Visual Novel Cafe

Yeah, I found 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス pretty awful too. I don't agree that there's no relationship development at all, I remember the hero at least helping each heroine overcome their weakness so that's a start. Is this enough to bring all these young women into offering themselves to him... probably not, at least I didn't feel so. The typical "eroge with gameplay" approach forcing the player into a harem situation also makes it very hard to believe in the MC's words when he says he loves someone : while individual "routes" felt fine by themselves, the fact that you can do them all at once rather than one at a time, and that fucking each girl at least once is mandatory, just killed it for me.

Gameplay-wise, the game system is broken and so easy to exploit, it's really a waste. The cards art was pretty nice, but there is absolutely zero reason to use the vast majority of them. Heroines are quickly surpassed by monster girls who can break 2/3 shields for 0 mana, and using the cards you get for completing heroines routes makes the game so easy, dungeons become nothing more than a chore by the end. A very easy to come-up with combo is enough to one turn kill most encounters, final boss included, very disappointing.

Finishing Izumo's events gets you a spell that allows you to strike again, Shiro's (I think?) gets you one that makes you redraw the 4 last spells you used. So these two spells + two mana recharging spells means you can strike 3 times on your first turn, before the enemy can retaliate... Just put these 4 spells in your deck to ensure you always draw these exact cards, and combine with Shanon's attack boosting leader passive ability for maximum cheesiness.

I've been playing 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を too. I still like it so far, even though my opinion of the game keeps slowly going down, after peaking the first time the MC looks at the stars. That scene was actually pretty moving and brought some tears to my eyes.

The common route was fine, though lacking in moving scenes from there on. I have a faint interest in astronomy but I have to say the constellation explanations went flying over my head most of the time. I wish they made more little animations actually showing where you're supposed to be looking at, like in Miharu's evening class star gazing. I was more often than not just staring blankly at the sky CG, cursing my own ignorance. Also, a few more explanations of the actual inner workings of a reflecting/refracting telescope would have been nice, nothing that isn't solved by a quick wikipedia lookup but still.

Entering the "romance" part, things are starting to break down. I'm currently partly through Korona's route, by accident more than anything. I was actually aiming for Saya first, but it ends up "turning down" Hikari meant I got stuck choosing between Korona and Orihime... not nice, game. I actually recommend NOT doing Korona's route first, as there's a pretty big reveal concerning Saya and Hikari that is spoiled.

So far in Korona's route, it's an exercise in patience : there's a lot of time spent in the heroine's point-of-view, I'm waiting for it to end but said patience is starting to run out. It's hard to see how the MC could hook up with her, since so far the only interest in women he has shown is a juvenile 'oppai oppai' kind of things, zero feelings. He's also the worst kind of donkan to me, the kind who not only misinterprets things, but chooses to ignore what signs he perceives to stay safely in his little bubble. Well, after the second confession, can't ignore it anymore... I reserve my judgment for now, but I'm not too optimistic.

Also, so much drama could have been avoided if Mr Akito would just open his mail... and I hope there's a bonus Miharu route!

EDIT : Turns out I was right at the end of the heroine's POV part, and that the MC actually had feelings for her? Okay... The rest of Korona's route is sweet icha-icha time with a science project on the side. Said science project felt a little short compared to the one in the common route, both in terms of scale and efforts, but it was pretty nice. No more drama in sight although there are issues left unsolved (Korona's mother?).

No bonus route unlocked after completing the game once probably means no Miharu bonus, although there's still this mysterious unfilled button on the bottom left of the title screen that intrigues me. Maybe a True End ?
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Just finished Hikari's route. It took a bit until she got honest with herself (and in turn caused friction between Saya and her) but *the* confession scene was quite good imho. The overall route was more about project starlight but that was alright with me. The final moment of the project with the camera moving through the town was awesome to me. I felt actually a few gooose bumps *lol*.
Two minor complaints:
1. Saya's action: I understood (language-wise and intention-wise) why she did what she did but uhm... It could have been solved a bit earlier or differently.
2. The trouble around project startlight were in contrast to how Saya's route handled it - although that may be because it was interwinded with her personal drama - made somewhat too dramatic. The problems pointed out seemed to be fair from what I understood, though, just the mood with the tempoary "doom-and-gloom" vibe
Overall: I liked Hikari's route quite much. Her reaction before they became a couple were funny. And all in all it seems that the VN portrays fine enough the gap in the trio's relationship when it gets more serious in the relationship(s).
Done with Orihime's route.. Some may find it boring, but personally I loved it. Orihime sums up her route perfectly :


I've been taking a quick look at this month's releases on Getchu, and noticed a few titles catching my interest :

- 空色イノセント : it's been out for a few days now but I still haven't got around to play it yet. I really liked できない私が、くり返す。 from the same developer, though it seems this one has less drama and more club-like activities? Fine with me!

- アマカノ~Second Season~ : I liked the first one, so I'll definitely play this. I'll have to remember to keep the game around once I finish it though, if they release append patches again.

- クインタプルスプラッシュ : not too sure about this one but why not ? I haven't played any Parasol games yet.

- イズモ4 : looks interesting, and I'm in the mood for a RPG. I haven't played them, but the previous games have this "branching plot" tag that really allures me, hopefully the game will not follow the usual harem style.

Anything else?
空色イノセント: Yeah, it's more about the club-like activities and ultra lightweight aviation. The MC is hetare and has low self-esteem, unless the topic becomes flying as a light heads-up.

@Izumo: The heroine decision point in the previous titels happened quite late into game by choosing the respective map icon often enough, iirc. I don't remember if the previous choices mattered other than for CG completion. Otherwise, the game is clearly separated between classic VN style and dungeon part in a chapter strucuture where you could only revisit the dungeons by the time the final heroine choices came up (something like roughly the last quarter or so of the game?). Personally, I like the games, despite that some MCs were annoying with their attitude and lazieness.
Anything else?

I'm also waiting pretty much same games, with the addition of Tsuyokiss Festival. Original game was awesome while "Next" didnt meet my expectations, but they have said that this one'll have after stories for the original's cast -also its 10 years later so we can see adult verions of them- so I'm definitely in even just for that.

Still they didn't release any cg for after stories so I'm a little concerned about it, lets hope its not just random appaerance at the story instead of some good ichaicha AS.

Also 天文時計のアリア might be worth of trying too, I heard pretty good things about their first low priced game ハルウソ. Most likely I wont have any time for this though, just wanted to mention it.
Thanks Mahou for the heads-up about 空色イノセント and Izumo. I don't mind lazy/hetare MCs so much as long as they don't obviously end hurt hurting the heroine's feelings. As for Izumo, being unable to revisit dungeons is actually a good thing to me, less mandatory grinding then.

I'm also waiting pretty much same games, with the addition of Tsuyokiss Festival.

Also 天文時計のアリア might be worth of trying too
I also noticed Tsuyokiss Festival but there's 4 prequels coming before it, so I sort of gave up about it. If you say only the original is worth it I might play them both.

The Campus games also look interesting but : single heroine and straight path... I like to have at least a modicum of choices.

Another title I'm probably never going to touch due to my allergy to Josou... or is it time to try and overcome it? How was 巨乳ファンタジー3 by the way? Up to your expectations?
I also noticed Tsuyokiss Festival but there's 4 prequels coming before it, so I sort of gave up about it. If you say only the original is worth it I might play them both.

Tsuyokiss series are a little unique so you actually dont have to play all of them. It goes like

First game common route > Character routes and normal ending where you didnt pick anyone
From the normal ending > Nigakki Common route > Character routes and normal ending where you didnt pick anyone
From the Nigakki's normal ending > Sangakki common route > Character routes

This seems pretty normal at first, but when you think about it you have to play every heroine's route FOR THREE TIMES if you want to finish entire trilogy. (of course this means you are getting their virginity three times too etc.) While seeing their first date & first sex & confession etc with different situations kind of interesting, its definitely not something to do one after the another. Second game is really bad anyway so my recommend is playing Tsuyokiss Full Edition first, then putting some time like 3-5 months and finishing trilogy with Sangakki Full Edition.

Now about the games; First game is definitely awesome. I have never seen better male sup characters in any visual novel and the humor is top class for sure. Some individual routes are pretty good -like Satou- while some of them are okayish, but at least they are not breaking the heroine's personality. For example Erika is always prideful and act however she wants, even at the end of the route. She is not becoming a full deredere I'll do whatever mc wants as long as he doesn't hate me type girl, which wouldn't fit her for sure.

Its one of the my favorite series, I'm sure you'll like the common route at least.

Nigakki is seriously one of the worst game I have ever played though. They fucked up with the entire pacing, all jokes seems pretty forced and not funny, all heroine routes are just way worse versions of the original game, opening sucks, bgm sucks etc. Not a single positive thing. You might want to play common route just for the knowing Serebu - the new heroine- since its pretty short, but just dont play any routes.

Lastly sangakki is pretty good unlike the 2. one, Its not at the original game's level but still better than average games and worth of playing if you liked the cast.

Also most of Sangakki's routes are pretty different than original so its enjoyable in that way too.

NEXT is happening 10 years later with a different cast at same school, some original's heroines are appearing here and there but thats all, you dont have to play trilogy for this game. Just like Primal x Heart and Primal x Heart 2, knowing them makes the game better but not necessary.
Thanks Kri, I'll be sure to check out the original Tsuyokiss at least. I know I said I didn't keep a backlog but looks like that's starting to change.

I finished 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を, playing Saya's route first and then Hikari's.

I have to say, I didn't expect Saya to be such a drama queen... Did the writers hate her? Looking back at the 4 heroine's routes, it really feels like she's the source of most of the drama in there. In her route especially, her self loathing and stubbornness was dragging on too much to the point of getting annoying, I ended up skimming through most of the second part. It also doesn't help that the project in her route overlaps with Hikari's, but turns out to be a lesser version of it by far. Poor Saya, she was so cute in the first half of her route, it's really a shame.

Overall, I liked the game, it certainly has its moments. Kinda odd that 3 out of 4 projects are about shooting stars which aren't stars to begin with but oh well, the game almost made me look up at the sky so I guess the message got through.

I'm still puzzled by this unfilled bottom-left button though...

Izumo 4 (8GB! although slightly less than 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を *lol*) and Parasol's title is out, but no sign of Amakano 2 yet. Thanks to our torrent upload trio!
Does anybody have a link for the trial version of 罪ノ光ランデヴー? Minori uploaded it on the 24th, I think, but since their websites blocks us dirty gaijin, we can't download it... Any kind souls out there? lmao
Enjoyed playing 巨乳ファンタジー3. Story was short and mediocre but entertaining.

Waiting for アマカノ~Second Season~.
Izumo 4 (8GB! although slightly less than 見上げてごらん、夜空の星を *lol*) and Parasol's title is out, but no sign of Amakano 2 yet. Thanks to our torrent upload trio!

About Izumo 4, actually half of that seems to the full original Izumo game offered as tokuten. I'm going to start playing it now since Amakano 2 got a little bit delayed.

Does anybody have a link for the trial version of 罪ノ光ランデヴー? Minori uploaded it on the 24th, I think, but since their websites blocks us dirty gaijin, we can't download it... Any kind souls out there? lmao

Here you go, links should work even outside Japan, the site does block IP outside Japan but the link are fine (at least for me):

Just in case you need instructions :

● ダウンロード~セットアップの詳細について ●


1. ダウンロードした ファイルをデスクトップ等に解凍(展開)してください。

2. 解凍してできたフォルダには、以下の9ファイルが入っています。
setup-1.bin から setup-7.bin

3. インストールが始まります。

4. セットアップが完了すると、デスクトップに
また、スタートメニューの「minori」フォルダ内にも「罪ノ光ランデヴー 体験版」フォルダが
作成されます。そこに含まれる「罪ノ光ランデヴー 体験版」からも

5. タイトル画面が表示されたら、画面左の「NEW」をクリックしてゲームを始めてください。

● ダウンロードしたファイルの内容は以下のMD5ハッシュで確認してください ●

»[ ]
About Izumo 4, actually half of that seems to the full original Izumo game offered as tokuten. I'm going to start playing it now since Amakano 2 got a little bit delayed.

Here you go, links should work even outside Japan, the site does block IP outside Japan but the link are fine (at least for me):

Just in case you need instructions :

● ダウンロード~セットアップの詳細について ●


1. ダウンロードした ファイルをデスクトップ等に解凍(展開)してください。

2. 解凍してできたフォルダには、以下の9ファイルが入っています。
setup-1.bin から setup-7.bin

3. インストールが始まります。

4. セットアップが完了すると、デスクトップに
また、スタートメニューの「minori」フォルダ内にも「罪ノ光ランデヴー 体験版」フォルダが
作成されます。そこに含まれる「罪ノ光ランデヴー 体験版」からも

5. タイトル画面が表示されたら、画面左の「NEW」をクリックしてゲームを始めてください。

● ダウンロードしたファイルの内容は以下のMD5ハッシュで確認してください ●

»[ ]

You are doing God's work, my friend. Bless.
About Izumo 4, actually half of that seems to the full original Izumo game offered as tokuten. I'm going to start playing it now since Amakano 2 got a little bit delayed.

sadly, my no one answer my request upon izumo's package game... the one that contains all of izumo series. i guess i'll just have to endure it with izumo tokuten. luckily i still love amaterasu even now after a decade has passed
i'd dare to bet, that this gonna be a dungeon crawler like the dungeon crusaders by kaguya, 10 years ago. 8 years if you count it from 2nd dungeon crusaders

Yeah, from released visuals it looks like it.
Havent really played much of dungeon crusaders back then, i believe i touched 2 for awhile before leaving it for other games. I genuinely hope they dont complicate it too much like what they did to demonion and demonion II. II is a complete new game (because of advancing rather than letting them come to me).
Anycase, yet another new entry from one of my favorite artists and yet another long wait.
About Izumo 4, actually half of that seems to the full original Izumo game offered as tokuten. I'm going to start playing it now since Amakano 2 got a little bit delayed.

I started playing part 4 as well. Got as far where I have now the full party, I think. As with Izumo3 the 勾玉 don't drop very often, so if you want to obtain, let's say, one for every (future) party member, a bit patience is necessary. I think I got almost one of each during my normal progression, just not multiple copies.
The monster seem to be able to use combo magic to get a pary-wide buff, so that should be doable for your own team as well. Hence, multiple copies of the same 勾玉 should be required /needs further testing. Otherwise the dungeon, skill and equipment system seems to be the same as the previous Izumos.

But now it's finally time for Amakano 2
I started playing part 4 as well. Got as far where I have now the full party, I think. As with Izumo3 the 勾玉 don't drop very often, so if you want to obtain, let's say, one for every (future) party member, a bit patience is necessary. I think I got almost one of each during my normal progression, just not multiple copies.
The monster seem to be able to use combo magic to get a pary-wide buff, so that should be doable for your own team as well. Hence, multiple copies of the same 勾玉 should be required /needs further testing. Otherwise the dungeon, skill and equipment system seems to be the same as the previous Izumos.
I think I'm about at the same point as you, I just got the sixth party member and access to the map last night. At the beginning there were too many 勾玉 to equip but now I'm starting to have a lot of empty slots, I can't imagine grinding enough to get one of each for everyone, that would take ages. Besides, the game is not too tough for now, but that may change. The battle system is pretty interesting, but I preferred 偽骸のアルルーナ, which had a very (very!) similar engine. I really liked shoving enemies around to match the somewhat exotic patterns of some of the special skills.

I'm not sure about combo-magic allowing party-wide buff, I have noticed that some monster's buffs seem to have area of effect but 勾玉 buff spells are usually single target. I doesn't really matter anyway since the spider summon does Strength/Defense/Haste all at once on everyone anyway. Just need to grind those fire element levels before bosses with Drives and Combos.

Scenario-wise, so far it's pretty ... generic? I haven't really managed to get into it as of yet, it's very predictable and for the most part the text is just describing simple things in complicated ways. The cast is fine even though there's not really anyone I'm really looking forward to, I think I'm going to go with Ecchan just because it probably fits the story best? Ecchi with spirits to bind contracts with them is just... sigh, especially since you never see said spirits after that, apart from little animations in battles. I'm fine with a little fanservice but I hope the actual heroines themselves won't suffer from all that, both in terms of quantity or length.
The ecchi with spirits for the contract is a recuccring staple in Izumo, all the way from 1-4. But yeah, the battle in each Izumo is mostly about beating the crap out of the boss faster than he can do it to you *lol*. If you check the walkthroughs for the first to Izumo's, the strategy resolves only around equiping magatama's that increase speed + power and spam the strongest special skills. Only in Izumo3 was buff magic necessary to not get toasted by some bosses and to recover MP. The annoying this with switching magatama around is that you often need to raise the character's magatama spell levels from scratch, like if you want to give 和玉 to another character for the party heal. It's quite the suprise that the 産玉 instant death effect when you equip it on a yellow weapon slot has so far triggered every time, despite it's 10% chance...
By the way, did you find a 火玉 anywhere? I wanted to give one to Ayaka due to her higher magic stat and wanted to keep it in her innate element.

@Amakano 2: I'll go with Ruika's route first as she had mostly a support role in the trial instead of the more frequent screentime moments of the other three girls :)
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Speed is certainly most important, I made sure to equip a 速玉 to the slowpokes in the group so they can have a chance to participate in combos without delaying the whole turn after the enemy's. The accessory yellow slot is really in high demand : speed, health regen and mana regen effects, I want them all. I'm finding the game is getting a little bit tougher now, bosses like to abuse devastating area effect magic (400-700 to the group) which makes me long for some area effect barrier spell, it's probably in 奇魂 but I have yet to find one. Thankfully Hakuto's healing skill is very strong but that does lock her up as healer and prevents a full combo...

So far I've been quite lucky I guess since I found a 和玉 for everyone (5和玉 + 1和魂), no need to switch around to learn healing magic. I'll have to try 産玉 on the weapon slot, I've been keeping it as a safety on the armor for the auto-revive but I think I've only seen it trigger once, in a fight against a treasure box (gotta hate those instant kill spells on the whole party...). It may be more useful to use them to shorten the random battles, as luck would have it I also have enough for everyone.

I have 3 火玉 but I can't remember exactly where I found them. I'm pretty sure one was earned after clearing one of the rank C area battles, and one I've had for a while since it's been on Honami the whole time and she's at level 5 fire magic.

EDIT : after testing, 産玉 does seem bugged in that instant death works 100% of the time. Combined with Honami's 四十八ノ手剣舞ー散水 that hit nearly the whole field, and random battles are as good as gone. Now to resist the temptation... or not.
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I finished Ecchan's route in Izumo 4 last night. Scenario-wise it was pretty standard J-RPG thing with gods and growth as a theme. It's not bad but it's didn't really either move me or make me excited. As I kinda feared, the heroine's icha-icha and ecchi time is pretty short (3 shortish scenes), compared to the 8 (probably 9) scenes to bind contracts with spirits, but at least the MC clearly commits to someone which is a plus.

The game wasn't too difficult all the way to the end boss, especially with 産玉 used as both a safety in bosses fight (auto-revive) and time saver in random encounters. Loading back the last map save after clearing the game, a new challenger appears : most likely the last spirit, Kosuzu, in the hot springs. She's... pretty tough, I can't beat her yet even abusing the insta-kill effect to get rid of the three adds she summons each turn. I'll delay that until I get there in New Game+ with the equipment, levels and 勾玉 I got from the last dungeon, as far as I know I can't go back. Speaking of equipment, I'm still missing Ecchan's last piece of armor, no idea where it's hiding, if anyone knows...

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