Star Trek VS Star Wars

Star Trek VS Star Wars, which is better?

  • Star Trek

    Votes: 50 45.0%
  • Star Wars

    Votes: 61 55.0%

  • Total voters
For some reason I could never get into Dr. Who.

It is a bit different, after all it is British Television/Movies, a bit out there but great.

One thing I would say, the greatness of the show has definitely been the cast, specifically the Doctor. (David Tennet was the best Doctor imo)

I was pretty stoked to see him as Killgrave in the Netflix's Marvel show "Jessica Jones". He is what made that show great.
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who are the cybermen? logically i can assume they are from Doctor who? since you guys mentioned that show(never seen it... i've wondered what it's like)

if you want to know who would win between borg and a force wielder(a powerful one) the answer is a force wielder, in one of the novels, the clone of Jhorus Caobah(not sure if it's spelled right) takes over all the minds of the crew of an imperial star destroyer(that's allot of minds 10s of thousands) ...that's what i remember as the borg still contain their organic brains they are fair game for a force user borg tech or no.

....course thrawn had these little creatures which neutralize the force in the surrounding area(guy had a plan for everything) ,which was one reason i thought losing the expanded universe was a great loss,Thrawn was to me a much bigger danger than vader or palpatine, he was cold calculating and several steps ahead of his enemies...that coldness cost him though.
who are the cybermen? logically i can assume they are from Doctor who? since you guys mentioned that show(never seen it... i've wondered what it's like)

if you want to know who would win between borg and a force wielder(a powerful one) the answer is a force wielder, in one of the novels, the clone of Jhorus Caobah(not sure if it's spelled right) takes over all the minds of the crew of an imperial star destroyer(that's allot of minds 10s of thousands) ...that's what i remember as the borg still contain their organic brains they are fair game for a force user borg tech or no.

....course thrawn had these little creatures which neutralize the force in the surrounding area(guy had a plan for everything) ,which was one reason i thought losing the expanded universe was a great loss,Thrawn was to me a much bigger danger than vader or palpatine, he was cold calculating and several steps ahead of his enemies...that coldness cost him though.

Yes, the Cybermen are from Doctor Who. They are truly bad dudes.

As to the Borg vs Sith (or any force wielder) while the Borg may, and do, lose any number of battles, they keep on coming. And if one... just one... force wielder is assimilated by the Borg, all Borg will become force wielders. Regardless of the Borg's losses, it only takes one Borg victory to turn them into a force wielding universal assimilating machine.

Remember how quickly the Jedi fell to large numbers of Darth Sidious' clone army? The Borg makes the Empire's clones look like helpless babies.
Guys, I love it! This is crazy mind masturbation! Would be fun to create new pools with those ideas and wildly debate about them. It's like a forum comic-con. Well... That probably already exist.... But, that's an idea...
Yes, the Cybermen are from Doctor Who. They are truly bad dudes.

As to the Borg vs Sith (or any force wielder) while the Borg may, and do, lose any number of battles, they keep on coming. And if one... just one... force wielder is assimilated by the Borg, all Borg will become force wielders. Regardless of the Borg's losses, it only takes one Borg victory to turn them into a force wielding universal assimilating machine.

Remember how quickly the Jedi fell to large numbers of Darth Sidious' clone army? The Borg makes the Empire's clones look like helpless babies.

Which is why I say again, Borg wins just from sheer number. Overwhelming numbers are overwhelming.
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I still say Force wielders would probably win,the numbers game is easily overcome by having the borg destroy each other also their link would be severed to the collective and you just can't get the drop on force wielder that easily(a powerful one)

the borg are not the clone army,they are slow and robotic,over confident is so called superiority,clone army is more tactical,they take cover,positions,different weaponry etc they would probably have a better chance than the borg.
I still say Force wielders would probably win,the numbers game is easily overcome by having the borg destroy each other also their link would be severed to the collective and you just can't get the drop on force wielder that easily(a powerful one)

the borg are not the clone army,they are slow and robotic,over confident is so called superiority,clone army is more tactical,they take cover,positions,different weaponry etc they would probably have a better chance than the borg.

11Z11 my friend, I'm so glad to see you here in AS, and I always enjoy your insights (for others... way back at HF). But this time, I respectfully disagree.

I'm not sure that a Force wielder would win. I intentionally said a Force wielder, because I think this is the point. Even in their best time, they were not enough of them to win. Especially if the Borg could assimilate some of them... I don't know how many Force wielders there were at the time, but Borgs are billions...

The question is at wish point in time, do they meet... ;) Cheers
Maybe [MENTION=35259]Leggy[/MENTION]; should make a poll about who would win lol.
What about Jar Jar? I'm sure he would foil the plans and greatness of the borg......I mean, it's Jar Jar lol the secret weapon
Capt Jam ,yeah you have a point there(3 billion was it? ), but in the scenario i was thinking there would be that one really bad ass force wielder (which i will concede are rather rare) against no more than those 10's of thousands an imperial star destroyer might hold

he would try to bend them to his will then control them , "try" i did consider it might not work with collectives link strengthening their will

now as for their billions, i would just build a fleet of super star destroyers,the one with the super laser capable of targeting capital ships, not sure how man variants are capable of that but i know the eclipse class ssd has it

having that fleet proceed wipe them out and their home world(the borg are threat to all and unless there is a way to free the drones.....) or..... just reacquire or build another sun crusher if you are not familiar with it read up on it
@11Z11: Love those debates my friend. But seriously... You even know the class of Star Destroyers...:thumbup: You have my respects... But this battle is not over yet... LOL I hate the Borgs and feer them so much, that I will find a way to make them victorious. :digoil:

On another note... My version of that cool pic. :D

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@11Z11: Love those debates my friend. But seriously... You even know the class of Star Destroyers...:thumbup: You have my respects... But this battle is not over yet... LOL I hate the Borgs and feer them so much, that I will find a way to make them victorious. :digoil:

On another note... My version of that cool pic. :D

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No, the picture is from leggy. I don't know if it is actually his figurines but I do have the figurines to make some stupid fun pics LOL

I posted the original pic, found through a search. It's titled "Darth_Jar_Jar_by_Kunou78"
[MENTION=76810]Capt Jam[/MENTION]; [MENTION=131329]Kensaiakamei[/MENTION];

BTW, I would suggest that the modified version of the original pic, including the one in quotes, be wrapped in spoiler tabs for NSFW content. If a Mod saw that pink lightsaber out in the open, he might have to do something about it.

Just a friendly note. ;)
I posted the original pic, found through a search. It's titled "Darth_Jar_Jar_by_Kunou78"

[MENTION=76810]Capt Jam[/MENTION]; [MENTION=131329]Kensaiakamei[/MENTION];

BTW, I would suggest that the modified version of the original pic, including the one in quotes, be wrapped in spoiler tabs for NSFW content. If a Mod saw that pink lightsaber out in the open, he might have to do something about it.

Just a friendly note. ;)

You're right. I edited my pic, if Kensaiakamei could do the same with his quoted post... ;)
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CAPT JAM , i really do like starwars and other scifi series always have, for star wars i have played numerous games about it tie fighter,xwing,xwing alliance,balance of power(an expansion think to alliance) ,rebellion,jedi knight2,jedi academy,knights of the old republic 1&2 and empire at war with expansion(good game if repetitive)

Not sure if i forgot any other one but point is yeah i should retain some knowledge of SW with all that media i've indulged in...then there the novels i read...

I don't really think borg could do much against a fleet of ssds,each one is like 15 km long and host enough fire power for a fleet itself and with the super laser on each that can even target larger moving capital ships they are pretty much done for(i really loved fielding them in SW empire at war +expansion too bad the pathing ruined the fun :( ) did i mention one of my favorite sw moments was seeing the executor in ep5
CAPT JAM , i really do like starwars and other scifi series always have, for star wars i have played numerous games about it tie fighter,xwing,xwing alliance,balance of power(an expansion think to alliance) ,rebellion,jedi knight2,jedi academy,knights of the old republic 1&2 and empire at war with expansion(good game if repetitive)

Not sure if i forgot any other one but point is yeah i should retain some knowledge of SW with all that media i've indulged in...then there the novels i read...

I don't really think borg could do much against a fleet of ssds,each one is like 15 km long and host enough fire power for a fleet itself and with the super laser on each that can even target larger moving capital ships they are pretty much done for(i really loved fielding them in SW empire at war +expansion too bad the pathing ruined the fun :( ) did i mention one of my favorite sw moments was seeing the executor in ep5

To finally throw my hat in for an official vote quote on quote. I say elite force warriors/wielders, doesn't matter what faction or beliefs they belong to and with the addition of some of the most prestige's tech of the SW universe (as mention from @11Z11 above). I would say the borg would be also defeated if we're picking and taking from the SW universe.
Borg... Sith... Hah! Sailor Moon could beat them all! :laughpanda:
What about Jar Jar? I'm sure he would foil the plans and greatness of the borg......I mean, it's Jar Jar lol the secret weapon

Meesa thinksa yoosa gonna simmulated. Would the incredible stupidity of Jar Jar be enough to overcome the collective? What if they assimilate the George Lucas that thought anything in any of the prequels was a good idea? My money is the Jedi battle becoming moot, as they will choose suicide via kamikaze attack on Species 8472.
For whether Trek or Wars is better overall, I voted for Trek, but with the caveat that both have more than their share of crap attached to the brand. Essentially the question boils down to whether the good of Star Trek (most TOS movies, a lot of TNG, much of DS9, season 1 of voyager and a few scattered episodes plus season 4 of Enterprise and a few earlier episodes) has more value than Episodes 4-6. Additionally one needs to consider the difference in the floor of suck for Star Trek versus the floor of suck for Star Wars. While Star Trek: The Motion Picture was truly an abomination and one of the worst things I've ever seen, it and all "bad" Star Trek episodes are still light decades of Episodes 1-3, and arguably 7 once you let it sink in and realize what lazy, derivative crap it really is.

If anyone dares to claim the SW prequels have any merit, I would refer you to Mr. Plinkett's brilliant job of demolishing them. I would not have expected a man known for murdering hookers with Raid to do so such an incredible job of describing why I hate something in exquisite detail, but he manages to pull it off.

Certainly the TNG movies have their downsides, if nothing else Picard leaves and his action movie hero twin brother takes over the Enterprise for a little while, but I would still classify it as enjoyable action movie crap, rather than "ow, it burns, my eyes, they burn," crap.

While the best of Star Wars is certainly on par with the best of Star Trek, the lows are just too much lower to give it edge overall.

In all fairness, I am also not holding the current Star Trek movies against it, because I choose to believe I got some bad acid and hallucinated what I thought was the 2009 film, and have ignored it and the sequels ever since. I admit the potential for suck with JJ Abrams is great enough to drag the whole thing down, but I am not enough of a masochist to find out for myself.

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