The Second Thief Game~

Hmm didnt get a phase change yesterday cuz it was 6 when i finished my essay @_@

Manhole to smack the thief? xD Hmm well lets say that the manhole cover could be used for something else ;p
The thief appeared in the forest and was picking at a lock on some rusted iron door~ Thanatos and Sevit rushed over to stop her and she ran into a tunnel nearby~ They hear a thud and a dark blur got tossed out while the was tunnel closing~ The unfortunate heap was Lucca who happened to end up at that exit~ They poked the at the metal door a little and found that it opened to another underground passage~ Guards rushed over and decided that they would go explore the passage~

The guards are talking about how the thief dropped some invitation to a tea party~

Mwahahaha finally done with school stuff :runhappy: This week was horrible @_@

Guest Clues- 17

samyeung46 S35(3) A E2 W F
Gate--> Garden--> Boathouse
Clue- 64(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x2, Note, Whistle, Wine, Strange fruit x2, Fish
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel extremely energetic~ Nothing could go wrong~ Right?
Event- Squirrels are running all over the garden~
Event- Interaction- You toss the squirrels a few acorns and they run off to hide it wherever they do~
Event- You found some fish laying around the boathouse...

Clues- 66(4)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~
Event- The guards told you not to go into the tunnel and the other tunnel which the thief escaped into is closed... what luck...

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 50(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note, Fish
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Ability 2?~
Event- You found some fish laying around the boathouse...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber--> Dark chamber
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x8, Dusty tomes x6
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Ability 2?~
Thorough search- You receive 6x items this phase~
Event- You open the door to find a dark chamber~
Event- While stumbling around in the darkness you feel rows and rows of books upon a shelf~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage--> Forest
Clues- 56(4)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- The guards told you not to go into the tunnel and the other tunnel which the thief escaped into is closed... what luck... but as you walk away the floor caves in under you and you find yourself in the tunnel again~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Forest Guardhouse--> Boathouse
Clues- 72(3)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x2, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Dowsing- The dowsing led you to the boathouse~
Event- You stumble upon a watch tower at the guardhouse~ It should be easier to spot the thief from here... maybe... Well its the guard's job anyhow~
Event- You found some fish laying around the boathouse...

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(4)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- The guards told you not to go into the tunnel and the other tunnel which the thief escaped into is closed... what luck...

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 17(0)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x2, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Hmm.... Kuro will hang out at the watch tower......

EDIT: Seem Lucca escape one tunnel to end up in another tunnel.....
[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION]; You dont have to stay in the tunnel if you dont want to :goodtea:
Hmm..... Oh yea.... It was to phase ago.... It summon some sprites or something..... Random summon perhaps????
Hmm yesh :goodtea: Summons a sprite~ Theyre actually quite very useful considering how everything is atm~ :goodtea:
Lol i wonder how thatll turn out for him xD It doesnt matter if he uses them all at once actually~ But there are various things which do effect what sprites do~ Theres actually things which would probably help him quite a bit here~ And he also has that defensive ability of his~ If he goes and summons 6 sprites... he would probably need it ;p
Hmm i would still suggest waiting until he gets a certain item... ;p Two items created for the sprites~ Cuz theyre... useful~
Hmm nopes :goodtea: His ability suits his recklessness perfectly xD Though it could probably get more hectic~
tehe~ is that a compliment? but even i can use my brain too! alice will summon only 1 for now, and explore the dark chamber some more.

and wut, second ability?
[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION]; Hmm you passed 50 clues and thats when i just sorta let people get a second ability~
Only one summon for now~ Okies which sprite will you be aiming for? :goodtea:
waifu! random summon!

ill just let you give me another random skill oh samy the thief.
Hmm random~ Lol fine ;p Thats not a bad choice actually~

Hmm another skill~ Time for meh to think again xD And why am i the thief D:
The thief wandered through the master bedroom and drew on the Afk person's face~ She grabbed a whip before wandering off~

The guards said they saw someone around the gate... but were not quite sure if it was the thief~

Was thinking of making some ability with the orihime and hikoboshi theme for kacta but got lazy ;p

Guest Clues- 20

S S35(2) A2 E2 W F
Clue- 64(0)
Item(s)- Whip x2, Pocket watch, Sweets, Key, Acorn x2, Note, Whistle, Strange fruit x2, Fish, Lucky coin
Demon's Curse- three random buffs and/or debuffs
Phoenix ring- improves control of demonic powers
Curse- You feel like you can conquer the world... not that it would be smart to do so~
Event- You meet air sprites playing around in the garden~
Event- Interaction- You give the sprites wine and they run around joyfully~ They sings a song for you and you feel a boost of power as they fade away~
Event- Squirrels peek out as the sprites sing and run around~ You see find a lucky coin after all they run off again~

Clues- 66(0)
Item(s)- Food, Fish x4
Hyper speed- Move through an extra area during the turn (Recharge period of five turns after use or tribute item to activate immediately)
Ability 2?~
Event- You find forest sprites sitting around and playing music~

Alice & Leonard
Clues- 50(0)
Item(s)- Wine, Key x2, Note, Fish x2
Caution- Chance of scaring thief if in same location and avoiding negative events~
Ability 2?~
You dig around and find more fish~ Plenty around here...

Eve Rebirth
Clues- 40(0)
Item(s)- Key, Fish, Food, Whip, Note
Sound Vibrations- Chance of getting an extra clue from sightings of the thief and slightly higher chance of events occurring~

Alice A
Dark chamber
Clues- 69(0)
Item(s)- Armor, Note x8, Dusty tomes x5
Fighter- High chance of blocking any negative effects caused by creatures~
Ability 2?~
Counter- Chance of another attempt at blocked events~
Dusty tome- The pages of the book are blown around the room and an air sprite appears~
Event- Interaction- The air sprite whispers into your ear and you feel a slight surge of power~

Lucca Emily
Secret passage--> Maze
Clues- 56(0)
Item(s): Fish, Wine, Key, Armor, Note,
Skilled Lurker- Chance of scaring thief if in the same location which would cause the thief to run through two areas the next turn and maybe drop an item~
Blink- Move through an extra area with a chance of avoiding negative events for the phase (6 phases to recharge or tribute item)
Event- You wander around the maze a bit and end up back at the tunnel~

Kuro the Cat S5(1)
Forest Guardhouse (tower)
Clues- 72(0)
Item(s)- Lucky coin, Key x2, Wine, Food x2, Strange fruit, Armor, Fish x3, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x3, Present, Whistle
Observation- Increased chance of rare events~
Dowsing- Chance of leading you to the thief (4 phases to gather concentration and use again) (4)
Event- The guard said that he found some odd piece of paper a while ago with the words "A master of the grounds was chosen today. She seems quite mischievous…"

Raikoh "Fang" Kishimoto
Waiting room
Angel's Grace- Increased chance of positive events~
Clues- 20(3)
Item(s): Present x2, Food x2

Sevit Alveil
F- Lake
Clues- 52(0)
Item(s)- Food, Lucky coin, Fish, Carrot x2, Tea, Sweets, Acorn x2, Note x4, Whistle, Manhole cover
Familiar- Scout an area of choice every turn (if an item is retrieved then you can either let the familiar rest for three turns or give it food) F
Ability 2? Hmm didnt you want some demonic sense or something?~
Event- You find forest sprites sitting around and playing music~

Xavier Cross
Master bedroom
Clues- 21(4)
Item(s)- Food, Whip x3, Key
Expertise- Increased chance of events and desirable outcomes from the events~
Event- You dig around where the thief was and find a whip of your own~
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Is it possible to re-upload this game?
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Hi, Can you reupload the link of this? Please.夏の最後の日~-無修正.1636685/