Visual Novel Cafe

So I played a lot into Kodomo no Asobi/for the Kana lovers: コドモノアソビ ;).
Uhm... to be honest the title feels strange. Not in a "it sucks" way, just strange-ish. The conversation feels hesitant and awkward at times and seems to become more so, the more the voting ritual was performed each time. But that's just my guts-based impression. If this was intended due to the setting and supernatural element, it's been done fine though.
I've been playing into it too, up to Katsumi's confession. and it's certainly different from what I'm used to. The conversations are very much to the point, the scenes rather short, and this is further emphasized as the game is cut into day-to-day chapters that contain only a couple scenes for some. I don't dislike this kind of writing, at least there's no time to get bored since the events come and go super fast, but there's also not much time to get invested in the characters themselves...
Anybody finished Haru Uso -Passing Memories-? Did you like the idea of "red lie"?
Further along in コドモノアソビ (or Kodomo no Asobi for the romaji lovers), I must say I am disappointed. I played through Katsumi, Michiru and halfway through Seera route, skipping the rest, and now giving up.

The common path was the best part of the game, it kinda reminded me of investigative VNs like ダンガンロンパ with the search for the heart's owner and the voting thing. The problem is, once you're past the 4th voting, the mystery setting simply disappears, leaving behind some light magic elements... Given the protagonist's curse I was also expecting to see lots of choices, which is something I really appreciate, but as the game goes on these choices become fewer and fewer.

Story wise, it turns out to be a pure romance story. I'm not against this kind of stories but for that to work I think it lacks justification for why the heroines fell so much in love with the MC (for some of them, twice). It's briefly mentioned for Yuzu but the others?

As I said before the game is cut up a little too much, and it's not helped at all by the music that just stops sometimes, mostly at the end and start of each chapter, making for some awkward blank. In the end I listened to something else and just muted the music altogether, it's not bad but I didn't notice any track that caught my attention.

Katsumi's route turns out to be a pretty standard real imouto route. Even though the themes have been done time and time again, it's enjoyable, but the conclusion leaves me somewhat perplexed, embrace the mind control... Also I found everyone's attitude towards Seera in this route awful, she ends up stuck with Yuzu's love and nobody seems to care.

Michiru's was okay, once again fairly stereotypical as the fashionista girl that's an otome inside. I think they dragged on a little too much with the MC's confession, he made his choice at the end of the 4th voting and yet waits... weeks? before finally confessing, even though her feelings are obvious to everyone (MC included). The whole hazukashigariya thing that followed was a little too much, and I can't help but feel her story is... empty?

Seera's story was where I had the highest hopes and it turned out to be the biggest letdown. The game drags on and on with the competition of the four girls for the MC's affection, even though his choice is already made. I understand what they were trying to say, it's a story about growing up and learning to accept you failed romance but the story stalls way too much, I ended end skipping though most of it. I found it pretty cruel to give the three other heroines hope even though it's destined to failure, all because Seera lacks self-confidence.

Going to try 僕はキミだけを見つめる next.
I haven't actually finished a single route of it yet, but well what I said earlier still holds true. The sometimes clumsy-ish dialogues didn't help to me to make any of the heroines instantly likable and the only really memorable scene was Katsumi's revelation of you-know-what. Even for a VN that tries (apparently only during the common route) to be more serious, it mostly left an awkward or hazy impression where I was left unsure of what to think. I'll put it in the backburner for the time being.

Instead I played Kana and Serika's route in hulotte's latest. Kana's route is forced on your first run, but she's quite likable so no qualm for me. Her core drama was introduced rather suddenly and felt rather stupid. Thanksfully it got resolved quickly.

Serika's drama was more heavy, be it an good or bad way.
It was sad to see that Kana still held feelings for Daiki all the way into Serika's route and her (along with Mihono and Kirino) being rejected was used to resolve the drama in Serika's route for good. So despite her being the destined girl of the past, Serika's route developed in the opposite direction. Their childhood marriage promise that was during an accident in their past nearly instantly broken cut their red string of future marriage (and in turn Serika's miko powers that everyone in her family has to some degree and which has heavy influence of Daiki's spirutal powers due to him being a a direct offspring of the deity his village worhips) and caused when they got together in present time as a result misfortune to their surroundings. Ooooay. So their inital red string of fate was cut and new possibilites were formed indirectly with Kana, Mihono + Kirino. What happened? Unhappy rejection times where he clearly tells the sisters that no matter what happens he'll stay with Serika which renewed the couple's string thanks to magic mystery. Uhm hello? While poor Kana may not have been ready yet to completely give up on him, even though she tried hard, why was it necessary to spell it out again? Fortunately hulotte decided to make the rejection scene quick and mostly painless. But yeah, poor Kana :(

So yeah, the mystery element, dear hulotte, caused somehow again more trouble than necessary *lol*. Let's see what Mihono and Nanako provide seeing as they are not related to the inital childhood promise. Drama because they are unrelated to it, probably or in Nanako's case drama due to her origin :whistle:
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I haven't actually finished a single route of it yet, but well what I said earlier still holds true. The sometimes clumsy-ish dialogues didn't help to me to make any of the heroines instantly likable and the only really memorable scene was Katsumi's revelation of you-know-what. Even for a VN that tries (apparently only during the common route) to be more serious, it mostly left an awkward or hazy impression where I was left unsure of what to think. I'll put it in the backburner for the time being.

Instead I played Kana and Serika's route in hulotte's latest. Kana's route is forced on your first run, but she's quite likable so no qualm for me. Her core drama was introduced rather suddenly and felt rather stupid. Thanksfully it got resolved quickly.

Serika's drama was more heavy, be it an good or bad way.
It was sad to see that Kana still held feelings for Daichi all the way into Serika's route and her (along with Mihono and Kirino) being rejected was used to resolve the drama in Serika's route for good. So despite her being the destined girl of the past, Serika's route developed in the opposite direction. Their childhood marriage promise that was during an accident in their past nearly instantly broken cut their red string of future marriage (and in turn Serika's miko powers that everyone in her family has to some degree and which has heavy influence of Daichi's spirutal powers due to him being a a direct offspring of the deity his village worhips) and caused when they got together in present time as a result misfortune to their surroundings. Ooooay. So their inital red string of fate was cut and new possibilites were formed indirectly with Kana, Mihono + Kirino. What happened? Unhappy rejection times where he clearly tells the sisters that no matter what happens he'll stay with Serika which renewed the couple's string thanks to magic mystery. Uhm hello? While poor Kana may not have been ready yet to completely give up on him, even though she tried hard, why was it necessary to spell it out again? Fortunately hulotte decided to make the rejection scene quick and mostly painless. But yeah, poor Kana :(

So yeah, the mystery element, dear hulotte, caused somehow again more trouble than necessary *lol*. Let's see what Mihono and Nanako provide seeing as they are not related to the inital childhood promise. Drama because they are unrelated to it, probably or in Nanako's case drama due to her origin :whistle:

Oh god I just wanna play Kirino, but seems like gotta finish at least 4 route before unlocking her so I guess I'll just play ナデレボ until you finish and give some thoughts about it. If Kirino route is actually good then I might bear with all of those.
Just finished Kirino's route: It starts somewhere around the second choice selection but the route itself can be selected seperately during a New Game after the first four routes were cleared. It ties more strongly into the supernatural element and indirectly hints towards the harem route. As such the drama was more serious for Kirino. I'd say as an individual route it was quite nice and should be fine without playing the other ones.
If you want to try the route, you can use my attached save data or use a full savegame from the usual sources and just start a New Game as I mentioned before :).


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new characters confirmed on Sengoku Hime X... houjo clan will join the story... while uesugi's got 2 new character... usami sadamitsu and kojima yataro

planned to be released on april 2016
Just finished 僕はキミだけを見つめる, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. From the plot introduction I was afraid the game would be dark, serious and with much violence but it turns out that is not the fact at all. There are some pretty dark moments, and mentions of rape, drugs, murder but they are never actually shown in game. Don't be fooled by the first scene, most of the game is pretty light and funny despite the threat that looms over the characters.

It's the first game I've seen that uses so much variations in standing drawings (what's the term for 立ち絵?) to reflect the text. Characters hold things in their hands, have varied expressions, jump around, it's really quite impressive. This really shines in the few but very well done actions scenes, with a good combination of CG and animation. I'm not a fan of action/battle scenes in general but this time I was really surprised at how well there were pictured. Overall the fights are pretty down to earth (last fight excepted), this also earned some points with me, the MC is strong but he's not a superhero.

I'm not going to spoil the plot but the game has its share of mysteries and surprises, even though the most important ones are spoiled by scenes outside the MC's perspective. I found it quite interesting overall, and despite some pretty convenient circumstances sometimes, didn't find any plot hole that really struck me.

Something to consider is that there is really only one heroine in the game : Towa. Erogamescape puts Ria, Ikuno, Miya and Shion also as Main Heroines but they don't have routes proper. The main part of the game is a one way road during which the MC has some moments with sub-characters, but the story is mostly about Towa. As you finish the main game some After Stories are unlocked but only Towa's is of any real substance : in fact it's pretty much the true end of the game, with some of the most moving scenes in it. Ria and Ikuno's are mostly "bad ends" that consist mainly of 2 ecchi scenes and then credits. I just wish Shion made more appearances...

I'll probably start 果つることなき未来ヨリ next.
Just finished Kirino's route: It starts somewhere around the second choice selection but the route itself can be selected seperately during a New Game after the first four routes were cleared. It ties more strongly into the supernatural element and indirectly hints towards the harem route. As such the drama was more serious for Kirino. I'd say as an individual route it was quite nice and should be fine without playing the other ones.
If you want to try the route, you can use my attached save data or use a full savegame from the usual sources and just start a New Game as I mentioned before :).

Great! I expected some reasons for the route unlock thing so didnt try a savedata, but if you are saying its fine to play without playing other routes then I'm definitely going into her first. Thank you very much, I'm going with your savedata then.

I really hope this unlocking good heroine routes without any reason (like unlucky reverse or this) wont become a trend. As a someone who plays the heroines he liked first, it just makes me lose motivation.

(what's the term for 立ち絵?)
It should be Character Sprites, or at least this is what I'm using for 立ち絵.

Also I think I didnt see any bad reviews about 僕はキミだけを見つめる so I guess its a pretty good game. Now lets wait for Inre's next game, since they have made a remake for both of their original games its time for something new, I hope they can keep this quality at their original games as well .
I think I'll draw my conclusion after Kirino's route, despite the still open two side character routes + harem route. I'm really not a fan of harem endings if I have the choice. It's another typical case of "It may make sense in-verse but it's just not my cup of tea." But I'm drifting away... Yomesagashi was okay. I still prefer hulotte's first title over the former one and this entry, even though With Ribbon had its flaws with the time travel concept. Anyway, I expected a kind of cooler main character here, like a bit more serious regarding his spiritual training instead of the lazy-ish type and I dunno maybe not restricted to only one spiritual power. Well, I didn't actually think he was terrible, though.

Today I started playing ここから夏のイノセンス! And I enjoyed what I've been seeing so far. After Yuno and Arika warmed up to the MC the common route was quite soothing. You may scratch your head that the afore-mentioned became attracted to him due to his "rare" trait of sexual desire in their future, but given that the future from where they came from incredibly sucks I decided to not bother with it *lol*. His interaction with Iroha is very adorable as Iroha herself is. But yeah I love the slice of life and how Yuno and Arika discover what - for (most) of us - normal social interaction and a more relaxed country life is. Like that relying/asking a favor doesn't necessarily require you repaying the favor.

Other than that, in one week 空色イノセント will be released. From the summary it might be Akabee Soft's version of Konosora ( so I'll surely give it a shot. The art seems good so that's also a plus.
Traveling Stars seems to run a little fast compared to previous titles from Hooksoft...well, I do remember Sakura Bitmap having only five chapters for common route and then headed straight to heroine's stories. MeltyMoment has more meat for the 8-chapter common route and variable far as I can remember. It is nice enough, and it do have the purpose of setting the world up, after all. Souma is no pushover, either.

Going Eliza first to set up for Beatrice the Da-Maid (and Fin along the way)...I wonder if I can stay my course or I will scatter this time too...
Speaking of AkabeSoft, Does anyone has tried 働くオトナの恋愛事情 -Hataraku Otona no Renai Jijou- 's trial? I was really looking forward for it since we dont get many mature heroines, But after hearing that they mixed too much sex & alcohol etc into it just for an adult feeling, I'm not really sure anymore.

At first I didnt care about it, but seems like there will be "more than 50 h-scenes", and 16 of them will be for "non-heroine girls", hell even for some girls who dont have character sprites or dont appear at later at all, like drunk sex who you just met at bar or just random one night stands etc. To be honest it doesnt seem like a game for me anymore, but still I'd like to hear some more comments about it.
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I played a few hours of 果つることなき未来ヨリ, but gave up shortly past the prologue. I'm not saying it's a bad game, it's just not for me. With Grisaia before and now this, Front Wing really knows how to make protagonists I can't stand, couple of minutes in the game and I was already fed up with his arrogant ungrateful brat attitude. The writers' humor doesn't work with me... Beastgirls are not really my thing, but I can't say much about the heroines since only one was deemed important enough to be introduced. The few light spoilers I read from Erogamescape confirmed my suspicions : the story will focus mainly on the war between the races, something I can't find enough interest in to keep going.

Today I started playing ここから夏のイノセンス! And I enjoyed what I've been seeing so far. After Yuno and Arika warmed up to the MC the common route was quite soothing. You may scratch your head that the afore-mentioned became attracted to him due to his "rare" trait of sexual desire in their future, but given that the future from where they came from incredibly sucks I decided to not bother with it *lol*. His interaction with Iroha is very adorable as Iroha herself is. But yeah I love the slice of life and how Yuno and Arika discover what - for (most) of us - normal social interaction and a more relaxed country life is. Like that relying/asking a favor doesn't necessarily require you repaying the favor.

I ended up starting ここから夏のイノセンス! too over the week end. I think Mahou described the game's atmosphere perfectly with "soothing". I only played through Yuno's route so far and it's light, calm and peaceful. The setting doesn't make much sense, time travelers walking around and using future tech in the open without fear of causing time paradoxes is something that would really gripe me. And yeah, the future they come from is really awful, how could it get so bad in just 100 years? I also find Arika and Yuno's attitudes a bit at odds with what you would expect from elites from this kind of world. Finally, in Yuno's case, although she has special circumstances she certainly didn't lose her sexual appetite. But in the end, all of this doesn't matter since the game manages to bring a smile to my face through the characters interactions.
Lately I'm beginning to like side heroines more than the main ones for some reason...

I must be in a hurry...
Lately I'm beginning to like side heroines more than the main ones for some reason...

As in what game for example? I also sometimes miss the ability to go after some side heroine, especially if they're of a type I like that isn't represented among the main cast. Ex: Maya in 私が好きなら「好き」って言って!, there's no "senpai" character among the 5 heroines.


Just finished ここから夏のイノセンス!, well I didn't 100% it but I don't feel like going past the confession in Iroha's route : her dialogue and reactions make her look so young than I can't help but feel reticent in going further, especially as the first ecchi comes right after. It's not helped by the circumstances in which said confession happens too, it just feels wrong.

Story wise, my first impressions are confirmed : the setting doesn't make much sense, and the world certainly is (too?) kind to the characters and their aspirations, even in the dystopian future. As a time-travel story, it just doesn't work, there's not a trace of the usual time travel tropes. As far as the plot itself, there's no obstacle or hurdle to overcome that isn't solved quickly by a bit of work and/or bowing down to the right person, which gives the game a very low level of tension : I never really felt the urge to push forward and find out where the story would go next, but then again I also was never annoyed by needless drama stalling the progression.

Where the game does succeed however, is in the icha-icha scenes, it's all very sweet and warm to read through. The MC isn't much of a donkan which is a nice change. My preference still goes to Yuno, she's definitely the most fun and I think fits the MC best, but each character is cute in their own way. As I said before I find Iroha is a little too young for a love interest. 3 out of 4 heroines are of lower age, and Arika's often in a position of learning, something to keep in mind if cute characters are not really your type.

Claretta and Benio are available in sub stories, a nice touch but I found said stories a little too short, especially in Benio's case. I also kinda regret the lack of sub story for Kohagi, she's the only one left out and she could certainly be interesting.

Not sure what to play next, maybe ナデレボ!, 恋する気持ちのかさねかた, or wait for 空色イノセント.
As in what game for example? I also sometimes miss the ability to go after some side heroine, especially if they're of a type I like that isn't represented among the main cast. Ex: Maya in 私が好きなら「好き」って言って!, there's no "senpai" character among the 5 heroines.


Recently, there is PrimalxHearts2. Anna's route isn't full-length yet it seems much more enjoyable overall. Also because of PxH2's main heroines are a little too busty for me.
And even more recently, I went through Beatrice and the teachers' routes for TravelingStars before continuing with the mains. It's pretty typical for Hooksoft titles to give subheroine options at some point in some form...and here are the among the better ones.

Another one I'd like to raise is Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai: This time it's the case of subheroines being more interesting and more to the spec than main heroines...although you need to go pretty far down the story to branch out their way.

It's probably because their stories go straight to the point without much drifting around, like effective sword matter how unrealistic it may be, I enjoy them quite a bit, which is why I said I must've been in a hurry. That, or something I like is included in there...not just the girls, and perhaps because of less drama as well. from StrawberryNauts. The event that protag accidentally got handcuffed to his loli teacher and having to rub her head because she fell off his bed which made her sleep relaxed...only for him to get slapped by her in the morning.

Half a chapter, I'm hooked. Even if there is very little afterwards, or I am just easily satisfied...
okay.... let's hope someone would release it quick... i hardly ever buy hard copies anymore

I was gonna approach a friend who is flying there later this month.
Crossing my fingers for release too.
It's probably because their stories go straight to the point without much drifting around, like effective sword matter how unrealistic it may be, I enjoy them quite a bit, which is why I said I must've been in a hurry. That, or something I like is included in there...not just the girls, and perhaps because of less drama as well.
I know what you mean, I'm sometimes getting a little tired of the phase between the route selection and the confession, mostly if it drags on because the MC/heroine can't get their feelings straight.


I started ナデレボ!, it's very... lively. Rushia's fake american accent is a little irritating, she can talk perfect Japanese so why fake an accent? I'm usually not a fan of foreigner characters with accents anyway, it always sounds so fake, I'd like to see a game with a real foreigner voicing a character for once. Other than that, the MC is bringing donkan levels to new heights, at least the other characters never fail to point it out but still...
I played into the common route of Sorairo Innocent. So far a soothing title. Down to earth and a relaxed/slow-ish pace due to its slice-of-life trait. The MC's okay-ish but as often called out also a chickenheart. It's used mostly for comedy, although it depends whether that characteristic is to your liking or not. I'm terrible with aviation terminology, be it aircraft terms itself or terms concerning environment like updraft, cloud names etc X_X.
To my surprise the introverted "no need for friends" transfer student no. 2 Hikari has rarely appeared apart of her introduction and one scene. Maybe because the characters respected her wish to be alone (at least for the time being *lol*) in contrast to the usual deal.

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