 30 hours without sleep. That's the second time I typed avatar instead of signature today. But yes, I've seen PGSM. Much of it so awesomely bad I'm still not sure if it's supposed to be serious or a parody.

Back to the debate, I'm still afraid that they;re going to try to do some horrendous Disney/SW crossover. Like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast and Jafar from Aladdin as Sith against Jedi Mickey and Jedi-in-training Goofy, then combined with real Star Wars characters in a way that makes everyone looking worse coming out of it.

However, the USS Enterprise will blow all of their butts to kingdom come with a few photon torpedoes from orbit, so Star Trek wins. :P
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Back to the debate, I'm still afraid that they;re going to try to do some horrendous Disney/SW crossover. Like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast and Jafar from Aladdin as Sith against Jedi Mickey and Jedi-in-training Goofy, then combined with real Star Wars characters in a way that makes everyone looking worse coming out of it.

This is one that scares me.

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Could read it, once that turns into a proper book, but I don't have high hopes in particular for Star wars (meaning basically movies).
I don't care if they even turned original Kotor -canon into a movie 'trilogy'.
Which could work if they gave administration power to obsidian company over disney franchise,
just for this movie stuff, but keep the spin-off product rights oneself. :rolleyes:
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Has anyone here watched ST: Beyond? Still need to watch it.

Yes, I watched it a few weeks back. It was pretty solid for a follow up the other two. Director Justin Lin did pretty well for his first sci-fi flick I believe.
The cast still had the same chemistry/personas to me at least, so I felt it was worth my $6 bucks to see it. It was entertaining for what they did with this story but I am waiting for the Klingon war or perhaps even the Borg encounter in this Trek-verse and see how it pans out.
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Finally watched ST Beyond and SW The Force Awakens.

IMO, ST Beyond was better.

I agree with Leggy 100% on this one.

Star Trek Beyond is better than Star Wars the Force Awakens. Everyone is going to have their opinion of it but when you really look at it, you would agree. From a entertaining point of view, Beyond delivered more with the story plot, it's characters, effects and with it's pretty ingenious way to defeat the enemy.

Nostalgia fueled the entertainment part of Awakens enough to get through it but overall it was pretty disappointing. I could elaborate more on this and explain why but I really feel like it would be wasted effort that is not needed haha, maybe I am just tired from work or I am just sure you all know what I am talking about.

Hopefully Rogue One is better than SW EP7. It looks promising but who really knows. I guess we will have to wait and see this December.
Oh, I am not sure if anyone knows about this, but finally the official untold story about Ahsoka Tano book is out now. Takes place after she left the Jedi Order in "The Clone Wars" to about where she is re-introduced in "Rebels". If you have any interest in the character or want to read something good out of the Star Wars universe, go and buy it. It is fairly inexpensive.
I agree with Leggy 100% on this one.

Star Trek Beyond is better than Star Wars the Force Awakens. Everyone is going to have their opinion of it but when you really look at it, you would agree. From a entertaining point of view, Beyond delivered more with the story plot, it's characters, effects and with it's pretty ingenious way to defeat the enemy.

Nostalgia fueled the entertainment part of Awakens enough to get through it but overall it was pretty disappointing. I could elaborate more on this and explain why but I really feel like it would be wasted effort that is not needed haha, maybe I am just tired from work or I am just sure you all know what I am talking about.

Hopefully Rogue One is better than SW EP7. It looks promising but who really knows. I guess we will have to wait and see this December.

Both movies had good special effects and CGI. Each was visually interesting.

In ST B, it seemed that the cast displayed a good chemistry, while in SW TFA, it didn't seem that the two main protagonists quite gelled.

Storywise, ST B was somewhat reminiscent of a STTOS type episode without rehashing old material. Let's face it about SW TFA, it came across as having too many similarities to the original SW movie, seemed almost a rewrite of SW4.

edit: Yes, Ahsoka is one of the more interesting characters from Clone Wars and Rebels.
i have not seen either movie nor was i motivated to see either,For STB i was not...enthralled by the abrhams version of trek but gave it a pass with the wise move to have it transpire in an alternate time line

...something that while a good idea to avoid fan anger in the abrams trek would later become abused for instance in the DC TV-Verse were you have a 1 lone super hero like flash and use some lame alternate universe baloney to explain why none of the other dc heroes are present.

I gave em a pass until they basically lied to everyone and basically redid wrath of khan...only more boring,without the duel in the cold of space between only 2 ships and finally trying to replace R Montalbán with cumberbatch...hey look yet another guy with a british accent have not seen that before in a bad guy role...not to mention he was not menacing at all unlike the Montalbán version.

So yeah after that lackluster wok remake i did not feel like watching a third one

SWTFA ,i already mentioned before my displeasure at losing the entire expanded universe just so the original actors could have a go at it again, so yeah nuff said.

between those 2 movies though ,if i would have gone to see one of them it would have been TFA, the reason being that SW is still SW, trek ,has been morphed into that bro-trek version abrams left us with.

Rogue one though looks more interesting to me...also more acceptable as it take place before their bs tampering of the timeline those of use who are used to the 20 something years(many book contributions) of the EU are used to
It's just not fair! :akazukin_cry:

I'm about to turn off the TV and head for bed, when BBCA starts airing The City on the Edge of Forever!

No way I can go to bed now, for at least an hour.

good thing you are not over here where i am,one channel is airing all star trek series...even the animated one
I actually bought many years ago, when I was young and crazy, all the DVD boxes of Star Trek with my wife. We are both crazy trekkies/trekkers! We thought that instead of paying for cable and seeing shows we didn't really wanted to see, we could re-watch our favorite shows over and over. From TOS to Enterprise, at the rate of two episodes each evening, we had almost two years of fun... We actually did that for more then four years. After that, we did watch others shows, but we always go back to ST on a regular basis. Like right now, we are in a DS9 marathon. ;)
I actually bought many years ago, when I was young and crazy, all the DVD boxes of Star Trek with my wife. We are both crazy trekkies/trekkers! We thought that instead of paying for cable and seeing shows we didn't really wanted to see, we could re-watch our favorite shows over and over. From TOS to Enterprise, at the rate of two episodes each evening, we had almost two years of fun... We actually did that for more then four years. After that, we did watch others shows, but we always go back to ST on a regular basis. Like right now, we are in a DS9 marathon. ;)

I have watched ST:NG, DS9, and Voyager SO many times now on Netflix lol.
i think they are still airing it over here...California channel's called H&I, they air stuff like xena and batman, oh yeah when i said they were airing them i meant at the same time,basically most of the week they got like 4 treks shows on
That's great! The Animated series is not shown very often on TV. I use to watch it on the old kids channel back home so many years ago. For me, it was in french of course but the translation was very good. Now I can see the original english version at last. I love how the develop all the "crazy" scenarios, but the animation is getting old compare to what is possible today. With a team of great animator, they could revive that animated idea in many ways. Oh well, I'm just a dreamer...

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