Visual Novel Cafe

I know what you mean, I'm sometimes getting a little tired of the phase between the route selection and the confession, mostly if it drags on because the MC/heroine can't get their feelings straight.


I started ナデレボ!, it's very... lively. Rushia's fake american accent is a little irritating, she can talk perfect Japanese so why fake an accent? I'm usually not a fan of foreigner characters with accents anyway, it always sounds so fake, I'd like to see a game with a real foreigner voicing a character for once. Other than that, the MC is bringing donkan levels to new heights, at least the other characters never fail to point it out but still...

That's pretty much what PrimalxHearts2 is all left me quite irritated with all but one of the routes...

When eroge can afford to have language accuracy like MGSV, then perhaps...which I speculate, a few centuries or even a millennium from now. Can't pull a Biohazard and get some random foreigners to do voicing anymore in the digital age I guess...and who wants to risk said foreigner(s) going hysteria on eroge...?

...and MC being excessively donkan can come across as stalling for length like writing an essay in circles...
sadly nein... im also broke due to pay surgery for my sister who got a car accident last month

Thats unfortunate to hear. Hope things are fine.

Dear sir, do you have any news of the share about the game(kyonyuu fantasy 3)? Much thanks :3
When eroge can afford to have language accuracy like MGSV, then perhaps...which I speculate, a few centuries or even a millennium from now. Can't pull a Biohazard and get some random foreigners to do voicing anymore in the digital age I guess...and who wants to risk said foreigner(s) going hysteria on eroge...?

...and MC being excessively donkan can come across as stalling for length like writing an essay in circles...
Yeah, I know it's very unlikely a foreigner will ever voice a character in a eroge, and even if it came to that the fake 'anime' voice would probably bother me as much as dubbed anime does. For some reason I don't mind it quite as much when it's in Japanese although I know the voices are just as fake. But there has to be a CV in Japan somewhere who can speak at least half decent English, although the often nonsensical English lines and game titles sometimes make me wonder : perhaps it's intentionally bad to fit with foreigner stereotypes...

In ナデレボ!'s case, the donkan MC is pretty much needed since half the cast starts madly in love with him and takes rather aggressive approaches. Where he to even remotely notice that the whole common path would be shorted out. The problem comes after the route selection, I played through Moegi the osananajimi's route and does it take effort for him to notice her and his feelings,

he basically had to have it spelled out to him because he just couldn't figure it out by himself...
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Ah, our dear donkan protagonists... At first I really hated that trait (not that I'd be any better imho...), but I've come to be fine with the donkan level as long as it's not rubbed into your face at every moment possible, or I don't feel the urge to faceplam too often *lol*.

Anyway, done with Hikari's route of Sora-iro Innocent. Okay~ That was uhm... yeah... not really what I expected. The lead-up to h-scene 1 was pathetic, even if Hikari is simply extremly awkward with social interaction. Well, their interaction got better later on, but I can't help thinking that Akabesoft should have done more with her character. I mean I know other VNs where it took time for the last heroine to join the group, but with this title they should have included her more. Not necessary to convince her to join their club, but in an everyday-ish feeling. Given MCs and her normal conversations, the "confession" was like a "wait what?!" moment. Based on the common route, it felt to me pretty much that Mahiro is kinda the main heroine.
Yeah, I know it's very unlikely a foreigner will ever voice a character in a eroge, and even if it came to that the fake 'anime' voice would probably bother me as much as dubbed anime does. For some reason I don't mind it quite as much when it's in Japanese although I know the voices are just as fake. But there has to be a CV in Japan somewhere who can speak at least half decent English, although the often nonsensical English lines and game titles sometimes make me wonder : perhaps it's intentionally bad to fit with foreigner stereotypes...

In ナデレボ!'s case, the donkan MC is pretty much needed since half the cast starts madly in love with him and takes rather aggressive approaches. Where he to even remotely notice that the whole common path would be shorted out. The problem comes after the route selection, I played through Moegi the osananajimi's route and does it take effort for him to notice her and his feelings,

he basically had to have it spelled out to him because he just couldn't figure it out by himself...

Like getting Betty from the heck do you get Lu from Pascal? Nonsensical foreign tongue must be a cool thing...
Multilingual Seiyuu is probably something unnecessary in the industry... Alas! Competence is thrown away for something else in fiction...mostly for drama/conflict. Besides, do Japanese audience ask for realism? I think not...

You can't beat an MC that needs to have sex all the way through just to get his feelings a vanilla title no less!


Traveling Stars: Done with Chloe's route. [e]Liz[a] takes the cake for being tsundere as Chloe lacks the tsun part most of the time. And, this route is pretty much about Rinne...they need to do their things while Rinne's away for whatever reason. Ending's not bad...
Seeing the cg is way more painful than not seeing the game.
Seeing the cg is way more painful than not seeing the game.

don't mind it teruteru... they did it for the money. some for covering what they bought... and some wants a bit more of ol' honey.
we're broke, and we have to live with it. maybe GC will find a way to upload it later.
Ah, our dear donkan protagonists... At first I really hated that trait (not that I'd be any better imho...), but I've come to be fine with the donkan level as long as it's not rubbed into your face at every moment possible, or I don't feel the urge to faceplam too often *lol*.

I've come to not hate the trait as well. Although I can't say I like it it's more often than not a necessary evil.

Princess Evangile on STEAM?


(Of course, it's not 18+)

It seems to be out for quite a while. I haven't played it, is it worth it ? I'm not a fan of "boy in girls school" settings, especially if said boy dresses like a girl (not that it's the case here), but if the story's interesting I might play it at some point.


Done with ナデレボ!, I played through everyone's route but Rushia's. As I said before, her fake accents just doesn't work for me. It's too bad since I like Ogura Yui's voice otherwise.

The MC's extreme case of donkaness is not so much a matter in the other routes (Suzuri and Noa). The icha-icha is pretty funny thanks to his baka-shoujiki personality. Even the koakuma senpai gets embarassed by his blunt killer lines, and Suzuri's reactions, while over the top, remained funny all the way to the end. The game is very lively, and while some gags are getting a little old by the third time through the game (Nagi's food stealing, Momo's attitude), I wasn't getting bored until I got to the 'serious' part. In everyone's case, the problems were so blown out of proportions by the appearance of some mob 'evil' character that the issues felt forced, rather than slowly built up.

I liked that the if route was a second story in itself, with a swap between main and sub heroines. It actually felt more like an Eroge than the real game as far as I'm concerned, I'm not too fond of character selection screens and prefer in-context choices. As with most sub-characters stories though, I found it ends a little too abruptly (Kokuhaku->Ecchi->End), at least seeing the other characters reactions for some of the more exotic choices would have been nice.

I played a little bit of 恋する気持ちのかさねかた. 'noble' settings with everyone coming from super rich and famous families is not really my thing, but I'll give a try. So far it's pretty interesting.
don't mind it teruteru... they did it for the money. some for covering what they bought... and some wants a bit more of ol' honey.
we're broke, and we have to live with it. maybe GC will find a way to upload it later.

You are very right. live with it.
We are all stuck in this "climate".

It isn't profitable to buy games and magazines to share here. Not even us (2DJGAME).
GC is probably the only one who can, but doesn't mean he must spend money on it.
I'd rather prefer AS just buy all the games, save us (2DJGAME) all the trouble to order, wait for delivery, rip, upload then check the files are not corrupt.
Why go through all these trouble when it is so much easier copying.
Do it for 2-3 games a month, may be you'll be alright, and then try doing it for 30-50 games, month after month, see if you feel the same.

If you don't like money being involved, then you probably shouldn't even be here. Everyone "sharing" on AS is mostly, if not wholly, for money.
Be it AS showing you adult adverts, or you using filehost downloads.
Even if you post a mega link, be it here, or elsewhere, even with relatively strong restriction, it get monetized by the rest of us (uploaders on AS).

AS uploaders are uncontrollable to the point that the "way of living" of other forums are damaged, demoralizing original uploaders elsewhere.
This happened to us (2DJGAME) too until we lock up registration, make it hard or expensive to be a VIP.
Causing us (2DJGAME) to release games in the way we do now.

Of course there are exceptions like those Kami in Japan like OFAAFO, 喫茶東洋. Then they get busted.
There are really only a few left, Justice, Hs117, kyo to name a few. Let's see what will happen if another one get busted.

We (2DJGAME/Mikocon, and several other private forums with strict rules) will still have our little, sustainable "gated communities" even if there are no more releases elsewhere.
In comparison to AS which feed on content leaked from elsewhere, and unfriendly towards original uploaders in general.

You are welcomed to provide games or bonuses (old or new) to us, in exchange for our VIP.
You can get 53 games worth of credit for providing 1 game to us.
You can get 14 games worth of credit for buying 1 month of rapidgator premium
(Assuming games with MSRP of 9504 yen)

Games don't come free, and yet it is free if you already buy games.
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It seems to be out for quite a while. I haven't played it, is it worth it ? I'm not a fan of "boy in girls school" settings, especially if said boy dresses like a girl (not that it's the case here), but if the story's interesting I might play it at some point.

Princess Evangile is not bad, especially if you can endure the constant drama that happens as early as the common route in frequent sequences. Reason being the whole deal with boy in girl school without spoiling anything ;). The female cast is likable, though. One girl got also her well-deserved route in the fandisc. The MC is a bit dense which earns him quite a lot of that awkward silence where the only "voiced dialogue" consists of the groaning sound of the girls *lol*. I think I have read at one time that some girls have also their designated villains in their route, but I can only confirm that for Rise which was quite crass for my taste back when I read it and was not as drama-damaged as I'm right now :whistle:

I finished the trial of Amakano 2 and am definitely looking forward to it. It's still a shame that Azarashisoft's system for the namable protagonist (based on Amakano 1) is way inferior to Lovely/PrettyxCation even if you use the default name, but other than that Amakano 2 seems quite to my liking. A proactive MC, good heroines from what I saw, and likely lot of "awww" moments. Who needs drama in this case? :nekopara_innocent:
The main Moonstone titles are all pretty heavy stuff...except Love Sweets, which is probably the reason why they set up the Honey brand to do that kind of stuff and let the main brand go on with heavy stuff. I can feel it even when skipping and not understanding a bloody word back then.
I've come to not hate the trait as well. Although I can't say I like it it's more often than not a necessary evil.

It seems to be out for quite a while. I haven't played it, is it worth it ? I'm not a fan of "boy in girls school" settings, especially if said boy dresses like a girl (not that it's the case here), but if the story's interesting I might play it at some point.

Its pretty much an average game, Maybe slightly above but thats all. If you have a big backlog its not worth of coming back, but if you dont have many games to play then you can try I guess. I'm not saying it was bad and not worth of playing, just not worth of any hype.

In short I'd say the score it got from EGS is pretty accurate (its 69), I'd give 72-73 at best.
I went sifting through EGS...I've been playing average stuff all along according to them, with a few above average ones here and there.

...but don't let it stop you from pursuing what you truly enjoy...
I went sifting through EGS...I've been playing average stuff all along according to them, with a few above average ones here and there.

...but don't let it stop you from pursuing what you truly enjoy...

Well I mostly agree about it, as my favorite games are also got pretty average scores at EGS. I'm just saying that I think the Princess Evangile got what score it deserves at this time since I found it as an average game as well, definitely not speaking for entire EGS.

Hell even my favorite game Sengoku Koihime got only 75 at EGS, just because it doesn't have ero scenes. I'm expecting at least 80 from the remake X though.
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Its pretty much an average game, Maybe slightly above but thats all. If you have a big backlog its not worth of coming back, but if you dont have many games to play then you can try I guess. I'm not saying it was bad and not worth of playing, just not worth of any hype.
Thanks for the input on Princess Evangile. It seems everyone here played it so it may be worth a shot just for that reason alone. I don't have a backlog of games to play and usually just go with what strikes my fancy when browsing the month's releases on Getchu. Still, I like to go back to some of the more popular titles on both EGS and VNDB once in a while, recently I've played Steins;Gate and Little Busters for example.

Back when I was in prep school, I played some titles like Gloria, Bible Black and Three Sisters Stories (in English) and thought everything was as heavy as that, I only recently restarted last year through あの晴れわたる空より高く, mostly to test my Japanese level, and I got hooked by the more tame titles out there.

So basically most of the titles before Summer 2014 I haven't touched, if you have any suggestions or favorites from before then please do tell. Just no rape/hypnosis/violence stuff, it's not for me.

I went sifting through EGS...I've been playing average stuff all along according to them, with a few above average ones here and there.

Hell even my favorite game Sengoku Koihime got only 75 at EGS, just because it doesn't have ero scenes. I'm expecting at least 80 from the remake X though.

I don't usually put much stock in the game's scores from EGS or VNDB. Some titles I liked didn't get high scores, some titles with high scores I hated... Still, I often look at reviews on the site after finishing a game, some users write some pretty detailed stuff. I may give Sengoku Koihime a try, thanks, not too much into linear plots and polygamy though.

I finished the trial of Amakano 2 and am definitely looking forward to it. It's still a shame that Azarashisoft's system for the namable protagonist (based on Amakano 1) is way inferior to Lovely/PrettyxCation even if you use the default name, but other than that Amakano 2 seems quite to my liking. A proactive MC, good heroines from what I saw, and likely lot of "awww" moments. Who needs drama in this case?
Did they again go with the kinda awkward "anata-sama", "danna-sama", "kouhai-kun" style of calling the MC ? Honestly I'd rather they just went with a normal name, in Amakano that just felt off. Well, Koharu's "senpai" was fine I guess, can't remember what she switched to when you got closer to her.

Do you use the Lovely Call system in LxC/PxC ? There's quite a lot of choice (though of course, no foreign names) but in the end I just turned it off and only left "senpai". It got better over the games but it still doesn't integrate well enough in the lines to not feel out of place to me.

Anyway, I haven't really looked at December's releases yet, glad to see Amakano gets a sequel, I liked the first one.


Still going with 恋する気持ちのかさねかた, it's actually quite an enjoyable read. I like the general attitude of the characters in the face of their problems, they act in a more grown-up way than I've been used to. I was surprised at how short the common path was, basically heroine introductions and that's it, but I don't dislike it. It makes the story more focused on the relationship building between the MC and one heroine at once, rather than raising everyone flags at the same time, it's something I really appreciate since I usually frown at MCs fooling around left and right.

It's just a shame the routes themselves are so short. I already played through Mio, Hiyori and Ichika's... I'd rather they cut down on the number of heroines and put more content on individual routes : although there was some icha-icha and some drama it just felt that it was going too fast. Ecchi scene are also some of the shortest I've seen...
Did they again go with the kinda awkward "anata-sama", "danna-sama", "kouhai-kun" style of calling the MC ? Honestly I'd rather they just went with a normal name, in Amakano that just felt off. Well, Koharu's "senpai" was fine I guess, can't remember what she switched to when you got closer to her.

Do you use the Lovely Call system in LxC/PxC ? There's quite a lot of choice (though of course, no foreign names) but in the end I just turned it off and only left "senpai". It got better over the games but it still doesn't integrate well enough in the lines to not feel out of place to me.

Anyway, I haven't really looked at December's releases yet, glad to see Amakano gets a sequel, I liked the first one.

In the trial, it's so far the usual "anata "kimi" "sempai" usage. I agree that Amakano 1's usage felt awkward, although I'm fine with Danna-sama :), but it's still better than leaving the part blank in the voice over when the name remains written in the text >_<.

@LovelyxCall system: I'm lazy and use for all MC's the name Yuuji *lol*. When I started LxC1, the previous VNs had quite a few Yuuji's as their MC, so I guess that name sticked with me since then.

I just saw that 淫らに喘ぐ七人の夜這いする孕女 ( comes out tomorrow. The precedors are quite the nukige VNs but once in a while that kind of stuff is "fun". The synopsis states that this one will also use the same "lucid dream" scenario, which I find personally the weakest part of their former nukige duology (Yobai Suru Shichinin no Harame) because I think in the second title the MC was actually an (aspiring?) doctor and yet he never questioned those "real-ish dreams" beyond the first two times. And I was like "C'mon now, seriously? You already noticed the same freaking aroma fragrance whenever the dreams occur, yet no further thoughts being put behind it afterwards - as a doctor!"

Maybe I'll look into as well if not for the big drama tag on VNDB. I'll need at least to be wary.
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I don't usually put much stock in the game's scores from EGS or VNDB. Some titles I liked didn't get high scores, some titles with high scores I hated... Still, I often look at reviews on the site after finishing a game, some users write some pretty detailed stuff. I may give Sengoku Koihime a try, thanks, not too much into linear plots and polygamy though.

A Remake / or more like extended version with new chapters + h-scenes are coming at april so playing that instead of the original might be better, well of course they may just mess the entire game up too though. I still think its worth of waiting, since as I said its pretty much my favorite game. Story & characters are also pretty good but the best thing I liked from it was the atmosphere. Its not just between MC and the heroine, you can see how heroines with other heroines are getting along slowly with each other as you play the game, it doesn't happen in an instant and at some point they just feels like a family. Specially after chapter 13-14 that family atmosphere just made it to my top, as I didnt anything like that so far in the eroge industry. Well its just my personal tastes so you might not like it as much as I do though.

And I'm playing さみだれグローインアップ, To be honest I expected some great game just as their older moege company seal-QUALIA's あまたらすリドルスター, but this happened to be a pretty shitty game. MC is almost non-existent, he is not even in the dialogs yet girls still somehow gives him credit, fall in love with him. Pacing also really sucks, everything happen in 3-5 lines. Last but not least; comedy is really bad as well. I didnt laugh at any scenes for sure. The only good thing about it is the animated non-h CGs, yet I'm still playing it for some reason. I guess I'll finish one route and delete it asap.
TravelingStars: Done with Fin's route...that hit the spot, but it's just me, as nothing's going on in that route...I like it that way.

...but the message at the conclusion is...
There will be no more god[dess]...there will be no more relying on gods.
Well I mostly agree about it, as my favorite games are also got pretty average scores at EGS. I'm just saying that I think the Princess Evangile got what score it deserves at this time since I found it as an average game as well, definitely not speaking for entire EGS.

Not to pour water on your parade, but there isnt much need to pay attention to EGS. Given my blank in this market for nearly 3 years now, I do still see it as a pretty mainstream forum with very good members who can give specific viewpoints on things but doesnt necessary equal to being right. They typically do and rate the highly popular and high-volume sales titles, and slamming the true shitty ideas/games till companies go burst as a result.

'Normal fare' has no place in those sites, so like I always said to others; enjoy what you like and if you liked it till the end (100% all route etc), what others say dont matter as much. What they say might be right, but in the end its your share of fun. :D

Not to pour water on your parade, but there isnt much need to pay attention to EGS. Given my blank in this market for nearly 3 years now, I do still see it as a pretty mainstream forum with very good members who can give specific viewpoints on things but doesnt necessary equal to being right. They typically do and rate the highly popular and high-volume sales titles, and slamming the true shitty ideas/games till companies go burst as a result.

'Normal fare' has no place in those sites, so like I always said to others; enjoy what you like and if you liked it till the end (100% all route etc), what others say dont matter as much. What they say might be right, but in the end its your share of fun. :D


Of course there is no need for looking into a game's score after you have finished it, if you had enjoyed it's all that matters even if it got 0 or 100, I completely agree about that. But I still find EGS pretty useful, specially the reviews are pretty good for the games which you didnt play, or started but didnt enjoy very much / wondering if it gets better etc. + クリエイターの情報 is a huge help for me for checking the cast's older works.

About the scores, just as you said there'll be always some overrated or underrated games in every score system since everyone has their own tastes so insignificant difference between numbers are not important for sure. But then again I dont think I'd put a game which got only 40 from it to my top of the backlog, as its already bigger than 150+.

In short scores are just giving an idea, For example I'm mostly skipping the games which got lower than 65 unless I have some special interest for a heroine (like a blind heroine etc) or saw some really great reviews about it, like ナデレボ. I'm not saying its a right thing to do but gotta stop that backlog somehow.

Still I'd be very glad if sengoku koihime X could pass the 80 at least ;_; Maybe I should create some acc and spam 100 or something.
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A Remake / or more like extended version with new chapters + h-scenes are coming at april so playing that instead of the original might be better, well of course they may just mess the entire game up too though. I still think its worth of waiting, since as I said its pretty much my favorite game. Story & characters are also pretty good but the best thing I liked from it was the atmosphere. Its not just between MC and the heroine, you can see how heroines with other heroines are getting along slowly with each other as you play the game, it doesn't happen in an instant and at some point they just feels like a family. Specially after chapter 13-14 that family atmosphere just made it to my top, as I didnt anything like that so far in the eroge industry. Well its just my personal tastes so you might not like it as much as I do though.
You've sparked my interest, I loved 家族計画 (the 2013 remake), which also deals a lot with family. I'll see if I wait for the X-rated remake or just play the game as is, personally sometimes the ecchi feels out of place in this kind of games.

In short scores are just giving an idea, For example I'm mostly skipping the games which got lower than 65 unless I have some special interest for a heroine (like a blind heroine etc) or saw some really great reviews about it, like ナデレボ. I'm not saying its a right thing to do but gotta stop that backlog somehow.
I hadn't looked at ナデレボ!'s reviews, the game really got trashed. I mean the game certainly wasn't great but 50? That's harsh.


I finished 恋する気持ちのかさねかた last night, and my opinion remains that the routes are far too short. Half the heroines and double the content per route would have been much better I think. With such a short scenario, it's all the more obvious how shortcuts have to be taken to get the MC and heroine closer together : everyone but Yukie (but she's a neighbor) end up crashing at the MC's house for some reason or other, and while some of these are okayish (Mio, Hiyori), most feel really forced and out of place (especially Saori). Heroines also either start in love with the MC already, or develop feelings in a couple of days, it's too fast.

Another thing that struck me as I played through the routes, is that the MC, despite how cool and smart the text keeps describing him, is really passive and easily swayed. Not once did he take the initiative. All the girls end up confessing to him and even then, he's all hesitant and unsure, but in the end he always breaks. Ecchi-wise, he never brings up the courage to initiate the deed, it always comes from the heroine. Gentleman ? Maybe, but feels more like hetare to me...

One more thing that appeared as I played further : some routes have little or nothing to do at all with the school integration. It's central in Mio's route, and Yukie's route is quite involved as well. Akane's route however is a sports thing, Hiyori's route has a very thin link to it (daddy issues) and Saori is something else entirely (family problems)... Why make such an elaborate setting, talked at length in an already short game, and just throw it away?

Finally, I played Yukie's route last and it felt really out of place in this kind of game.

Was there really a need to bring a Chijo in this title? I mean, filming yourself masturbating and sending the film to the MC, peeking on the MC's own masturbation (both before getting together...), recording your first experience and reviewing it the next day, sex in the student council room that is easily peeked into (as per Saori's route), naked extensive sex in a park, walking vibrator play? Of course, all of this at the request of the heroine herself... I don't remember starting this kind of game.


Maybe I'll look into as well if not for the big drama tag on VNDB. I'll need at least to be wary.
見上げてごらん、夜空の星を seems interesting, I'm actually in the mood for some drama right now so I may play that next, or dig up another nakige from Key.
見上げてごらん、夜空の星を is actually pretty nice so far in the common route. I like the frequent changes between present time and the past as it nicely fleshes out the inital childhood friend group. I thought it was good that there was an early reveal about Hikari's future circumstances, instead of saving it for a sudden "No way?!" kind of drama, even though I'm pretty sure the issue may come up a few more times (especially in her own route).

Also, I didn't know that AXL's new game will be a sequel for 恋する乙女と守護の楯 with Shuuji the poor crossdressing undercover bodyguard. The setting appears to take place in the same school as the first Koi Tate but without any recurring characters, based on the character list on the homepage so far.
A new Ninetail title - Gears of Dragoon 2 - is also in development. I'm honestly not too fond of of their gameplay elements as it tends to involve boring grinds to get the required magic stones for status resistance etc >_< but Gears of Dragoon 1 wasn't too horrible. An Easy Mode to insta-win battles certainly helped for inpatient players like I *lol*. Randy was an annoying MC and sadly pretty terrible personality-wise throughout most of the Chaos route (only the last two chapters, iirc, were actually worth it for my picky tastes) but Gaist and the female cast was quite lovely. Sheeta! Anyway, maybe I should check out the trial this time.
What else? Studio E.GO is working on Izumo 4 O_O. I thought they were dead *cough*. はにかみCLOVER by Studio Ryokucha. I loved 祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に。because Maria's character reminded me of Airi from Mashiro-iro Symphony. One of their other title 恋色空模様 wasn't too bad either but the drama in most individual routes was pretty annoying and gave me the urge to bite my keyboard. It had a few great background music tracks, though.
And I'm playing 塔の下のエクセルキトゥス from my backlog, Its definitely nothing more than waste of the plot & awesome art. There is almost nothing for the relationship development as most of the vns which have gameplay; You clear a dungeon & suddenly one of the heroines come and say "please fuck me" even though there wasn't any events between you and her. First MC hesitant a little with classic "You cant give your virginity just like this, gotta treasure it" etc pattern, but in the end he still fuck all of them.

Also MC does NOTHING yet everyone thinks him so highly, open their legs as soon as they saw him. For example; he repairs a fucking lighter and everyone goes like SUGOI SUGOI WOW OMG WHAT A GUY. I dont know who the hell did write this, but he should definitely work harder about the those parts.

I think I'll play a little longer and see every heroine first, but I dont think well of this for sure. Still some people might like it though, As I said it has a really great art and good character design, Not a bad / or at least boring / gameplay + decent VAs, so if you can overlook the story part you can enjoy with clearing dungeons & fucking cute girls.

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