The Wrong Answers to the World's Questions.

Because red balloons are actually devils in disguise. But don't worry, they're harmless when they're red balloons. That is... until you pop the balloon. So whatever you do... Don't. Pop. The. Balloon.

Why can't humans fly?
Long long ago humans had wings like angel's, but they made many sins that it made their wings disappear into invisible...and after time passed, they forgot how to use them...

Why does animals can't talk?
They secretly can talk, it's just they don't want us to understand what they're saying. Otherwise they'd have to silence us because it's the number 1 animal law.

How come we don't live under water?
We do live under water. Clouds, after all, are made of water. ;)

Will batteries save birds?
Of course. Birds are actually all mechanical, so they need batteries to power them up. How? Because there's a man - people call him the bird man - who lives on the tallest tree in the world, and makes birds in his little tree house. However he doesn't do it alone as he has little fairy helpers, that only he can see, to help him.

Do we have magical powers?
Not sure about everybody, but I certainly have magical powers. I can make a large pizza vanish in less than 10 minutes. :evillaugh:

What sort of anime does Zorro watch?
Not sure about everybody, but I certainly have magical powers. I can make a large pizza vanish in less than 10 minutes. :evillaugh:

That's amazing! :surprised:

Zorro doesn't watch anime... He watches you! :eek:
Actually, he watches Boku no Pico but he'd kill me if he knew I told you guys so pretend you didn't see this

Why does Valentine's Day exist?
Because "Valentine's" Day is cuter and a lot easier to say than, "Buy her cheap candy and flowers, and take her to bed for a session of the old in-out-in-out" Day.

After all, guys don't care what it's called, as long as it leads to the desired results. :laughpanda:

Why do people save cardboard?
Danbo. That's why. Everyone secretly uses the cardboard to dress up as Danbo because this gives them the ability to transport themselves into Yotsuba&!.

But I always play Danbo. Always... /me kicks all of the bodies that tried to play Danbo under her bed.

Why don't we live on the moon?
Property taxes are too high.

Is your body all mixed up if your nose runs, and your feet smell?
Yes. The only way to cure that is if you bathe in troll snot. I hear that it's most effective if you use the snot from the troll that lives under the bridge.

What is the meaning of life?
The meaning of life? For once, I will give a serious answer. My personal philosophy of life:

Live life; love life; learn from life.

And nowww... the expected joke answer:

Life is a cereal that gives meaning to Mikey's entire existence.

How long does it take Sherlock Holmes to solve a Rubik's Cube?
Last time I checked in with him he was still trying to solve it on the toilet seat.

Why do we need trees?
We need them so that when we walk our dogs in the woods, they have a place to p33. ;)

Why isn't Mars green?
Mars doesn't like being green. They think it'll make all civilisation deter away them because they say that green means jealousy. Mars is a bit paranoid, you see :sigh:

What is envy?
Envy is thinking you'd be happier as Kim Kardashian.

Does the Easter Bunny live on Easter Island?
I guess you could say that. The Easter Bunny's HQ is there but they don't actually live there. However they tend to just sleep at the HQ rather than their own home, so it might as well be where they live!

How many Easter Eggs are there?
According to an ancient Greek philosophy, there is one, and only one ideal Easter Egg, living in a plane of existence above the mortal world. All others are imperfect shadows of the ideal Easter Egg, which exist in our material world.

Should death metal bands be allowed to paint Easter eggs?
Why of course. It'd be cruel to deny them of this luxury when they create the cutest Easter eggs~ Such as the one with the corpse paint on it. Absolutely beautiful, all the children were moved to tears :chuuni_sob:

Why doesn't the Easter bunny go down the chimney?
Too dangerous. If he got stuck, Santa would crush him going down.

What if Santa took over Easter?
Santa would be the new soft toy everyone wants, instead of the easter bunny
and more lap sits for him. which is what he does best with the kiddies.

How much faith can one have
before it is no longer available to muster.
Muster? My favorite is Gray Poupon.

What are the best condiments?
The ones you needn't have to receive from zombie kings.
and demolish when it touches your hand.

how much is enough fandom to make of a franchise or series?
17 - 1 to fansub it, 16 to haunt the AS downloads forums.

Which forum will you find Waldo?
Anime-sharing, of course
...Oh wait, no, forget I said that, he doesn't want people to know. You have to find him yourself.

Ahem... Waldo? I-I'm not sure. /me starts whistling.

What would happen if the sun disappeared?
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