Visual Novel Cafe

For everyone playing Amakano 2, you may want to know there's a new patch available since a few days ago here. Nothing major but I did notice some of Honami's lines being missing during my playthrough, so it may be worth it if you haven't done it yet.

On to 空色イノセント, what I thought was the end of the common route was not quite there yet. There's still only one choice in the whole game but the common route goes on a bit further, with subtle variations before entering heroine routes proper. During this period Kirimi got a little more focus, and actually even joined the club! It's not nice to put that after the decision is made but oh well... It still feels quite odd, I wonder if she was added late to the cast. The way I see it, each heroine represents one part of the geese project, with Mahiru being the flying part, Ami the animal care part, and Kako the movie filming/editing part. The MC as usual takes the role of project leader, though it's not really his forte. However, in Kirimi's case, while she does help a bit here and there... she's not filling any particular role in the whole project. I'll have to see during her route if it focuses on her apparent family issues or if it's about the project still.

I played through Ami and Kako's route, and they were both quite nice. I really like the art style in the game, it's nice to see "normal" body proportions for once. Scenario-wise, I expected the game to develop past the introduction scene, but it barely goes beyond that. Instead, it's more about showing the different sides of the project from different angles, with a relationship on top. It's pretty nice, even though depending on who the MC hooks up with the heroine seems to face more difficulty than she would have if she'd stayed single (Kako uses a whole week to write the script in her route, while she only needed half a day to write three in Ami's...).

Relationship-wise, given the cowardly MC it's no surprise the girls have to make the first move, but it does kinda feel like whoever strikes first wins. The whole cast ends up in love with the MC for some reason or other, and then the first heroine to make a move gets the prize... Not my preferred way to start relationships but I guess it works. It's a good thing that the MC also happens to be in love with said heroine, or maybe he has interest in them all and just needs a little push to decide, I'm not too sure. Once in a relationship through, he's pretty dedicated and actually tries his best so he got some points back. Both Ami and Kako were pretty cute in their own way, with Ami having an unexpected hidden side, even though my preference remains with Kako.
I guess I can write some thoughts about amakano 2 now, since I just passed the halfway of my second route. Overall a pretty calm / enjoyable game, to be honest I thought it'd be something like a bad copy of the first game (just as primal x heart) but they really improved themselves. For example when I saw the "graduate" word at Ruika's route the first thing came in my mind was "Oh shit, we are going same Mizuki route again" but thankfully they were careful about not overlapping with the first game, at least as much as possible. Also fixing the name problem is a huge plus too, It was one of the very few annoying things in the first game.

Other than those I have to mention that mc is too almighty in this. It doesnt bother me so its not a minus point in my opinion but seriously he is almost never at loss for words & always figures out the heroine's problem perfectly and solve it as soon as possible , never misunderstand etc etc. Well thanks to his almightiness there wasn't any long drama and game was pretty calming as intended so I guess its okay.

I think they could pick a better VA for Yuzuka though. Yeah Noriko is not a bad voice actress at all, but I think her voice goes better with noisy types for sure. Then again seems like I'm the only one who is complaining about this so she may be the right choice after all.
Finally finished up 果つることなき未来ヨリ after two months. Yeah I know, Im a slow reader. That and some of the routes being really awful didnt make it easier.
Anyways, the premise is rather interesting. Getting a WW2 pilot into a fantasy universe to stop the war between humans and other species going on, I'll take it! However, the story built upon the premise is just... meh. There were some rather sudden plot twists, but that's it. Well some of the heroine's stories are pretty good.

Yukikaze, being basically the main heroine, was the most interesting and probably the best heroine of them all. And I'm saying that as someone who didn't really like her in the beginning. Ria is close second. Her story is mostly about her not being able to age and everyone around her dying off and her coming to terms with that. Ria's ending however felt rushed and not really satisfing. Meltina as a heroine was quite likeable, her being a pervert since the beginning, however her routes (common and individual) were just... bad. I really had to force myself to not skip her route half way through. Lastly, Aira, I didn't like at all. Her part of the common route was great. Probably the best of them. However I just skipped as I didn't have the strength to continue playing after Meltina's route. Seemed like some more background story of her and her friend.

What I really liked about the game were supporting characters. Every. Single. One of them was just better written than any of the heroines (even most of the antagonists!). I really hope the dragons will get a fandisk or some other kind of service. The H scenes were few and far between but that is to be expected from a game like this. They were pretty standard, nothing to write about, apart from voice acting which was great all in all.
But yeah, I need those dragons. NOW.
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I think they could pick a better VA for Yuzuka though. Yeah Noriko is not a bad voice actress at all, but I think her voice goes better with noisy types for sure. Then again seems like I'm the only one who is complaining about this so she may be the right choice after all.
Sure the voice is a little high pitched for a quiet character like Yuzuka, but I found she sounded pretty cute, especially when she fumbles her words.

Finally finished up 果つることなき未来ヨリ after two months. Yeah I know, Im a slow reader. That and some of the routes being really awful didnt make it easier.
Anyways, the premise is rather interesting. Getting a WW2 pilot into a fantasy universe to stop the war between humans and other species going on, I'll take it! However, the story built upon the premise is just... meh. There were some rather sudden plot twists, but that's it. Well some of the heroine's stories are pretty good.
Don't worry about reading speed, everyone goes at his own pace, and you didn't exactly pick the shortest one there is. I tried getting into 果つることなき未来ヨリ but I just couldn't stand the MC's attitude. I agree the premise was interesting, but really, this guy tried to sell Yukikaze to the empire army after she saved his life AND offered him a meal, and after being an insolent brat as she carried him across the desert... The only thing that held him back was his overblown pride. I think I gave up halfway during chapter 1, when they get to the beastmen's nomadic village and everyone starts to die. Does he ever grow up and get his act together?

I just noticed 僕と恋するポンコツアクマ。, my favorite nukige from 2015, got a fandisc announced for May. After stories for everyone, including sub-characters (Tama-chan!), as well as animated ecchi scenes, and an additional harem scenario.
I agree the premise was interesting, but really, this guy tried to sell Yukikaze to the empire army after she saved his life AND offered him a meal, and after being an insolent brat as she carried him across the desert... The only thing that held him back was his overblown pride.

I can kind of understand why he did that, considering there was a good reason for him to go back to his world and he was just trying to survive any way he could so he could do that.
However, as the game goes on, he basically slowly forgets about his world (even though he constantly talks about how he needs to go back) and even if you choose to go back in Yukikaze's route, the story just goes to the ending credits without any conclusion to his background story. So I guess his attitude is there just for the occasional humorous situation.

Does he ever grow up and get his act together?

Not really, no. Well he's not trying to sell out his comrades after that, but he's still an arrogant asshole trying to solve everything with his fists.
I see, thanks for the info, at least I don't have any regret about giving up now. These kind of arrogant MCs can really be hit or miss, and in this case the humor just doesn't work with me, it just makes me sigh. I can't picture myself enduring this for 40+ hours, however good the underlying story is.

I finished (Kirimi) Hikari's route in 空色イノセント, it was what I feared it would turn into : more or less all of it is about Hikari's family issues, and the project trouble that was linked to it seemed more like an excuse to make Hikari reflect on her actions than a real issue. There's quite a few occurrences that describe Hikari as ponkotsu and wagamama, but I really don't know where that comes from. Sure her first attempt at cooking wasn't perfect but isn't that going a little too far? If anything she's just not honest with herself and toward others.

I don't know if it's just me, but I can't think this relationship will last. Well it'll last as long a Kuutarou goes along with whatever Hikari wants but the minute they'll have a difference of opinion, I fear things will get ugly. Given the way things started, I commend the MC for sticking up with her, at least in this route he was really the one driving the relationship forward.

Since we're nearing the end of the month, I took a look at upcoming releases. Here's what caught my interest, feel free to mention anything that caught yours and may have escaped me.

つよきすCHRONICLE ~COMPLETE~ : I may be wrong but I think Tsuyokiss Festival still didn't get released here, so this may be the opportunity to get it. It seems Candisoft agrees with Kri and has decided to forget the fact 2学期 ever existed, since it doesn't look like it's included in this "complete" pack.

はにかみCLOVER : Looks like right up my alley.

アンゲネームプラッツ -Kleiner Garten Sie Erstellen- : I played Hexen Haus's previous title ラウテスアルタクス and it wasn't too bad, so this one looked interesting but... 女装! Why?! I really hope this trend dies at some point.

凍京NECRO : I've played a few Nitroplus titles now and they've been pretty good so far so I'll certainly give this one a shot. It looks interesting but I just hope it won't be too gore, what with the undead theme and all.

働くオトナの恋愛事情 : I think someone here mentioned that even during the trial the MC was collecting one night stands, that doesn't sound like my kind of thing but maybe? AkabeeSoft3 hasn't failed me so far so I'm willing to give them a chance.

恋のハニトー ~えっちで甘いハニートラップ~ : not too sure about this one, the cast is huge with 6 heroines but I find that's usually detrimental to individual heroine routes. The story looks fair so why not?
つよきすCHRONICLE ~COMPLETE~ : I may be wrong but I think Tsuyokiss Festival still didn't get released here, so this may be the opportunity to get it. It seems Candisoft agrees with Kri and has decided to forget the fact 2学期 ever existed, since it doesn't look like it's included in this "complete" pack.

Its already released mate, and I already finished it. It was a pretty good fandisc for finishing the "tsuyokiss" legend, though there were a couple of annoying things like how Next's cast are always getting saved by the originals, and more importantly how all after stories for the original cast were just 5-10 minutes long. As a someone who looked really forward for that, it was a big letdown.

You can see how much effort they put in it though; More than 25 voiced characters, 2 long routes for Kachiki and Kitsune, 5 average length after stories for NEXT casts, 3 Mini routes for NEXT's sub-characters, 7 short after stories for the original cast and a couple more extra episodes. I guess there wasn't any budget left for originals.


For this month's releases; I'll definitely try はにかみCLOVER and most likely 恋のハニトー as well since there is a 28 years old heroine in it. Other than those two I might try 凍京Necro as well, but since I'm not a big fan of "Zombie + Gore" themes I think I'll wait for some reviews before actually reading it myself.
I have a few games on my watchlist this month: はにかみ CLOVER, 働くオトナの恋愛事情 and 甘えかたは彼女なりに. Basically in this order.
はにかみ CLOVER should be a safe bet out of those three. Looks like a cutesy high school slice of life, should be quite relaxing. 甘えかたは彼女なりに will be a hit or miss for me depending on how the romance is handled. If its just one night stands like kzel mentioned (or basically anything primarily revolving around sex), I'll probably just go for the third one or straight to backlog.

Speaking of backlog, got back to 恋×シンアイ彼女, as I haven't yet completed Yui's route.
I have a few games on my watchlist this month: はにかみ CLOVER, 働くオトナの恋愛事情 and 甘えかたは彼女なりに. Basically in this order.
はにかみ CLOVER should be a safe bet out of those three. Looks like a cutesy high school slice of life, should be quite relaxing. 甘えかたは彼女なりに will be a hit or miss for me depending on how the romance is handled. If its just one night stands like kzel mentioned (or basically anything primarily revolving around sex), I'll probably just go for the third one or straight to backlog.

Speaking of backlog, got back to 恋×シンアイ彼女, as I haven't yet completed Yui's route.

甘えかたは彼女なりに got delayed mate, And about 甘えかたは彼女なりに; I didnt read the trial myself but heard that there are a couple of one night things with non-heroine girls / with some girls who dont even have character sprites. Even the company itself has said that there'll be more than 50 h-scenes in it, and 16 of them will be for non-heroine girls so I think its fine to believe in this information. I'm not sure how will they handle the romance between main heroines and other things, but just from this it doesn't seem like something for me. Waiting for the reviews seems like the best choice.
Its already released mate, and I already finished it.
Whoops, I guess I must have got confused between the starter and normal editions, the pack is indeed out since last month and already available here.

Speaking of backlog, got back to 恋×シンアイ彼女, as I haven't yet completed Yui's route.
It's the only route in which I cried a little, along with Yui in a particular heartwrenching scene. Definitely worth doing in my opinion.

About 働くオトナの恋愛事情, the plot synopsis does say the MC ends up in bed with a woman he just met as soon as he tries to change his routine, and that a lot of encounters follow so I'm not too enthusiastic, but as I said I'll give a go anyway. It's kinda rare to see a game with adult protagonists without it being some kind of nukige involving rape or submission.
甘えかたは彼女なりに got delayed mate ...

Must have missed that info, thanks. :)

It's the only route in which I cried a little, along with Yui in a particular heartwrenching scene. Definitely worth doing in my opinion.

The only other route I've read is Ayane's. Probably because she reminded me a bit of キミのとなりで恋してる's Rina. I don't particularly like Rinka and from what I've read, Sena's route isn't exactly for me so I'll be finishing up the game with Yui. Just got to her confession scene. Was pretty cute and a little bit unexpected. All in all Yui is just my kind of girl, even though I'm not really into loli characters.

About 働くオトナの恋愛事情, the plot synopsis does say the MC ends up in bed with a woman he just met as soon as he tries to change his routine, and that a lot of encounters follow so I'm not too enthusiastic, but as I said I'll give a go anyway. It's kinda rare to see a game with adult protagonists without it being some kind of nukige involving rape or submission.

Yeah, the adult story and protagonist was what made me interested in the VN in the first place. It's not off my list yet, but will probably wait for reviews.
The only other route I've read is Ayane's. Probably because she reminded me a bit of キミのとなりで恋してる's Rina. I don't particularly like Rinka and from what I've read, Sena's route isn't exactly for me so I'll be finishing up the game with Yui. Just got to her confession scene. Was pretty cute and a little bit unexpected. All in all Yui is just my kind of girl, even though I'm not really into loli characters.
If you don't like Rinka, you're not losing out too much by not playing her route in my opinion. It was fairly generic for a senpai character, but it also had some rather 'huh?' moments with Rinka acting rather irrationally or at least strangely considering her personality. As far as Sena's route, I don't know what you've read but personally I did like it. I've seen comments bash on Sena for her actions and indeed, she's a big part of the reason things don't work out (spoilers?). But I found that the MC's actions were also quite foolish (especially during the adult phase) and that he's as responsible for the situation that arises as her. In the end, it depends on whether you're willing to stomach a love story that has big ups and even bigger downs. I found it pretty fresh compared to the usual scenarii in eroges but I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea.

I finished 空色イノセント's last route a couple days ago with Mahiru. While the route itself wasn't bad and Mahiru herself is cute, I found it a shame that the story itself branched so little depending on who the MC chooses to go out with. In the end, all four routes have the same obstacles to overcome and the only variation is on who finds the solution. By the fourth time through, watching characters wonder what is wrong and what can be done gets rather irritating, and I admit I skimmed through most of the text related to the project because of that. There are little variations of course and in Mahiru's case, we get some welcome additional character development for Hiyoko and Taka-nee but as far as the project goes it felt like déjà-vu.

Overall, I found the game really enjoyable the first two times around with Kako (my favorite heroine in this title) and Ami, and a little less so for Hikari and Mahiru. The two latter have their own charm and the way the relationships are depicted is pretty nice but since the whole game is about following the geese project from beginning to end, having it spoiled practically all the way through just removes a lot of the tension. One of the reason I really like Kako's route is also because the project kinda takes a different turn that the other three, and "succeeds" thanks to the character's efforts and not through praying or begging the birds to do the right thing.

I also finished フレラバ over the course of the week. Himari's route was a little less my style that Yuzuyu and Rina. Himari's really cute but what really griped me in the long run was the general attitude of the MC towards her. Compared to Yuzuyu and Rina, I found he teased her way too much and also that his stupid act was a little too exaggerated, especially in the beginning of the route. For these two reasons, it just felt that he was less completely madly in love with Himari than he was with Yuzuyu and Rina. Since I really liked how the MC felt like he couldn't survive without them in their respective routes, it was a little disappointing. I still loved it, the conversation was as usual very interesting to explore, the route proper was very funny and I wasn't bored a single time, but Himari's turns out to be the route I liked the least.

Misaki's route was really great. I especially like how she's barely introduced in the common part and that she turns out to be a rather different character than expected. From the little info given about her, she seemed to be a famous ojousama but Misaki's actually not quite like that, for the best since her actual personality is more to my liking. There were some rather strange moments (the hair dressing part was... honestly kimoi) but for the most part it continued the usual bakappuru atmosphere I loved in the first two routes. Once again, the MC felt a little less madly in love but that was compensated more than enough by Misaki's cuteness. Considering the rather heavy obstacle the MC had to face I found that the atmosphere didn't suffer as much as I feared, apart from one clash with Yuzuyu and Tomomi that thankfully was resolved quickly. Props to him for not getting angry at the other 3rd year students despite their attitude. In the end, it was probably my favorite route after Yuzuyu's.

In Misaki's case the story in the mini-fandisc addressed an issue I've had in the game (how the MC calls her "Senpai"). Just for that it was worth playing it.

I finished the two games a little earlier that expected so now I have nothing new to play. I think I'm going to start the つよきす series tomorrow, if the huge 17GB complete pack is finished downloading.

Man she was too great and cute. To be honest I dont remember the hairstyle scene you mentioned but I still remember this one for sure, had a good laugh at there. Also her jealousy scenes were pretty enjoyable too, too bad that there aren't many similiar heroines to her.

I hope you have fun with tsuyokiss, the heroine routes have some good and bad moments but I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the common route at least. It has best support male characters I have ever seen.

And for me, I guess I'll drop Amakano 2 for a while and start something else. Yeah it is a great game but seriously have too much ichaicha scenes, I already got heartburn from it. I dont wanna force myself and waste other two routes, gotta play something else then return to them. I'm not sure what'll it be but most likely one of the キスと魔王と紅茶, Melty Lovers, 天気雨 or Lost Phantom. (vndb doesn't have a page for it wtf, here is the game;
... As far as Sena's route, I don't know what you've read but personally I did like it. I've seen comments bash on Sena for her actions and indeed, she's a big part of the reason things don't work out (spoilers?). But I found that the MC's actions were also quite foolish (especially during the adult phase) and that he's as responsible for the situation that arises as her. In the end, it depends on whether you're willing to stomach a love story that has big ups and even bigger downs. I found it pretty fresh compared to the usual scenarii in eroges but I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea.

Well I don't know how much I've spoiled myself either. :) From what I remember I've read she just repeated the same thing as in the past, leaving the MC when things got serious and yeah, that's not really something for me. Which is quite unfortunate as I liked her character from the beginning. Well apart from her basically ignoring MC's past confession. But it's true that I haven't read anything about the MC and how he was involved in all of this.

Anyway I've completed Yui's route. Have to say she was as cute and adorable as I have hoped. Was a bit surprised on how they made her feel a bit like a closet pervert though. The H-scenes were alright, just bundled together and felt like story filler, but I guess it's easier this way for people to skip them. The ending was expected but great with the CGs really driving the emotional dagger home for me. Wouldn't mind a fandisk to continue the story with her. Or maybe her sister's route. And Nako of course!

Working on the backlog continues with either 天気雨 or なないろリンカネーション. Started reading the latter while waiting for the download to finish on the first and it seemed pretty good so far.

Edit: Hmm seems like 天気雨 has an issue with AMD processors, ななリン it is then!
Edit2: Nvm, found patch. :)
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TravellingStars getting a's Jill/Zil. Seeing that Clair (from HoneyComing, pretty old title) took the first place in popularity of every Hooksoft character up to 2013 (Rakko last running campaign), it's no surprise how that 'archetype' (White hair, big boobs, older, and gentle) stay on top of the list.

QuintipleSplash gets another update that adds extra scenario...Parasol have already failed Yumekoi, so I'm not too sure if they will fail again...

Nothing else to report...

Oh man just remembered the 晴のちきっと菜の花びより from them. Nanoka was one of the cutest heroine at 2014, but that ending was sure ... weird. Spoilers if anyone actually wonders about it;

Nanoka is the reincarnation of the older sister of Konomi who was in love with our mc, some shit happens and in the end she gives birth to their child, and dies / disappears.

But here comes the weird part, She gets reincarnation again (of course there are some reasons for that but to be honest I dont even remember it), this time in their child's body + She remembers all things happened so far. So in the end it becomes something like your 5 year old child is your wife who gave birth to herself? Man I'm glad that they actually gave them a happy ending, but that was a little fucked up imo. Also I'm not sure how mc will be able to look her as his wife, since he raised her as his child so far.

Well I dont consider it as a fail since it had a good bittersweet atmosphere at every route and cute heroines, but there were some downsides too for sure.
Oh man just remembered the 晴のちきっと菜の花びより from them. Nanoka was one of the cutest heroine at 2014, but that ending was sure ... weird. Spoilers if anyone actually wonders about it;

Nanoka is the reincarnation of the older sister of Konomi who was in love with our mc, some shit happens and in the end she gives birth to their child, and dies / disappears.

But here comes the weird part, She gets reincarnation again (of course there are some reasons for that but to be honest I dont even remember it), this time in their child's body + She remembers all things happened so far. So in the end it becomes something like your 5 year old child is your wife who gave birth to herself? Man I'm glad that they actually gave them a happy ending, but that was a little fucked up imo. Also I'm not sure how mc will be able to look her as his wife, since he raised her as his child so far.

Well I dont consider it as a fail since it had a good bittersweet atmosphere at every route and cute heroines, but there were some downsides too for sure.

It gets even messier in the bonus route... A pity Reona never got her story...

By failing Yumekoi, I mean that they never got the last two extra scenario out. I wonder what the heck have happened...
I hope you have fun with tsuyokiss, the heroine routes have some good and bad moments but I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the common route at least. It has best support male characters I have ever seen.
I've played up to the opening movie and the first character selection screen and so far my impressions are mixed. The first few days were really funny, and I really like the group of friends the MC has with Kani, Fukahire and Subaru. Once Otome started appearing however, thing took a turn to the worst. Honestly, I just can't stand her and the way she imposes herself on the protagonist. The first choice where you cannot refuse for her to stay in the MC's house says a lot, the MC has no say in the matter and neither do I, the player. The scenes that followed showing how she basically treats him like a baby that needs constant attention, and the fact that he all too willingly accepts it, just drove me mad. Living under the same roof as her would be close to torture for me, so everything that followed, even the gags, suddenly turned pretty sour.

Apart from Kani, I really don't have any interest towards the heroines. In Otome, Hime and Nagomi's case I actually really dislike them. Thankfully the male support cast with Fukahire and Subaru saves the game so far, especially how Fukahire tries to apply Eroge logic and fails miserably every time. However, their screen-time has been diminishing severely as the game progresses. I think I'll still do Kani's route and possibly the mystery Sunao, but I'm not sure I'll do the rest of the cast.

Well I don't know how much I've spoiled myself either. :)

Sena does leave when things get serious but not for the reason the MC thinks. There's a pretty bitter criticism of the idol business underlying her whole route, and when the truth is revealed her behavior really makes sense. I felt Sena's reasoning was clumsy but understandable, she just didn't want to drag him into her troubles and felt a strong sense of duty toward the other members of the group. On the other hand, the MC spends the whole game assuming without ever trying to really understand her. When she leaves, he's sad but doesn't pursue her. When she comes back, he welcomes her but doesn't try to understand why she left and why she came back. When she's about to leave again, rather than talk to her about it, make a place for her to find comfort, he tries to tie her up with a marriage proposal. Sena could have explained her situation, sure, but it's pretty clear she's never going to bring it up herself, and the MC makes no effort to communicate with her, satisfied with her being near him. Since she literally can't accept, no wonder she'll never find the courage to come back. Failing to understand even that, the MC then proceeds to completely fuck up his whole life in search for her...

Wouldn't mind a fandisk to continue the story with her. Or maybe her sister's route. And Nako of course!
100% agreed, Nako is the one character I wish had a route. If ever there is a fandisc with her it's a sure play for me.

QuintipleSplash gets another update that adds extra scenario...Parasol have already failed Yumekoi, so I'm not too sure if they will fail again...
No extra scenario for Tomoe, a shame. There was no weird stuff in QUINTUPLE☆SPLASH if you're wondering, as my first Parasol title it felt like a pretty standard Moege, but not much else.
キスと魔王と紅茶: Eh, it wasn't that spectacular imho. Quite a few people say that only Sarasa's route had anything to do with the title itself. That seems to be kinda true, although Yuuna the osananajimi is also related to the Maou issue.
聖騎士Melty Lovers: From what I've read, it seems to be alright. The MC appears to be kinda generic and not really outstanding. Artwork is good as (mostly) expected from Akabei Soft (3).

Currently loading はにかみCLOVER.
キスと魔王と紅茶: Eh, it wasn't that spectacular imho. Quite a few people say that only Sarasa's route had anything to do with the title itself. That seems to be kinda true, although Yuuna the osananajimi is also related to the Maou issue.
聖騎士Melty Lovers: From what I've read, it seems to be alright. The MC appears to be kinda generic and not really outstanding. Artwork is good as (mostly) expected from Akabei Soft (3).

Currently loading はにかみCLOVER.

Actually I downloaded キスと魔王と紅茶 just because heard that there is a crippled heroine in it, then forgot about it since I already got that from amakano 2. Well since it sleeps in my backlog for 2-3 months at least, I think I'll give it a chance and play the common route at least.
did someone just mention キスと魔王と紅茶!!? anyone play that kusoge? i regret buying that shit... the worst of my collections....
did someone just mention キスと魔王と紅茶!!? anyone play that kusoge? i regret buying that shit... the worst of my collections....

Wow is it really that bad? Or is there some specially bad parts like ending or something like that? To be honest it doesn't seem like that much horrible but I'd like to hear your thoughts about it so I can decide whatever I'll play it or not, if its possible of course.
Wow is it really that bad? Or is there some specially bad parts like ending or something like that? To be honest it doesn't seem like that much horrible but I'd like to hear your thoughts about it so I can decide whatever I'll play it or not, if its possible of course.

except for the arts and h-scene.... all are bad.... if i have to rated it from 10... i'd gave 2/10

the ending is so-so... the story are a total shit... if i have to say... worse than the juukishi! i think they planning on mimicking on code geass but ended up fail. the only this that connects the daarjeling are sasara route... (or was it sarasa?).
Wow is it really that bad? Or is there some specially bad parts like ending or something like that? To be honest it doesn't seem like that much horrible but I'd like to hear your thoughts about it so I can decide whatever I'll play it or not, if its possible of course.

Honestly, it was beyond the meaning of bad.
So bad that it became a taboo topic back then. I can testify too.
How can people play or read it.
[MENTION=77]Terumi[/MENTION]; exactly... including me, all the folks who bought it are raging that time... just like the juukishi incident

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