The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.

Through the process of flybernation.

How many teddy bears were at the Mad Hatter's Bowlerama?
2 bears. all dressed in black,
a fading allure beckons
choose your fate, or let it choose you
2 bears dressed in black, at the back of the bus

Why do I excel at hidden things?
Only in northern europe, is there such a thing.
Why wear antlers on your car?
Because wearing the entire head would be gauche, and cut down wind resistance.

If smoking cigarettes is frowned upon, why is smoking fish okay?
Stay fishy and remove smoking items pls
Why is CL from 2NE1 so cool?!
Skimpy outfits tend to be cool. Parkas and snow pants tend to be hot.

So depending on where she's touring, she could be cool or hot!

If thyme is on our side, how about paprika?

What happens to frozen santa?
Frozen Santa was a Winter treat that never quite caught on, because it was geared to Eskimo cannibals.

Where does one find Birds of Paradise?
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Revealing that secret would leave one foot in the grave.
How shaved is the hairiest armpit?
The Armpit family is one of those strange medical anomalies. Father Eggers and wife Cueball do not contain the hair gene in their DNA. They are perfectly healthy, but neither has even one follicle of hair, and will never grow any.

Their children are son Smoothy, twin daughters Lykoi and Sphynx. None have any hair. And then... there's youngest son Nosey.

Nosey is unique among the Armpits, in that he actually has two hairs each 4 inches long, one sticking out of each nostril, giving the appearance of a very thin mustache, rather startling on a two year old.

Eggers strongly suspects Cueball of having an affair, but nevertheless forgives her, and raises Nosey as his own.

Soooo... I guess technically, the hairiest Armpit is Nosey, but he's still way too young to shave.

Does money really grow on trees?
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hmm yeah with this new space seed it would be available very soon!

can you travel on the road by ship?
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You have to travel the roads by ship, to catch the elusive land shark.

Is it violence to beat eggs and whip batter?
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Depends what your definition of object is but some people are considered both =/

How many wings does a walrus have?
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Since the walrus owns a Detroit hockey team, well over 20.

Why are those black hangey thingies on cars called mud flaps?
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Hu man? I man, hu man, he man, she man... man I cotti, man dible... mano man/

What's best against zombies?
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Febreeze~ Works for a projectile to distract, a flamethrower if you find a torch, maybe even a grenade to get rid of the crowds that gather, and best of all, you will smell amazing during the apocalypse~

What would you do if a stranger was ringing your doorbell?~
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Relax in my jacuzzi while sipping champagne and munching caviar, and wait for the butler to answer it, just like everybody else does. :gokiko_bath:

What makes the world go round?
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My ecchi thoughts is what gives the power to move the world!

Why humanity discover the sweet things cakes chocolate etch...?
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At one time, man used to grub along the ground looking for things to put in his mouth, Rocks, grubs, dirt, various roots, snails, whatever there was. Then, man accidentally picked up a piece of chocolate cake, and history was made.

At least, that's how I spent my weekend. :blushing:

Where is the center of the Earth?

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